Is Bubble the Best No-Code Development Platform?

No-code development can’t replace professional developers yet. However, it’s certainly getting better at creating software. Some of the best no-code development platforms can already create efficient and reasonably complex apps. stands out among these services due to its reliability and versatility. We know this because one of the Devtorium teams is using Bubble to develop an ERP solution for our company.

According to forecasts, the global no-code/low-code development platform market will reach $187 billion by 2030. If things continue as they are now, Bubble will be among the top platforms there. So, if you are wondering whether to choose it for your own MVP development, keep reading. Our team compiled a list of the platform’s pros and cons based on their experiences.

Benefits of Using No-Code Development Platforms for Small & Medium Business

No-code and low-code development platforms have been around for a while. Initially, they were very limited and mostly served as aids for developers. In essence, even today, no-code development is often used to cut down the software engineer’s work hours and involvement in a project. However, this tech can’t replace the professional entirely. That’s because an expert must manage it.

That said, no-code development offers small and medium businesses a great opportunity. These platforms enable SMBs to create affordable customized software to boost their business’ productivity and speed up inner processes.

Moreover, using a no-code development platform is a fantastic way to build your MVP. If you have an idea, this type of solution will allow you to make it presentable to attract investors.

However, in order to make the most out of your no-code development project, you must understand the capabilities and limitations of the platform you choose. In this article, we’ll analyze Bubble, one of the leaders among the best no-code development platforms today. 

Is Bubble the best platform for no-code development?

Bubble No-Code Development Platform: Pros & Cons

Advantages of Using Bubble

Every Devtorium developer who used or even researched Bubble says its main advantage is that the platform allows you to write your own logic. Quite often, it’s a massive issue with no-code platforms because they only let you develop solutions based on built-in plans.

However, Bubble allows developers the maximum level of flexibility. So, you can use this platform to create almost any type of solution. For example, this includes marketplaces, SaaS, dashboards, or even your very own social network.

Our devs believe Bubble is an excellent platform to test your ideas. You can use it for developing an app fast and evaluating how all the features you want to include fit together. You can also use it to have a focus group test the app. This way, you’ll be able to assess and improve your app development plans. In addition, you can see the audience’s response to it.

Aside from the flexibility, Bubble offers a wide range of functionalities you can integrate into your app. This no-code development platform is extremely versatile and has a vast plugin marketplace. Therefore, there is hardly a feature you can’t find. Therefore you should be able to create precisely the type of software you want.

Moreover, there is a thriving Bubble community, and the platform’s support service works exceptionally well. So you’ll be able to find advice or discuss any questions you have. 

Bubble No-Code Platform Limitations

Even the best no-code development platforms aren’t perfect. So you need to consider their limitations before settling on a no-code platform for your project. In fact, your long-term plans are the foremost thing to consider when using Bubble. For example, if the platform doesn’t have the capability for features you want to add in the future, reconsider using it at all.

Of course, no-code development platforms evolve and release new features and functionalities regularly. However, betting the future of your own project on this chance is probably a mistake.

That said, you must remember that the features you might like at the idea stage aren’t what your target audience needs and wants. So from this point of view, creating a high-quality MVP with Bubble might pay off because you’ll be able to collect relevant feedback. But bear in mind that you might need to move to a different platform or even build your native app from scratch again using different technology.

In addition, we discovered that Bubble is flexible for functional design but not for UI/UX design. It’s a fundamental fact to keep in mind when you try to bring your idea to life using Bubble. You’ll be disappointed if you believe you can create a functional app and upgrade the design later, you’ll be disappointed.

Bubble no-code development platform is somewhat limiting in UI/UX design adjustments. It means you have room to create an attractive UI design as you start developing, but you can’t change it much after creating the app. So the solution is to have your design on hand when you start working with this no-code development platform.

Pros and cons of using Bubble for no-code development.

Bottom Line: How to Choose the Best No-Code Development Platform

If you think about no-code development, Bubble is definitely one of the best options today. Our developers tested it extensively and were very impressed. However, you need to remember that all these platforms have limitations. The most important among them is processing power.

Simply put, no-code is suitable for small and medium projects. However, enterprise-level businesses won’t be satisfied with the results.

You need to consider your specific needs and plans to choose the best among no-code platforms. Research what each option can deliver and pick the one that meets your needs best. Don’t forget to consider the price because these solutions won’t be free if you want to have a decent amount of processing power.

Types of User Interfaces: Tips for Hiring a UI Design Company

If you plan to create any kind of app or software product in general, you will need to work with a UI design company. Of course, it may not be called this exact way because designers usually work with UI and UX simultaneously. Moreover, a custom software development company will most likely have a design team. Therefore, you’ll just dive into the most interesting question immediately. And that question is, what kind of user interface do you want to have?

Technology is evolving, and we’ve now moved on from the point where graphical interfaces were your only option. Keep reading to learn what alternatives you have now. Also, remember that consumers are hunting for the best UI/UX experience today. Therefore, investing in a creative and well-optimized interface is sure to help you get ahead even in a highly competitive market.

Before You Hire a UI Design Company: What Is UI?

Before we start listing trending UI types, let’s see if you understand what UI is and the difference between UI and UX design services. In essence, UI includes everything the user interacts with to navigate information within the device. For example, for a computer program, this will include:

  • Desktop appearances
  • Computer mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Clickable buttons
  • Text entry fields
  • Texts
  • Sliders
  • Screen layouts
  • Transitions between screens
  • Interface animations

So, if you thought that a UI/UX designer only thinks about making your app look pretty, you’ve severely underestimated the work they have to put in when creating a friendly user interface. Moreover, you also need to consider that UI development goes beyond design. A lot of technical work is involved in making your app genuinely user-friendly and attractive.

Meanwhile, UX design is an integral part of this process because it ensures that the user interface is easy and intuitive to interact with.

For a very long time, software products only relied on graphical user interfaces due to technological limitations. However, now you have the freedom to use top-notch tech to make your solutions more interactive. In addition, IoT and smart assistants, like Alexa or Siri, have become the norm today. According to TechJury, about 64 billion IoT devices will be in use worldwide by 2025. So, developing a more advanced UI type is guaranteed to be a good investment.

Types of User Interfaces: Things to Discuss With Your UI Design Company

Graphical User Interface: what to know when hiring a UI design company

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Graphical user interfaces are the most popular and some of the simplest available today. You interact with them daily by clicking on any icon, whether with a mouse or your finger on a touchscreen. These interfaces are best used for multitasking (when the user runs several apps at a time) or for complex programs.

GUIs are the standard go-to that every UI design company will focus on first. In the majority of cases, any other tech additions will be built upon after completing the graphical component of your solution.

The main advantages of a GUI include the following:

  • Attractive design
  • Very user-friendly
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Absence of challenging commands
  • Understandable for people without a background in tech

However, GUIs are not perfect. First of all, they can be slow and require a lot of RAM to run (for advanced versions). In some cases, the user might require extensive additional hardware to run some graphical interfaces. For example, think of last-gen video games.

Voice-Controlled Interfaces are taking over the world! Missing out on this now might make it impossible to remain competitive

Voice-Controlled Interface (VUI)

How often do you talk to Alexa? Or Siri? Or how reliant are you on your Google Assistant? If you use any of those, you’ve probably noticed that they become an integral part of your daily life so easily that you don’t even see it. However, removing them now will make everything so much harder, right?

