Data Science Uses in Business, Healthcare, Finance & Engineering

Do you know how many valuable insights a company’s data hides? Data science uses are innumerable, and your business can’t afford to miss out on these opportunities. This complex study applies various practices from mathematics, statistics, programming, and artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze vast volumes of data. Data scientists use analytics to explain past causality and predict the future. Some things you can quickly improve with data science services include operational efficiency, decision-making, planning, and many more.

Unsurprisingly, data science has become one of the fastest-growing fields in every industry. According to the LinkedIn Emerging Jobs Report, data scientists have seen 37% annual growth in demand, and it keeps rising. Businesses use data science to gain an advantage over competition and achieve maximum efficiency. Devtorium data science experts utilize the power of data to optimize our clients’ performance and help develop AI-powered solutions. In this post, we will dive into diverse data science applications, focusing on their uses in business, finance, and healthcare. 

Data science uses by industry.

Data Science Uses Across Industries

Some time ago, we posted a blog explaining what data science services are. Summing up that post, you can divide the general data science uses in any industry into three categories:

  • Predictive Analytics
    Predictive analytics uses specific historical data to analyze captured patterns and forecast the future. These forecasts are in high demand across various industries today. With their help, you can anticipate market trends or customer behaviors. For example, retailers can predict inventory needs based on seasonal trends, while manufacturers can forecast demand to optimize production schedules.
  • Risk Management
    Data science helps organizations identify and mitigate risks. This crucial function can prevent significant losses or disruptions by analyzing rash decision consequences. In addition, fraud detection is one of the excellent data science uses. You can analyze transaction patterns to identify anomalies indicative of fraudulent activities.
  • Process Optimization
    Another way to implement data science is to analyze operational data to identify weaknesses and inefficiencies and optimize processes. The absence of good process optimization causes huge money waste. For instance, logistics companies need data science to optimize delivery routes, reduce costs, or improve service levels.
Benefits of using data science in business.

Data Science in Business Analytics

The benefits of data science in business come primarily from the fact that it allows you to understand your performance and market trends much better. As a result, you are able to make data-driven decisions and have a greater chance of success. Considering this, the best practical data science uses in business would be:

  • Strategic Planning and Decision-Making
    By analyzing market trends, competitive landscape, and internal performance data, your company can drive growth and innovation while avoiding potential pitfalls.
  • Supply Chain Management
    Data science benefits supply chain management through forecasting, inventory management, and logistics planning. When companies use data-driven insights to manage their supply chains effectively, they can reduce costs and improve service delivery.
  • Marketing Strategies
    Marketing teams leverage data science to analyze customer data and optimize campaigns. Techniques like customer segmentation and sentiment analysis enable targeted marketing efforts, which increase conversion rates.
Uses of data science in finance.

Data Science Uses in Finance

The financial sector is the main beneficiary of the many data science uses. Some key applications in this area include:

  • Algorithmic Trading
    Algorithmic trading is a techniques that uses complex algorithms to execute trades at high volumes fast. Data science enables the development of these algorithms. Therefore, the users can analyze market data and execute trades based on predefined criteria. The result is increased efficiency and profitability of the business.
  • Credit Scoring and Risk Assessment
    Financial institutions, such as banks, use data science to assess credit risks by analyzing many data points. These include credit history, transaction patterns, and social media activity. The results of such analyses lead to more accurate credit scoring and better risk management.
  • Customer Segmentation and Personalization
    Financial institutions use data science to segment customers based on their behaviors and preferences. This application provides personalized financial products and services, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Uses of Data Science in Healthcare

The number and diversity of uses of data science in healthcare seem to be growing by the day. From personalized marketing of healthcare services to analysis of X-rays, data science services help reduce mistakes and make us healthier. This field is developing rapidly, but for now, key areas of application in healthcare include:

  • Personalized Medicine
    Data science enables personalized medicine by analyzing genetic data and medical histories to tailor treatments to individual patients. This approach increases the effectiveness of treatments and reduces adverse reactions. Moreover, healthcare providers use predictive analytics to forecast patient outcomes based on historical data. It can help in the early detection of diseases and timely intervention, improving patient prognosis.
  • Operational Efficiency
    Hospitals and clinics use data science to optimize operations, such as patient flow management, staff scheduling, and inventory control. This approach leads to cost savings and improved patient care.
  • Drug Discovery and Development
    Pharmaceutical companies use data science to accelerate drug discovery and development. By analyzing large datasets, they can identify potential drug candidates faster and more accurately, bringing new lifesaving drugs to market.
Data science uses in various industries.