Voice-controlled user interfaces are not a big part of a regular UI design company’s services. Therefore, you’ll need to search for specialized developers to launch a product like that. Moreover, creating such software from scratch will require a significant investment. However, you can definitely consider integrating functionality that will connect your software product to one or all of the existing voice interfaces.

Voice-controlled interfaces are becoming more popular, and this trend will undoubtedly grow. They enable users to interact with their devices more efficiently, which is necessary in the hectic modern world. In addition, the teaching capabilities of VUI solutions are unparalleled.

Benefits of VUIs include:

  • Anyone can use them easily, no matter their level of tech proficiency
  • Easy integration with multiple devices
  • Translations make them available globally
  • Enables easy human-like interaction with your tech

However, before you plan to create a VUI for your product, remember that the number of commands that can be integrated with it now is small. This technology is still developing, so tech issues and limitations might exist. Also, while translations are excellent, there are only a few of those now.

How to design a great interface? Ask your UI design company

Natural Language Interface

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technologies have been evolving for a while. They are an inseparable part of the AI development process. Devtorium is a company experienced in working with this technology as we’ve designed and launched an AI-powered platform Marquètte. Natural Language Interfaces (NLI) are designed for this tech as they enable the user to communicate with computers using human language.

After ChatGPT had gone viral, interest in NLI increased greatly. Many businesses are now looking for ways to integrate this tech into their product. So, if you plan on creating any type of software, you definitely should consider expanding beyond a regular UI design company’s services. In essence, a chatbot of some kind is a must-have for business right now.

The main benefits of an NLI include:

  • Incredibly varied and numerous application possibilities
  • Great level of personalization for user-tech communication
  • Ability to create a realistic interaction, especially with voice generators
  • Can enhance existing software products
  • Context-sensitive responses that are getting more precise

The only significant drawback of VUIs is that they are now challenging to program. However, this technology is evolving rapidly, so we are sure to see fast growth in AI. The hardware needed to run this tech is also expensive. So, resources will also be an issue, unless you rely entirely on third-party products.

#ChatGPT has gone viral. Can you afford to NOT have a chatbot for your business today?

Final Things to Consider Before Hiring a UI Design Company

In this article, we focused only on UI types that someone interested in developing an innovative software product can use to boost their business plan. However, many other types are used daily, for example, the command line interface that developers often use or menu-based interfaces you interact with when using ATM machines and the like.

There are also advanced technologies that never managed to become popular for some reason, like gesture-based interfaces. Those holographic screens looked so cool in sci-fi movies and when Tony Stark was using them, but current tech doesn’t allow making them a viable option.

That said, we live in times when tech is evolving lightning fast. So, investing in cutting-edge interfaces is a smart move. You might not even notice how they turn from cutting-edge to an everyday staple feature. Therefore, it’s best to be ahead!

In order to do this, you should focus on hiring not merely a UI design company but experienced developers that can help you create a versatile solution. In this case, you’ll be able to develop a product with several interfaces to ensure a wider reach. Expand your target audience to stand out from your competitors.

Do you want to learn how to do this within your current budget? Set up a meeting with our team!

How to Choose a Tech Stack for AI-Driven SaaS Development

AI-driven SaaS development is one of the best investments ever because this tech trend is scorching hot. According to SpendDesk research, an average public SaaS company is now worth around $27 billion. Moreover, it’s estimated that 85% of all business applications will be SaaS-based by 2025. Undoubtedly, in a couple more years, software as a service will replace all other types.

If you need more motivation to invest in SaaS platform development, consider the following numbers:

  • Gartner estimates that cloud spending will amount to 45% of all enterprise IT spending by 2026.
  • The SaaS industry value is over $172 billion and constantly growing, says Exploding Topics.
  • Private European investment in SaaS is growing by 3.2, year over year, claims Paddle. However, the US remains the leader among SaaS companies and investors.

This list could go on, but there is only one conclusion, SaaS development services are gold right now. So, it pays to get onto that train as soon as possible.

If you decide to use this incredible opportunity and create a SaaS product, you need to look for a company with a tech stack for it. In case this is your first time, here are a few tips on choosing a tech stack for AI-driven SaaS development. We’ll also suggest the best technologies for these projects.

what is the best back-end technology for AI-driven SaaS development?

What to Consider When Choosing a Tech Stack for AI-Driven SaaS Development?

First of all, you must understand what drives the choice of a tech stack for any software development project. Five crucial factors will dictate your decision regarding technologies.

  • Scalability.
    Modern technology changes extremely fast, and your project will grow fast as well if it’s successful. Therefore, you must choose systems that allow continuous evolution and growth and integrate new features with minimal disruption.
  • Time-to-market.
    How fast can you release the product on the market? The answer is always as quickly as possible’. Even if it’s not the final version, the product should start making money and pay for itself early. In addition, launching an MVP will provide you with invaluable user feedback. Use it to make improvements in later product versions. However, remember that it will grow and change constantly.
  • Learning curve.
    It might happen that you need to change developers after launching your product. Therefore, you should consider the learning curve of the technology used for it. Think about how much time the new team will need to understand the project and start doing their job. Moreover, the tech stack will determine how hard it is for you even to find a new team. So, it’s always best to use widespread technologies.
  • Code maintainability.
    Think long-term and consider how your code can be maintained over time. For this, you need to consider whether the programming language you choose has an active community with strong support. In addition, make sure that code isn’t overly complicated. Again, this will become necessary if you need to change your AI-driven SaaS development company.
  • Support.
    Future product support is another thing to take into account when planning long-term. Overall, it’s best to choose technologies that have existed for a while and remain strong.

AI-Driven SaaS Development Tech Stack: Best Back-End Choices

The basis of your entire AI SaaS product starts with back-end development. It’s the foundation of your application, so you must ensure it’s as strong as possible. Therefore, no matter how innovative your AI-driven SaaS development idea is, it’s best to build the foundation on time-tested reliable technologies.

The best SaaS development choices for back-end tech include:

  • .NET (C#)
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python

Each choice will enable you to create a reliable and adaptable application. Moreover, these technologies are quite popular. Therefore, you shouldn’t have any issues changing developers or adding new people to your team as the product grows.

Speaking of growth, all these technologies allow for efficient scalability. So you’ll be able to improve and add new features fast.

There is no single best choice among these programming languages. This particular decision should be based on your product’s functionality and budget. Discuss this matter with experienced developers as they can advise on which choice will benefit the project most.

Best front-end technolgies for AI-driven SaaS development.

Best Front-End Technologies for SaaS Platform Development

JavaScript reigns supreme when it comes to AI-driven SaaS development. It’s hard to believe, but less than five years ago, about 95% of all websites used JavaScript. Therefore, there is no better choice for your SaaS development in the front-end department. In fact, one of the top back-end options we mentioned above is Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment for back-end development.

In regards to the front-end department, the best choices are all JavaSript frameworks:

  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue.js

You’ll need to get expert opinions and think long-term when choosing between them. It’s essential to have some idea of the changes you wish to implement to expand the product in the future. These technologies vary in flexibility, and adding specific features down the line might be more challenging for some of them. So, plan your moves ahead and think big. Even if you never implement the changes you plan at the beginning, you’ll be sure there is room for them.

Remember that rewriting your product in a new language later can be prohibitively expensive. Moreover, it might take you off the market for a while.

Start Your AI-Driven SaaS Development Project Right Now!

As you can see, the whole process of choosing a tech stack for AI-driven SaaS development seems a straightforward process. The best choices are indeed few, and they are well-known. It means you can easily research every programming language and framework to learn its strengths and weaknesses.

However, making the actual choice isn’t that easy. This decision can have a massive impact on your project’s success. Therefore, you must consider it very carefully.

It would be best to consult an experienced SaaS development company first. Find people you can trust and explain your ideas to them. If your research led you to something, share this with the developers. For example, you can say why you think .NET is the best choice compared to Node.js. Then, let experienced developers share their ‘insider knowledge’ of the framework. These negotiations should result in you making the best possible choice for your future project.

Want to see how this works? Schedule a free consultation with our team right now!

Devtorium has years of experience in SaaS products for various industries. Moreover, we’ve recently launched our own AI-powered SaaS platform, Marquètte, used for content generation. As a result, we can analyze your idea and devise several plans to bring it to life, considering your budget and long-term goals.

AI Chatbot Development: What a Chatbot Can Do

As you must know, GPT Chat has recently gone way beyond viral and unlocked new levels of popularity, so AI chatbot development has become the hottest trend. So, if you want to get on this trend before it’s too late, you need to hurry, as new AI-powered services are popping up overnight. In fact, even Devtorium launched an AI content generator, Marquètte.

All this means two things:

  • You need to invest in chatbot development as soon as possible to launch your product before the competition gets too intense.
  • Devtorium developers have a lot of experience in AI-powered software development, which we can put to good use to realize your ideas.

So, you know why invest in chatbot development services and who can do it for you. Therefore, the main question is, what kind of custom chatbot service do you want to launch?

AI chatbot development goes well beyond simple chatbots we are used to relying on as shopping assistants. This technology advances fast, and this kind of tool can complete many versatile and complex tasks now. In this article, we’ll share some ideas on what a chatbot can do today. Use it for inspiration or research when working on your AI-powered business plan.

AI Chatbot Development Ideas for Business: What Chatbots Can Do

AI chatbot development for customer service.

Chatbot Development for Customer Support

The most common use of chatbots today is, of course, creating visual assistants to make customer support more affordable. According to Gartner research, chatbots will become the primary customer service provider over the next five years. Moreover, about 74% of internet users prefer interacting with a chatbot when looking for answers to simple questions. Other studies also show that AI-powered assistants can reach the level of experienced sales professionals. Therefore, they can help your business quite effectively.

Additionally, chatbots can perform a wide range of tasks in their customer service role.

  • Answering questions.
    The best use of a chatbot is to give customers 24/7 support that can answer the most common questions. There might be some advanced issues that a machine can’t handle, but those can be rerouted to your human experts.
  • Processing customer inquiries.
    AI chatbot development can create an assistant that will integrate into the process of your interaction with the customers. AI can collect data and process it transferring inquiries to different business departments or even answering some of them automatically.
  • Finding, inventory checking, and recommending products.
    A great help for eCommerce businesses are chatbots that can lead the customer when they want to find a product fast. The AI can then check the inventory in real-time and recommend a replacement or additional products.
  • Processing return and exchange requests.
    AI chatbot development allows you to automate the return/exchange process completely, thus reducing the risk of human error. You’ll get a boost in customer experience and satisfaction out of it.
  • Tracking order shipments.
    Allow your customers to track their orders with an AI assistant.
  • Collecting and processing feedback.
    Chatbot development can produce a solution that will collect feedback more effectively through personalized requests. Moreover, it can immediately process the data.

AI chatbot development for marketing your business.

AI Chatbot Development for Marketing

There are many ways to use AI-powered platforms for marketing. The main purpose of these tools is to cut costs and increase the efficiency of information processing and analysis. In addition, you can teach your AI assistant to cross-sell, upsell, and downsell, to increase business revenue. Some ideas for marketing chatbot development include:

  • Lead generation.
    There can’t be too many ways to generate leads. So if you have a chance to use a chatbot for it, do this!
  • Second-net lead generation.
    What did we just say about ‘never too many lead generation routes’? If you aren’t using a chatbot as a primary lead gen contact, set it up as the second-net step so it can engage customers who ignored the initial lead generation form.
  • Pricing explanation.
    Pricing pages can be complicated for many users, especially if the service has a multiple-tier subscription system. Adding a chatbot at this stage will combine marketing, support, and sales efforts into a solution that will guide the customer to the subscription that suits them best.
  • Unobtrusive and engaging product promotion.
    AI chatbot development allows you to create an assistant that will be a witty and fun conversation partner for your customers. As an added feature, it can also promote your products as an organic part of the conversation instead of a self-promotion advertisement.
  • Powering up funnel marketing.
    You can include a chatbot to assist you and increase customer engagement at every level of your marketing funnel.
  • Assistance with quizzes, promotions, and contests.
    Chatbots can help you implement and process data collected by many popular marketing tools, like quizzes and contests. They can also help run promotions by engaging customers.

How to use AI chatbot development for sales.

AI Chatbot Development for Sales

Now, let’s be honest, a chatbot is not yet able to sell something as well as an experienced human sales professional. Moreover, the majority of people prefer interacting with humans, especially when discussing more complex topics. However, AI chatbot development can facilitate your sales process as a whole by assisting at several stages.

  • Offering product demos and showcasing them.
    A chatbot can help increase conversions and boost page visitor engagement by offering and running an attractive showcase of the product. It can be personalized for different target audience segments for better conversion chances.
  • AI-powered personal shopping assistant.
    The popularity of personal shoppers speaks for itself. AI can handle this task extremely well, especially with its capabilities for data processing and personalization. It may not sell directly, but it will help customers choose products, as well as cross-sell.
  • Providing quotes and estimates.
    Integrating AI chatbot development with your databases and business tools can create a bot capable of giving precise quotes and promoting your products at the same time. It’s a great opportunity for growth and conversion.
  • Connecting sales and customer support.
    Offering sales assistance, product promotion, and customer support in one place is a sure win with the customers. Create a chatbot that will help your visitors in every way and switch automatically to guide the user to conversion. AI is advanced enough to do it. You just need a custom product development team that can unlock its potential for you.

AI chatbot development helps every business.

Bottom Line: Chatbot Development Is for Everyone

The simple truth is that every business today can benefit from investing in a chatbot development company. The potential in this industry is limitless. You can use the bot to assist your own business from within or to engage your customers. The only limits here are your imagination and current technology level. However, the latter is growing fast.

We’ll stop here today. However, in the future, expect to see more articles about applying chatbots in different industries, including healthcare and fintech.

End-to-End Development: Benefits for Business Success in 2022

End-to-end development can provide a software product that will enable your business to grow considerably. An end-to-end solution opens multiple opportunities for improving workflows and increasing profitability. Understanding the advantages of this type of development will help you decide whether it’s a good investment for your business. We would like to help you make the best choice for your company.  In this post, our experts will explain both pros and cons of end-to-end software development.

What Is End-to-End Development?

When it comes to end-to-end custom software product development, a vendor has to provide you with

  • Establishing all the necessary software or hardware requirements
  • Solution installation services
  • Solution integration with third-party software (if needed)
  • Complete solution setup
  • Software maintenance

All in all, no other service providers should be involved in the end-to-end development process. For example, an end-to-end e-commerce solution aims to address business needs regarding order processing, stock and warehouse management, and accounts systems.