Applications in Engineering

Engineering fields leverage data science to drive innovation, improve quality, and enhance efficiency. For instance, an automotive manufacturer can use data science to optimize its production line, increase productivity, and reduce production costs. Other notable applications include:

  • Predictive Maintenance
    Data science helps predict equipment failures before they occur. This can be achieved by analyzing sensor data and maintenance records. This feature reduces downtime and maintenance costs, improving operational efficiency.
  • Quality Control and Defect Detection
    Manufacturers use data science to enhance quality control by analyzing production data to detect defects early in the process. It can lead to higher product quality and reduced waste.
  • Design and Simulation
    Engineers use data science to improve design processes through simulations and modeling. This application allows for testing and optimization of designs before building physical prototypes, saving time and resources.

In Conclusion

In our data-driven world, data science is a superpower that can transform businesses across various industries. By leveraging data-driven insights, companies can make better decisions, optimize operations, and drive innovation.

Are you ready to harness the power of data science for your business?  Contact us today and let Devtorium’s data science experts help you unlock the full potential of your business. 

If you’re interested in learning more about our other services, check out more articles:

How to Use AI in Small Business: Ideas and Practical Applications

At this point, using AI in small business has become a mandatory requirement. There is just no other way to gain a competitive advantage. The level of competition in every industry is skyrocketing, so you must cut your costs and optimize every possible process. This is precisely what AI can do for small businesses, and we’ll tell you how today.

How many companies consider using AI in small business

Using AI in Small Business: Practical Tips from Professionals

Leveraging AI tools can be troublesome for many SMBs because they need help figuring out where to start. Devtorium offers a range of AI software development services, and our developers have expertise in implementing AI into various systems. In this post, they will demystify AI for small businesses, providing insights and examples of successful AI usage.

Bear in mind, that the majority of businesses are either already using or consider implementing AI solutions already. Take a look at stats in the graphs to see what position your company matches currently.

Let’s start with a few general tips to consider when using AI in small business:

  • Start small
    First, you should begin with only targeted AI applications that align with your business goals and resources. For example, if you have an e-commerce site, add a chatbot to enhance customer experience.
  • Data quality matters
    For AI to work accurately, you must be sure that training data is clean and relevant. It’s crucial for minimizing the risk of bias in AI outcomes.
  • Monitor your ROI
    Your BA must analyze all AI projects’ return on investment (ROI) to ensure they deliver value to your business.
  • Collaborate with experts
    Partner with AI specialists or consultants to navigate complex implementation challenges.
Interest in using AI for small business

Real-World Implementations of AI in Small Business

Improving Customer Experience

Adding an AI chatbot to your website or service is the best AI innovation to start with. This virtual assistant can solve many tasks, from answering users’ frequently asked questions to assisting with product recommendations based on their behavior. Moreover, chatbots can learn and adapt over time. Therefore, their accuracy and efficiency in handling customer queries will improve.

Virtual assistants can cut the workload of your human support staff. In turn, they will have time to focus on more complex tasks. Besides, these AI solutions can gather valuable data on customer interactions. Use them as an analytics tool to learn about your audience and make better-targeted business decisions. For example, you can identify trends, understand customer needs, and improve your services overall.

To start using such a chatbot, small businesses can try services like Dialogflow by that uses Google  Al. You can also try to make your own chatbot with LangChain. If you want to go to the next level, check out our case of what a voice bot can do.

Supply Chain Management

Some fantastic ways of using AI in small business that deals with logistics include:

  • Optimizing delivery routes optimization
  • Reducing transportation costs
  • Cutting down on delivery times
  • Increasing logistics efficiency

Also, you can use AI to evaluate supplier performance and manage relationships, ensuring the best terms and reliability. AI-driven supply chain management systems leverage advanced algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and make real-time decisions that enhance operational efficiency.

AI can also enhance predictive maintenance in logistics. This is done by using data from IoT sensors to anticipate equipment failures and schedule proactive repairs. With this tech, you can minimize downtime and improve your business’s overall reliability.

Moreover, AI-powered demand forecasting models help anticipate customer needs more accurately. Therefore, businesses can adjust production schedules and inventory levels accordingly. By optimizing these processes, AI contributes to cost reduction and enhances the agility of supply chain operations.

Using AI for small businesss: Predictive analytics and security.

Predictive Analytics

One of the best ways to use AI in small business is implementing predictive analytics to analyze your past data and identify patterns. These tools enable you to forecast sales trends, which can make a crucial difference in achieving success.