One of the most significant advantages of the end-to-end model for the customer is reduced business risk. When employing this type of development service, the same professionals will be responsible for the entire creation and maintenance process. Therefore, any issue can be dealt with immediately. In addition, you won’t have to spend extra resources to manage various software development and maintenance stages by several separate teams.

Why end-to-end development is a good investment for s business.

End-to-End Development Benefits for Your Business

Custom-tailored end-to-end solution (E2ES)

The main benefit is getting a solution that is ideally in tune with your business. Depending on your requirements for the product, it might provide you with an aerial view of all the workflows. Therefore, you’ll be able to monitor every aspect of the business in real time. Such help can be invaluable if your goal is to maximize profit and reduce waste and redundancy. Solutions created by an enterprise web development company can be highly complex and flexible to account for every tiny business detail.

Moreover, your total control of the business process through such solutions will enable faster and more efficient modernization. It will also help grow overall productivity and improve the performance of every unit within the enterprise.

Reduced costs and extra income

Calculating the cost of end-to-end software development is a complicated process that largely depends on the customer’s requirements. However, you can be sure that hiring an end-to-end solution developer will be cheaper than hiring several contractors to create and manage the software.

Moreover, some mistakes and issues will surely happen when different people work on one project. Therefore, it will mean losses for your business on several levels. Therefore, having a single team handle every step of the software product lifecycle is more cost-efficient overall.

In addition, consider the extra income you will gain from the productivity boost. No one can argue that top-quality custom software helps increase profits. So, the result of hiring a dedicated end-to-end development company is a reduction of your costs and the growth of your income.

Operational efficiency

Human error is an essential factor that every business must consider. Using top-grade custom software is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of human error today. However, you must remember that people who create and manage this software are liable to make mistakes. This chance increases if several unconnected teams work with the same product. Therefore, the foremost benefit of an end-to-end solution (E2ES) is reduced risk of human error.

Of course, people might make mistakes in these teams. However, if the solution is closely monitored by people who understand it fully, they can resolve any issues quickly and efficiently.

Using end-to-end development also often helps businesses boost their operational efficiency through automation. It can help you optimize workflows and improve overall resource management.


End-to-end development is safer in every way. First of all, you only need to have an airtight NDA with one company. But even more important is that an end-to-end solution (E2ES) has fewer security risks.

It’s important to remember that every third-party software integration makes a solution more vulnerable to outside attacks. Also, in this case, you would rely on each of those other solutions being up-to-date with security.

In addition, it’s pretty common for different solutions to fail at integration after their separate updates. Therefore, your whole business might be at risk.

Meanwhile, an end-to-end enterprise web development company can create a highly secure software product. The developers will also update its security regularly as part of maintenance. So, you can be sure that your business is always protected from the latest cyber threats.

Why end-to-end solutions development can be the right choice for you.


For the majority of businesses, growth is one of their foremost goals. And every business owner understands that workflow disruptions at a critical time can cause a loss of growth opportunities. Those chances might not come up again. Moreover, the business might lose a lot of money. For example, if a significant disruption happens during some big seasonal sale or a costly marketing campaign.

The ability to scale fast is one of the most significant benefits of end-to-end development. These solutions are literally designed to grow with your business. Therefore, the vendor can collaborate with the software developer to facilitate any changes in business workflows.

This way, you will not only ensure that your company runs smoothly at any time. But you will also maintain top-grade efficiency with new parameters. So, you’ll have a better chance to retain the loyalty of new customers.

Scaling up your business becomes easier and more affordable with an end-to-end solution. Moreover, you can benefit from the development company’s analytical data to help you choose the best moment and build an efficient strategy.


Transparency is essential for any business. End-to-end development allows you to have more transparency in matters related to software. Working with a single team, you will have more effective communication. In addition, you will have access to everything that’s happening on the project.

It means more control over the development process. So you’ll be sure that you are making the best use of your resources. In addition, you will have guarantees that your data is well-protected. If you want to be sure of its safety, choose a development company that holds recognized security certificates.

Cons of end-to-end development for small businesses.

Is End-to-End Development for Everyone?

While the benefits of end-to-end solution development cannot be denied, there are some cases when it’s not the best option. The foremost concern is, of course, the cost. End-to-end development isn’t cheap. Therefore, it’s out of reach for the majority of businesses.

Remember that it’s a long-term investment. So, you’ll need to pour a lot of funds into it long before it pays off fully, let alone starts bringing a profit. Moreover, this project will require a constant flow of funds as developers will need to provide maintenance for the product.

Another thing to consider is that you’ll be stuck with the software development company you hire first. Of course, if some issues arise, it’s possible to change your contractors eventually. However, this will increase the cost and might cause multiple problems on the development side. Therefore, you must be 100% sure of the company you employ for end-to-end solution development.

Scalability can also be a concern. On the one hand, it should be easier for your development team to expand the product. They know all the ins and outs of the project and can work with it most efficiently.

Meanwhile, an end-to-end solution might not be very flexible by design. For example, adding some new advanced features might be impossible because they won’t sync with the original architecture. So, your growth opportunities might be limited down the line. Also, expanding the solutions might be too costly as you might need to rework all of it to accommodate additions.

All in all, you need to consider end-to-end software development with extreme care. Talk to the developers and discuss all pros and cons of this approach. A trustworthy custom software development company will advise you on the best choice for your business.

Bottom Line: End-to-End Development Services You Can Trust

There are many ways in which an end-to-end solution can benefit your business. However, it’s essential to understand that you would be able to enjoy these benefits only when the custom software development company you hire can deliver top-quality services.

When choosing a development team, you need to consider the following:

  • Expertise.
    Check the company’s case studies and discuss their expertise during a meeting. You need to ensure the developers have experience with the exact types of tasks you will set for them.
  • Reputation.
    Look up the company’s reviews online and ask for referrals whenever possible. However, you must also remember that restrictive NDAs cover many software development projects. Therefore, you might not be able to contact the company’s other clients directly.
  • Professionalism.
    You should be able to get a reasonable estimation of the developers’ professionalism at the early stages of negotiations. A reliable development team must be open with you from the start and ready to work with you to achieve the best business outcomes. In addition, evaluate the communication and time management skills of the people you interact with. Would you trust them with your investment?

If, after reading all this, you realize that end-to-end development is the way to go for your business, contact us! We’ll be happy to discuss your ideas and requirements in more detail during a free consultation.

Top 7 Programming Languages for Web Design and Development Services

Everything is turning online these days, so every business requires web design and development services at some point. People can’t imagine their lives without technology, and the Internet and programming languages are becoming the most important instruments for developing these systems. If you are new to this topic and don’t know how to select the best programming language for your future website or software, just keep reading. We’ll explain the top 7 programming languages you should know about before hiring a custom web development company.

Top programming languages for web design and development serrvices today

Choosing Web Design and Development Services: Top 7 Programming Languages


JavaScript is the most popular programming language for web developers worldwide, according to a StackOverflow survey. Its popularity is so high that one can say that JS is one of the core components of the modern Web. Note that this technology is so popular and versatile it’s used not only in front-end development. There are also Node.js for back-end development, as well as JS in Adobe Acrobat and Apache CouchDB.

Over 64% of developers today use JavaScript for programming. So, it’s highly likely that any custom web development company will offer this type of service.

The main reasons for the insane popularity of JS are:

  • Flexibility.
    The main benefit of JS is that it’s implemented by all browsers and is exceptionally versatile. It can be used both at the client and server side in front and back-end development.
  • Framework libraries.
    Extensive framework libraries of JavaScript further increase the flexibility of applications. The most popular among them are React.JS, jQuery, Angular, Express, Vue.js, and Svelte. Using these frameworks makes it possible to create highly complex apps, but their overhead will be reasonably low.
  • Quick communication.
    Another great advantage of JS comes from JavaScript package managers. They enable fast and efficient communication, which helps teams work more productively.
  • Node.js.
    Node.js deserves a separate mention in the JS benefits list because it allows developers to have back-end and front-end code in a single language. Therefore, mastery of JavaScript proves that a custom web development company is able to create an astounding application from the ground up

Your design must solve people’s problems. Therefore, you need to get to know the real people the product will serve.


Python is a programming language that is becoming very popular for eCommerce solution development. The rise of machine learning caused this boost in popularity. Therefore, if you are looking for a provider of web design and development services that will provide you with highly innovative solutions, consider the masters of Python.

This language is both simple and efficient. It’s incredibly flexible as well and has multiple framework libraries. Notably, Python makes it easy to scale apps. Therefore, it’s an excellent option for businesses that are developing fast and want to provide continuous top-level experience to their users.

Developers often appreciate this language for its relative ease. It has English-like syntax, and learning it is probably the fastest compared to other programming languages. It’s one of the reasons why this particular language is often applied in AI development. According to Deloitte analysis (2019), startups that offer AI-powered software increased ROI by $704 million over one year.

Note that Python also makes it easier to identify mistakes in the code. It’s executed line by line. And if a line has a mistake, the system sends out an alert about the issue instead of executing it.

Another significant benefit is that one doesn’t need to write different codes for use on different devices. With Python, only one code can run on any platform. However, remember that there might be platform-specific features that you won’t be able to use this way.


With JavaScript being the most popular programming language for web design and development services, Java might seem obsolete. In fact, it’s common knowledge that experts expect not to see it at the top of programming languages every year.

But Java remains there, and its position is quite firm. Even companies like Google, Netflix, and Amazon are still actively using Java. And it’s highly possible that Java will remain one of the top choices for enterprise-level software development. The main reason for this is security.

It’s a fact that Java is one of the most secure options for software development. According to IBM, data breaches can cost businesses nearly $5 million on average. Of course, any enterprise wants to have the highest security level possible. So, Java is the method they choose to protect their precious data.

Also, Java is a language that doesn’t depend on the platform. Therefore, it’s easy to move Java apps from one platform to another using the Java Virtual Machine. Millions of available libraries further increase the flexibility of development. There are very few things that can’t be created using Java.

Another advantage is that Java is stable as clockwork. It might not be the top trendiest language. However, it’s religiously updated once every six months. Due to this, it’s often jokingly referred to as an ‘immortal language’.


C#, or C-Sharp, is a programming language that enables a custom web development company to create nearly any kind of application you can imagine. It’s a great option for web design and development services if your goals are scalability and integration with other software. That’s an important detail, as applications in C# can easily integrate with other languages.

Microsoft developed this language. Therefore, it receives a lot of top-grade support that’s constantly updated. There is also a ton of literature on this language. So, it’s one of the easiest to learn for a developer. Extensive libraries also make it a lot easier to implement many features.

C# has an advantageous type of safety feature that helps identify and fix mistakes during the development process. When used with the .NET framework, C# allows developers to achieve incredible results. Also, its high level of security makes it a common choice for businesses and enterprises.

This language is one of the most popular for game development today. In particular, it’s the default programming language choice for VR and AR games.


The first thing you ought to understand about PHP is that it’s a server-side programming language. Therefore, it allows the developer and, by extension, your business to use sessions. Meaning it will process information the server stores about a user and send a response based on it in real time. It’s an important advantage for web design and development services if you want to achieve a high level of personalization.

Note that about 80% of all websites use PHP. So, any custom web development company worth its salt should have expertise in it. There are multiple tools and modules for PHP, which is an open-source language by default. Therefore, this language is highly versatile. It can be used to create static and dynamic websites.

One of the biggest advantages of PHP is that it allows for the speedy creation of web apps. Those apps are also very easy to maintain and upgrade with time. All in all, PHP is a cost-efficient option for those who need to launch their website or application fast. It’s often used in CMS, eCommerce, data analytics, and image processing apps.

Also, note that PHP apps are loading faster compared to others. Therefore, this might be the best option if you plan to launch a web application in a region with slower Internet connections.


First of all, you need to know that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. That’s an important thing to consider regarding web design and development services powered by TS. The popularity of TypeScript has been growing over the last few years. It’s not a surprise, as this language gets a lot of support from the giants Microsoft and Google.

The main thing about TypeScript is that it’s a better version of JavaScript with static typing. It allows the detection of a larger number of bugs. So, it makes any code work more efficiently by default. It’s also easier to transfer codes from other languages, like C# or PHP to TS, compared to JS.

Overall, TypeScript can help reduce bugs and is even easier and more intuitive to use for programming. However, there are some coexpression issues between TS and JS. Therefore, while the advantages of TypeScript are many, you should consult your custom web development company on whether this is the best option for your case. It’s important to take into account all pros and cons of this specific language.

But considering its consistently rising popularity. TS could likely become the more cost-efficient option for many businesses.

See how we did it in our case study

View case study


In terms of choosing a provider of web design and development services, business owners must understand that Ruby programming won’t be cheap. It’s because this programming language isn’t as common as JS, PHP, C#, etc. Therefore, the services of a high-class Ruby developer are expensive.

That said, those services can be a worthy investment for many companies. Ruby is definitely one of the most efficient programming languages there are right now. To give you some idea of how efficient it is, just think that GitHub and Airbnb use it.

At the moment, the Ruby on Rails ecosystem has over 3.5K contributors on GitHub. This programming language is one of the most flexible and secure options. Therefore, it’s a good option for enterprise-level companies that are looking for top quality.

In addition, Ruby also allows for rather fast development. So, enterprises get even more benefits as they can launch their project quickly without compromising quality or security.

Also, bear in mind that Ruby developers are highly paid. The framework itself is open-source. Therefore, it’s possible to find a cost-efficient solution when working with a reliable custom web development company. That’s why many startups also choose to use Ruby for their websites and apps.

Another important advantage is the scalability afforded by Ruby on Rails. It’s one more reason why it’s a good choice for innovative startups that have excellent ideas and expect fast growth.

most popular programming languages for web design and development services according to a StackOverflow survey

Bottom Line: Top Programming Languages for Web Design and Development Services in 2022

Choosing a programming language for your website or application is something a customer should discuss with your custom web development company. In fact, this is a decision that should be made only after you outline the idea and goals you have. Experienced developers would be able to offer the best options to achieve your specific goals.

Remember that there is no such thing as an ‘ultimate’ programming language for web design and development services. Each option available today, even those not listed here, has many pros and cons. The choice of language should be based on the scope, budget, and purpose of your project.

However, you can be sure of one thing, there is a perfect way to bring any idea to life through custom web development. So, if you want to see your project take form and help grow profits for your business, contact us.

Our highly experienced team of developers has expertise in multiple programming languages. We’ve successfully completed projects in the energy, security, sports, media, beauty, and insurance industries. Our developers have extensive knowledge of back-end and front-end development using different languages. Share your idea with us, and we’ll make it a reality!