Efficient use of predictive analytics can help you come up with effective strategies and prevent rash decisions. Furthermore, predictive analytics can optimize inventory management by forecasting demand and caution about overstock or stockouts.

In addition, these AI systems can analyze sales data to identify seasonal trends and customer behavior patterns. You can utilize tools like Salesforce Einstein Analytics to anticipate market shifts.

Visual content

You should consider using AI in small business marketing, especially if you don’t have a dedicated marketing team. Creating and optimizing visual content can be easy using tools like Midjourney or Photoshop’s integrated AI, creating and optimizing visual content can be easy.

For example, some tools today can personalize marketing materials based on user data, creating tailored experiences that appeal more deeply to the target audience. In addition, using generative AI can save time, money, and effort.

Integrating AI into visual content strategies helps businesses stay ahead of the competition by consistently delivering visually compelling content. These tools can streamline the design process by providing instant enhancements and creative ideas, allowing teams to focus on more strategic tasks.


One area where small businesses aren’t using enough AI is cybersecurity. You should definitely make this your priority, as data breaches are a major threat today. Implement AI-powered cybersecurity solutions to detect and mitigate potential threats in real-time. For instance, predictive threat intelligence enables AI to analyze patterns and trends in cyber attack data, forecasting where and how future attacks might occur. Using AI for small business in this particular sphere enables them to strengthen their defenses preemptively.

On other levels, AI enhances email security by detecting phishing attempts and malware-laden messages. This will significantly reduce the risk of successful social engineering attacks. Additionally, AI assists in post-incident analysis, providing valuable insights to understand the nature and scope of breaches, and informing future prevention strategies. This cycle of learning and making changes based on new data ensures that AI-powered cybersecurity solutions remain effective against an ever-changing threat landscape. 

Conclusion: how to best start using AI in small business.

Bottom Line: How to Use AI in Small Business to Get Top Value for Money

To sum it up, small businesses can and should use AI systems to automate processes, make data-driven decisions, and achieve desirable growth. As AI continues to evolve and become more accessible, embracing this technology will be essential for staying ahead of the curve. However, it is challenging to adopt AI for your needs without technical expertise and business analysis. If you want to get maximum benefit from any AI tools or even customize some of them to fit your business needs, set up a free consultation with our experts today.

What AI Cannot Do: AI Limitations and Risks

Looking at some articles right now, one could think that AI is omnipotent. However, it’s essential to remember that AI limitations exist, and there are many. Therefore, you should not expect it to be a universal cure for all problems. Unfortunately, it’s still brand-new technology, and its functionality has to be improved.

There are some incredible things you can achieve using AI. It’s also true that it can help your business save money by automating multiple processes and offering valuable analytics. However, some businesses take risks and apply AI in every situation. Such reckless use of tech can badly damage your business security and income.

According to the AI Incident Database, the number of  AI misuse incidents in 2023 increased by 32.3% compared to the previous year. Nowadays, businesses must be realistic when considering the pros and cons of implementing AI. Devtorium Business Analysis and Information Security departments have the expertise to forecast probable risks caused by AI or other digital systems. In this blog post, our specialists will outline AI limitations and risks of implementing it without a system of fail-safes. 

AI Limitations and Risks by Category

What AI cannot do: AI limitations track back to the quality of data

Data Dependency

Data is the main resource on which any AI system runs. Algorithms train on the provided data. Therefore, AI heavily relies on data quality, bias, and availability, which can impact performance and decision-making.

AI limitations caused by data:

  • Creativity
    While AI is good at generating content based on existing data, it struggles with original or innovative thinking.
  • Flexibility
    AI has limitations in adapting to new or unexpected situations outside its training data.
  • Bias
    Data bias can occur at various stages of the AI lifecycle. However, bias often originates from the data used to train and test the models.

Contextual Misunderstanding

What AI cannot do is understand the context. At least, this isn’t possible with the current level of technology development. AI’s lack of contextual understanding refers to its limits in interpreting information. In other words, AI can fail to realize societal context or grasp the subtleties of nuance. 

AI limitations caused by context:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
    While working on NLP tasks, like text analysis or translation, AI may have difficulty understanding language nuances such as idioms, slang, and dialects.
  • Visual recognition
    AI algorithms can fail to recognize objects within their broader context in computer vision tasks.
  • Social interactions
    AI-driven chatbots may struggle to catch the nuances of human conversation, including tone, sarcasm, or implied meanings. If you want to learn more about the capabilities of an AI-powered voice bot, click here.