Devtorium Software Product Development Company: 2022 Progress Report

The war in Ukraine, the worldwide COVID-induced supply chain collapse and the global economic crisis are the things that defined the year 2022. Of course, no software product development company remained unaffected by these major factors. As a result, the already competitive industry has become a cutthroat battle for new projects. Devtorium is proud to report that despite all challenges, we are closing the year with new projects, promising negotiations with prospective clients, and mastering innovative technologies.

Devtorium Software Product Development Company: Yearly Report

At Devtorium, we’ve always believed that the true strength of a business is the people. This year provided us with solid proof of that. Our teams turned the trials they faced into opportunities to show their strength of spirit and admirable work ethics. Delivery schedules became the topmost priority for every developer as they refused to get behind on their work regardless of the circumstances.

The results of this dedication and professionalism speak for themselves:

  • Many of our developers work from Ukraine and struggle with disruptions caused by the war. However, wartime challenges didn’t make us lose a single client. We remain firmly within project deadlines regardless of any power outages and missile strikes.
  • We’ve started two new projects in 2022. One is a comprehensive insuretech solution that consists of several products. It’s powered by .NET, React, and PostgreSQL technologies and is completely cloud-based (AWS). Another is a React-powered travel app focused on accessibility.
  • We’ve completed negotiations and will launch two new projects in January 2023. One is a large-scale ad-tech solution powered by .NET and Angular. The other is a verification software product based on Node.js and React.
  • We’ve launched two proprietary products developed by Devtorium teams. Our AI-powered content generation platform Marquètte is currently receiving a big upgrade with the release of the Templates feature. Now it’s even easier for copywriters to use it for creating top-quality original content. Devtorium also used the Bubble no-code platform to develop our own ERP solution. Our HR and recruiting specialists are currently testing it, and developers are improving the solution based on their feedback.

Happy New Year! Devtorium software product development company plans for 2023

Devtorium Software Development Plans & Goals for 2023

Devtorium is always looking into the future as a software product development company. We are implementing innovative technologies in our workflows to achieve better results. Our primary focus for 2023 is AI development.

The company already has experience in creating our AI-powered platform, Marquètte. Working on this project has been both challenging and exciting. Most importantly, it gave us the experience of interacting with AI engines and a better understanding of what we can achieve with this tech.

We plan to further this work next year. At the moment, our company is in the process of negotiations for an auspicious AI project. It could result in the development of an AI-powered chatbot for foreign language learning. The team will be creating it from scratch using GODEL by Microsoft.

We are delighted to share that the company is currently negotiating with several prospective clients. Moreover, our potential projects will engage not only our outstanding developers, Business Analysts, and Project Management specialists. In addition, we have plenty of exciting work planned for our Data Science team.

Also, we keep searching for new opportunities constantly. Our sales and marketing teams are always active, looking for clients both online and offline. In January, our American management representatives will present Devtorium at a big conference in Las Vegas. ASW is one of the foremost hubs for IT service networking, so we look forward to this event’s results.

All in all, our work never stops!

Devtorium is proud of what we have accomplished this year, and we are looking at a brighter future with new opportunities.

We’d like to thank our incredible team. None of it would have been possible without you!

How Artificial Intelligence Software Development Will Transform in 2023

Artificial intelligence software development is the rockstar of 2023. In fact, we could say that it’s the fastest-growing tech in the 21st century. Things can’t be any other way because the world is rapidly spiraling into a crisis of unprecedented proportions. However, various applications of AI can slow, stop, and even reverse this descent. It’s only a matter of targeting AI-driven software development correctly.

We will see it growing in the directions listed below in the upcoming year.

Artificial Intelligence Software Development in 2023: General Outlook

Artificial intelligence software development future trends.

AI for sustainability

According to Gartner, sustainability is the leading trend for all technological development in 2023. Therefore, it’s no surprise that we will see many applications of AI in various sustainability projects.

In this case, the uses of AI are incredibly versatile. We will use AI processing power for calculating and predicting current environmental issues, sustainability rates, and potential project success. AI will also be widely applied in solutions that aim to reduce the carbon footprint of everything from smart homes to manufacturing enterprises.

AI-driven software development in predictive analytics

The artificial intelligence software development sector that creates predictive analytics platforms will keep growing and improving rapidly. It’s because the pandemic and the supply chain crisis it triggered made the global economy extremely volatile.

Therefore, many businesses must rely on predictive data analytics to survive. But, unfortunately, the level of volatility isn’t going to go down soon. So, better data analytics capabilities are a must-have to help businesses deal with disruptions.

Moreover, accurate AI-powered analytics solutions are necessary to monitor businesses in real time. It’s essential to understand how adequate your company’s response to the current situation is. Leaders can use this data for risk management and crisis prevention.

AI-driven software development has unparalleled data analytics capabilities. In addition, the demand from all industries will make this the hottest trend for AI software development companies.

Artificial intelligence software development for automation.

Artificial intelligence software development for automation

One of the most significant issues of the 21st century is the global shortage of workers in many industries. Everyone, from laborers at manufacturing plants to farmers to office workers, seems to be quitting their jobs. Moreover, finding replacements is extremely difficult and prohibitively expensive.

The solution to many labor shortage-related issues is AI automation of multiple tasks. The power of artificial intelligence can be applied everywhere, from HR recruiting research and candidate selection to robotizing manufacturing chains.

In 2023 we will see more AI-driven software development in the areas of automation that include:

  • Chatbots
  • Data processing and analysis
  • Menial jobs automation
  • Data entry and collection

It’s also important to note that automation is geared not only toward substituting for the workers who aren’t there. In addition, it’s an essential tool companies can use to improve the quality of work. Therefore, they can increase employee retention. Today’s qualified professionals don’t want to waste their work hours on mind-numbing repetitive tasks. Therefore, automation that frees your teams’ time for solving high-level problems can bring you a competitive advantage as an employer.

However, there is another side to this issue. The number of specialized workers is decreasing, but the unemployment rate is growing. This situation breeds resentment in certain groups that believe ‘machines are taking away jobs’.

Those same arguments existed during the start of the industrial revolution. As we can see, machines haven’t replaced people then. They simply moved humanity, as a whole, to a new level. It’s the same now. Humans are desperately needed in many industries. However, they need to be better educated and qualified to complete tasks that machines cannot.

Low-code/no-code artificial intelligence software development

There aren’t enough qualified software engineers in the world today. One of the solutions to this issue is the continuing rise of low-code/no-code AI platforms. Not only do they enable experienced professionals to save time. These platforms also allow non-professionals to become developers.

AI is unable to replace developers completely. Also, these platforms require multiple highly skilled and experienced devs to create and maintain. However, despite all this, these platforms can greatly help numerous companies. Right now, they are in high demand among small businesses and startups.

Low-code and no-code tools will continue getting more popular. Using this type of AI-driven software development for further business automation is a fantastic strategy for the coming year. Enterprise-level businesses, in particular, will leverage no-code development to its maximum. This way, they can boost efficiency and cut costs on development.

Artificial intelligence software development for content creation.

AI software development for content creation

According to research, about 30% of all outbound content from large companies and organizations will be AI-generated by 2025. Because the demand for content is enormous, human creators simply cannot keep up with the required speed.

Of course, there is a big part of creative content that AI can’t replace. However, machines can easily handle writing the majority of formal and marketing messages.

Note that this is relevant for all types of content, including videos, images, music, and text. You can check out one of the foremost successful projects that gained popularity in 2022, Midjourney. It’s an extraordinary visual content generator.

Another example is Marquètte, an AI content generator developed by Devtorium. It’s an AI content writer that can create many kinds of texts, from blog posts to essays. It produces original content that can greatly help marketers and copywriters save time.

Artificial intelligence software development for security

The importance of digital security is growing with every passing moment. AI has unparalleled capabilities in identifying and fixing weaknesses and abnormalities. Therefore, it’s no surprise that much of AI’s development trends will lie in the area of cybersecurity.

Solutions that help users take control of their data and protect it from invasion will be as in demand as solid firewalls. Also, solutions that run systems checks and analyses for any threats are already popular and quickly evolving.

AI-driven software development in healthcare

AI software has already transformed the healthcare industry. However, this trend will continue in 2023 and beyond. Enterprise-level systems require AI for better management, especially where complex database and finance management are concerned.

Also, there are AI-powered software solutions for individual healthcare consultations, vitals tracking, etc. All in all, due to its extreme complexity and need for connectivity, the healthcare industry is one of the most lucrative places for AI tech to grow. So, we will keep seeing more developments in this field.

Moreover, we will see a higher level of automation and robotics being applied in healthcare. Already there are successful projects on prosthetics and neurological implants. They can give hope and increase the quality of life for millions of people.

Innovation in artificial intelligence software development.

Computer vision AI development

Computer vision is one of the foremost AI-powered technologies we will see growing in 2023. It is quite widespread already, powering various solutions, from self-driving cars to the aforementioned healthcare apps.

We will see computer vision AI protocols becoming more sophisticated. Therefore, artificial intelligence software development that uses this technology will be capable of completing more tasks with a higher accuracy level.

In addition, this tech’s data analysis and response quality will improve, increasing its applications. This, like nothing else, has the potential to take artificial intelligence software development to the next level quite fast.

Bottom Line: The Time of Artificial Intelligence Software Development Has Come

We live in an era where custom software development can give any business a crucial advantage in a competitive market. The power of AI in this context is staggering. The level of automation it can provide, even at the most basic AI applications, can revolutionize entire industries.

These processes are happening already, and in 2023 the demand for AI-driven software development will only increase. We face multiple problems globally, from the supply chain crisis to the shortage of qualified labor. AI might not be able to solve these issues entirely yet. However, it certainly can help combat them and help businesses survive and prosper in these challenging conditions.

If you are interested in learning more about how AI-powered tech can help you or seek to create your own solution, contact us anytime!

What Is Conversational AI? History of Chatbots

Conversational AI is so much a part of our lives now that we take it for granted. In fact, many people won’t even recognize that they are talking to an AI when interacting with customer support. That’s actually an issue that might cause your sales to drop. We’ll discuss the reasons for it and how to avoid this while getting all chatbot benefits.

It’s vital to remember that technology has undergone a fantastic transformation over the past few decades. Understanding the history of its evolution can help make more accurate predictions about the future of AI. It’s also essential information for those who plan their investments for the upcoming years. So whether you think of it as an investor or as a business owner, putting your money on conversational AI is sure to be a win.

First conversational AI chatbot examples.

History of Conversational AI: First Chatbot Examples

AI technology became a trend only a few years ago. However, the first chatbot was built in 1966. Named ELIZA, this was a rather primitive program compared to our current solutions. Funnily enough, the idea of ELIZA was to simulate a psychotherapist. Its behavior followed the extremely annoying trend of turning every user’s sentence into a question.

Obviously, ELIZA’s ability to communicate was minimal. We assume that the same goes for its proficiency in therapy. However, it was an important step for chatbot technology development.

The next big chatbot project was PARRY, ‘born’ in 1972. This time, conversational AI was simulating a patient suffering from schizophrenia. It performed admirably well as some psychiatrists couldn’t identify it as a machine while ‘talking’ to it. However, PARRY’s actual ‘talking’ ability was also minimal as well.

We can see a trend here. So, when you use a voice assistant or a chatbot support service today, remember that psychiatrists were the first to work with their creation.

From those first attempts, chatbots kept evolving until the rise of the semantic Web 4.0. This technology gave machines the power to understand context, skyrocketing chatbot evolution.

40% of all user interaction with a support service is purely emotional, so your chatbot must be capable of ’emotion’ as well

Can Users Tell a Conversational AI from a Human?

Today, conversational AI chatbots are highly advanced and can emulate human interaction well because of sentiment analysis technology. It’s a recent development, and that’s why conversational AI has made several giant leaps in recent years.

To get some idea of how important this is, you should consider that about 40% of all user interaction with a support service is purely emotional. Chatbots based on repetition couldn’t provide valuable interaction in these situations. However, machine learning and NLP changed this. Now, a chatbot in customer service is capable of identifying and processing emotions and sentiments from the user’s request. Moreover, it’s capable of replying with a degree of simulated emotion. That’s what makes conversational AI appear human.

We must mention, however, that our ability to understand whether we communicate with a human or a machine is limited. For example, the PARRY mentioned above, which was a non-advanced system that didn’t even rely on self-studying AI, could fool certified experts. Five psychiatrists interviewed the chatbot in 1979 using teletype to hide the fact that it was a machine. They were supposed to determine whether it was an AI or a real person with a psychiatric disorder. Only one expert could clearly determine the difference between an AI and a real patient.

Imagine how much harder it would be now, when every AI-powered chatbot in customer service learns and improves with every interaction.

How conversational AI chatbots impact business.

Business Impact of Disclosed and Undisclosed Chatbots

The role of conversational AI chatbots has entirely changed with their integration into popular messaging systems. Many brands launched their chatbots to offer services through such platforms. So, today most people interact with some type of AI-powered support through:

  • Telegram
  • Viber
  • Whatsapp
  • Facebook Messenger

As you know already, conversational AI has been developing to mimic emotional human interaction. Therefore, it’s become hard for people to notice who exactly they are communicating with. Of course, some chatbot services explicitly state they are exactly that. So there is no confusion on the user’s part.

Meanwhile, there are undisclosed conversational AI chatbots. They can achieve fantastic results, especially in sales. Presumably, a chatbot can achieve the level of a specialized shopping assistant. Therefore, it can help retailers increase the number of conversions by providing more personalized top-quality service.

However, should the consumer find out they’ve been interacting with conversational AI during the process, they get upset. As a result, they buy fewer products and might even switch to a different brand.

Apparently, studies indicate that humans consider chatbots to be limited and more ‘primitive’. Therefore, when interacting with disclosed conversational AI chatbots, they use very simple language. Oftentimes, users will bring down the level of their vocabulary when interacting with a program due to their desire ‘to make the machine understand’.

However, humans don’t always do this because they think machines are too primitive to understand human language. The main driving force for this behavior is our understanding that machines are incapable of empathy. At least for the moment, it’s a complete truth. No matter how advanced conversational AI is, it will only mimic human emotion during the conversation.

Is conversational AI alive?

Is Conversational AI ‘Alive’?

Semantic Web 4.0-level technology can identify and interpret human emotion (to some degree) when processing data. Therefore, conversational AI chatbots are capable of interacting with humans more efficiently and appear more alive. So, it’s harder for users to understand if they are dealing with a human or chatbot in customer service. In fact, chatbot help turns out to be about four times more efficient.

However, humans are creatures prone to bias. Thus, as long as we are stuck believing that machines are incapable of understanding and projecting emotion, we will be uncomfortable with them doing it.