Ethical Concerns

AI limitations is ethics are impossible to fathom because this technology doesn’t operate in a context that can be governed by ethics. Therefore, programming AI algorithms that could make ethical decisions is nearly impossible. The machine struggles to replicate feelings and emotions. It cannot make moral judgments in the same way humans can. 

AI limitations caused by ethics:

  • Lack of empathy
    AI lacks emotional intelligence and cannot empathize with human emotions. Therefore, as an example, it cannot prioritize emotional well-being as a factor.
  • Cultural contexts
    AI systems may struggle to understand human cultural diversity. This can lead to biased or culturally insensitive outcomes, like stereotypes. As a result, implementing AI in some areas might work to reinforce existing inequalities.
What is the black box problem and the AI limitations it imposes

The Black Box Problem

The Black Box Problem refers to the opacity of AI decision-making processes. AI algorithms are so sophisticated that it is hard to realize how they arrive at their conclusions. Therefore, a human might not be able to trust them completely. As a result, implementing AI in any position where the machine can make decisions that impact human life becomes a huge risk.

AI limitations caused by transparency:

  • Error correction
    When AI systems make errors or produce unexpected outcomes, understanding why those errors occur is crucial. However, without a clear view of the internal workings of black-box AI models, diagnosing errors becomes much more difficult.
  • Trust
    Users may find it challenging to rely on AI when they cannot understand how systems make decisions. The black box problem can be particularly concerning for critical applications such as healthcare or criminal justice.

Privacy and Security

As AI cannot function without data, concerns arise regarding collecting, storing, and using personal data. AI technologies also introduce new cybersecurity risks. Malicious actors may exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems to launch attacks, which presents new threats to financial systems, critical infrastructure, and national security.

AI limitations in the security field:

  • Tracking
    AI-powered surveillance technologies, such as facial recognition and biometric systems, threaten privacy by enabling constant monitoring and tracking of individuals without their consent.
  • Malicious use
    AI technologies can be leveraged for malicious purposes, including generating convincing deepfake videos, launching sophisticated phishing attacks, and automating cyberattacks.
  • Personal data
    AI systems may analyze and process personal data without adequate safeguards. This could lead to unauthorized access, identity theft, financial fraud, and other cases of data misuse.

Bottom Line: How to Avoid Reckless Risks and AI Limitations?

It’s impossible to avoid risks and AI limitations entirely with the current level of technology. Therefore, it’s imperative to address them responsibly to maximize the benefits of AI implementation. Devtorium professionals are always ready to help you understand risks and develop efficient, safe, and secure AI applications for your business. Contact our team for a free consultation on how to use AI to your best advantage.

To learn more about the Devtorium Team and the multiple capabilities of AI, check out our other articles:

Prompt Engineering Basics: How to Talk to AI

Being proficient with prompt engineering basics has become an essential skill nowadays. Many of us talk to AI almost daily. Sometimes, it’s even without our knowledge as the number of voice chatbots increases. However, today, we’ll talk specifically about how to talk to generative AI.

Generative AI prompt engineering can be a bit tricky because you aren’t just ‘venting’ to a machine or going through some customer service routines. The goal here is to word your command in such a way that you get the most accurate result. You can use the knowledge of AI prompt engineering to complete a great variety of tasks, from generating an image to developing and programming an AI voice bot.

Moreover, all of these tasks are becoming more relevant with every passing day. According to the CompTIA IT Industry Outlook 2024 report, 22% of companies insist on AI integration in the workflow. The percentage of using AI in daily work by usual employees is even higher. However, only a few know how to interact with AI most efficiently.

Our highly qualified specialists maintain that prompt engineering is the main thing that most GenAI users need to improve. So, with their help, you’ll be able to learn the basics of prompt engineering.

Prompt Engineering Basics: What Is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is creating inputs as specific instructions for large language models (LLMs, more on that here). 

Generative AI models generate specific outputs based on the quality of provided inputs. We call these inputs prompts, and the practice of writing them is called prompt engineering. 

Prompt engineering helps LLMs better process the incoming tasks to produce desired outputs.

How knowing AI prompt engineering basics benefits you.

Where You Can Apply Prompt Engineering Basics

AI software development

Prompt engineering now plays an active role in software development. You can save a great deal of time time by giving the AI model a clear prompt describing the desired functionality. It suggests code snippets or even complete entire functions. That is very helpful, especially for repetitive tasks. Trained on developer prompts, AI can also analyze existing code and identify potential bugs. If you want to read the opinion of Devtorium`s developers on AI code generation tools, check out this post.