As you can see, issues discussed in science fiction novels decades ago have become our reality today. AI chatbots aren’t ‘alive’, but they learned how to mimic humans better. Combined with the outstanding processing power of artificial intelligence, we can expect this technology to become even more helpful and ‘human-like’ soon.

A chatbot is FOUR times more efficient in customer support.

Conversational AI Chatbots Vs. Assistants

Advancements in conversational AI technology mean that its applications are growing. Similar to how computer vision tech goes into everything from self-driving car navigation to facial recognition software, conversational AI helps create different programs.

Of course, the most numerous are AI chatbots, which provide various support and educational services. However, today this technology has become a big part of the rapidly-developing AI-powered virtual assistants industry. Leaders among them are:

  • Siri (Apple)
  • Cortana (Microsoft)
  • Google Assistant
  • Alexa (Amazon)
  • Watson (IBM Cloud)

The difference between conversational AI chatbots and assistants is that while both are conversational interfaces, they fulfill different roles. A chatbot in customer service will answer questions and offer suggestions based on preset parameters. This type of software follows the same pattern when used in education as well. Basically, it’s a machine that provides information based on a prompt from the user.

Meanwhile, virtual AI-powered assistants help you with everyday tasks. Their features are versatile, for example, reminders, to-do list management, search assistance, note-taking, etc. In essence, this solution is your personal secretary. In addition, these assistants can be connected to smart devices and integrated into your IoT network. So, you might be able to manage most of your house through voice commands and your smartphone. That voice command feature is powered by a version of conversational AI.

Although they apply this technology differently, chatbots and virtual assistants run on the same principles of AI tech. Moreover, we can expect both these branches of conversational AI to keep growing at an astounding pace.

Who needs conversational AI today?

Bottom Line: Who Needs Conversational AI Products Today?

To put it simply, every business, both big and small, can benefit from implementing AI chatbots in some processes. They are good for automating routine tasks, like basic consultations and surveys. You can also use them to provide higher-quality customer support. It can be a huge advantage for small businesses, in particular.

Moreover, you can use bots powered by conversational AI for education and onboarding. Therefore, big companies can implement them to increase the productivity and efficiency of their overall operations.

There is no shortage of conversational AI chatbots applications, so you should definitely consider adding them to your business arsenal. Contact the Devtorium AI team to learn how this technology can benefit your business. We can build chatbots from scratch to ensure that the solution is custom-tailored to your needs and can grow and scale up alongside your company.

The Future of Healthcare Software Development

The future of healthcare software development is bright, that’s for sure. Among all the horrors of the COVID pandemic, we’ve seen how the current healthcare system, even in highly developed countries, is far from perfect. In fact, it’s very far from being truly efficient. Moreover, we’ve seen that implementing technology in various healthcare processes can increase that efficiency. In the context of medicine, this means literally saving lives.

According to research published in the International Journal of Health Services, the most common problems highlighted by the pandemic crisis were:

  • Access barriers
  • Lack of control over prices and costs
  • Unsatisfactory quality of services
  • Widespread disparities and marginalization of public health

This research only covered the US. However, these issues are similar for all Western countries. Meanwhile, the situation in developing countries is much worse as people cannot access good healthcare services. It’s because such services do not exist at all or are too poorly developed. Furthermore, the level of digitalization in these parts of the world is also low. Therefore, few residents can make use of technologically-augmented medical services.

In light of this, custom medical software development is an industry that’s growing rapidly. With so many weaknesses exposed, businesses are competing to create solutions that will solve these problems. Meanwhile, other technological projects are also improving medical services in every area.

In this article, we’ll talk about the most remarkable ways of implementing tech in healthcare today.

Telemedicine in healthcare software development.

Leading Trends in Tech and Healthcare Software Development

Telemedicine and remote healthcare services

One of the leading areas of healthcare software development is now focused on telemedicine. The main task is to make medical services accessible to people living in remote and rural areas. Moreover, this type of healthcare became a must-have service under COVID restrictions. People can’t effectively access medical facilities during lockdowns, even if they live in the city. So, it’s imperative to provide everyone with access to healthcare professionals.

Of course, video conferencing solutions, like Zoom or Skype, make it possible for patients to communicate with their doctors remotely. However, a skilled healthcare software development company can take this further, making it possible to bring medical aid where there are no high-speed internet connections and multiple medical professionals available to consult online. In addition, implementing AI in healthcare software development allows for automating preliminary consultations. Therefore, more people can get the help they need.

Personal medical devices

Custom medical software development is also used to create various personal devices that help monitor and assess the patient’s physical condition. The majority of such tools available now are wearable trackers that can measure heart rate, oxygen saturation level, blood pressure, and temperature.

However, more devices are in the works. Currently, several companies are working to create tools that will measure all vitals and other important parameters for patients with chronic diseases. In the future, such monitoring devices will also be able to send a request for help to a medical professional. Also, data collected by them can be used for more efficient diagnostics.

Using AI for healthcare software development.

Healthcare software development based on AI

AI’s data processing, analysis, and automation powers are immense. Therefore, AI-based healthcare solutions can have many applications, for example:

  • Developing personalized treatment plans based on the analysis of multiple data sources.
  • Automation or repetitive, monotonous jobs, like filing and paperwork management, to free up the time of medical personnel.
  • Conducting more in-depth diagnostics using technologies like automated image analysis and classification.
  • Collecting, processing, and managing medical records. It would also be a great help to organize these records into a global network to ensure a traveling person can get the best medical help no matter where they are.
  • Using AI in healthcare software development allows for improving epidemic prevention and management. However, it’s essential to note that such practices as facial recognition, using smart devices to measure body temperature, etc., can be interpreted as widespread surveillance. Therefore, developers and governments need to work closely together to ensure that such measures remain effective without violating the human right to privacy.

Virtual and augmented reality technologies

Combining healthcare software development with VR and AR technologies can produce incredible results. These solutions help with the treatment of severe disorders like PTSD, anxiety, and pain therapy.

There are also some innovative treatments that use this tech in the process of rehabilitation. In particular, they aid in restoring motor skills and even in the treatment of memory loss.

Moreover, surgeons and hospital staff also use various VR solutions to improve their work. For example, ImmersiveTouch and Osso VR tech used for surgical training and education.

Using robotics in healthcare software development

Nanotech and robotics

Technologies that used to exist only on the pages of science fiction novels are reality now. These areas of tech are only starting to develop, but already we can see some incredible robotic prosthetics that change disabled people’s life.

The nanotech industry is slower to develop. However, it has a tremendous potential that researchers recognize. There are already some miniature tools for non-invasive diagnostics and a few basic biosensors.

Meanwhile, robotic healthcare solutions are not restricted to prosthetics only. Today some labs are developing different types of robots that can help disabled people and even become companions for them.

Both nanotech and robotic solutions require extremely careful and innovative healthcare software development. Integrating these tools with AI can truly revolutionize the world as we know it.

The future of healthcare software development is promising.

Healthcare Software Development: Industry Growth

You can be sure that the custom medical software development industry will keep developing rapidly. The pandemic crisis brought some extremely dark revelations regarding our capacity to face medical challenges. Therefore, this field will grow further and attract a stream of funding worldwide.

Healthcare software development offers versatile opportunities for investment. So, if you are interested in a project that’s sure to succeed, this is something to consider. Contact our team to discuss your ideas!


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