Chatbot development

Prompt engineering allows chatbots to respond more naturally and informatively. You provide them with clear instructions and context for understanding customer inquiries. A better understanding of customer questions leads to improved chatbot responses, which means happier customers and shorter wait times. If you want to create your chatbot, read our blog about Assistant API.

Cybersecurity services

Cybersecurity is another field where understanding prompt engineering basics can help you. Security analysts can leverage prompt engineering to guide AI systems in analyzing network activity and logs. AI can efficiently scan vast amounts of data and flag potential security threats when given prompts with specific indicators of compromise (IOCs) or suspicious behavior patterns. Prompt engineering in cybersecurity empowers security professionals by harnessing AI’s analytical power to identify threats, uncover vulnerabilities, and respond to incidents.

Creative content generation

Prompt engineering allows writers to enhance their efficiency. You can give an AI model a starting point and direction for generating creative text formats like blogs, posts, scripts, or even musical pieces. This frees up the writer to focus on refining and polishing the ideas. The same goes for any kind of content, be it visuals, text, or even music.

AI prompt engineering: basics tips.

Essential Tips on Prompt Engineering Basics

Prompt engineers do not only design and develop prompts. They also operate a wide range of skills and techniques that improve the interaction and development of LLMs. Their work encompasses the following:

  • Zero-shot prompting – instructing LLM without relying on any examples.
  • Few-shot prompting – giving the model a few examples before instructing.
  • Chain-of-thought prompting (CoT) – asking the model to explain its steps every time it performs the instruction.

Here are a few tips that will help you communicate with an AI as a prompt engineer on the basic level:

  • Use clear instructions and ask direct questions. Make the sentences as concise as possible.
  • Provide LLM with context. Use any relevant data for it.
  • Give examples in prompts.
  • Specify the desired output format and length.
  • Align prompt instructions with the task’s end goal.
  • Provide the desired output with styles such as bullet points, tables, numbered lists, inline/block code, quotes, hyperlinks, etc.
  • Let the LLM answer “I don`t know” if needed.
  • Break the complex tasks into subtasks.
  • Use a clear separator like “###” to split the instruction and context.
  • Experiment a lot to see what prompts work best.

Bottom Line: Are Prompt Engineering Basics Enough to Talk to an AI?

So, to sum up, everyone who uses GenAI can learn the easiest prompts to get desired but simple outputs. However, to get more complex results, you will need to have a really good understanding of programming and mathematics. Therefore, if you need to use AI in your project as more than a simple user, contact our team for a free consultation on how to best implement its power for you!

Devtorium UI/UX Design Services: What We Can Do for You

Surprisingly, the majority of people have very little idea of what exactly is included in the UI/UX design services they purchase from specialized providers like Devtorium. Of course, in the end, you get the design of the app or other materials you’ve requested. However, this type of service is much more expansive and covers many processes, from market research to branding.

Today, we’d like to explain what’s included in a comprehensive design package using Devtorium UI/UX design services as an example. From the post below, you’ll learn what UI/UX and graphic designers can do for you and how you can use their services to help your business at any stage of development.

Devtorium UI/UX Design Services: How We Create Web Designs

Our designers start with research to create a stunning, visually appealing, user-friendly design. In fact, the stage during which the UI/UX designer creates the visuals usually takes less time than preparation. The quality of work you put in during the research and planning stages determines whether your product can deliver a superb customer experience.

No one can argue that design affects user retention. Therefore, it’s one of the crucial success factors in our world of information overload. In order to deliver outstanding UI/UX design services, the Devtorium team takes the following steps.

How Devtorium UI/UX design services work.

Digital and website discovery (General User needs research)

Our team starts the design process by conducting discovery sessions. At this time, we gather requirements and brainstorm ideas to understand the underlying purpose behind your digital goals. These sessions allow us to clearly outline the client’s needs and help align our strategies with your objectives.

During this stage, we perform:

  • Competitor research
  • Field research
  • User personas and user stories study

Digital and website strategy (Information Architecture)

We start designing solutions once we thoroughly understand the client’s goals and challenges. At this stage of Devtorium’s UI/UX design services, our team will create wireframes and customer journey maps. This way, we can define the high-level structure of screen layouts, flow, behavior, and organization. These outputs visually represent our proposed solutions and help us envision how the identified problems can be addressed effectively.

Our primary goal is to lay out content and functionality on each page strategically. We aim to maximize usability and user experience. To achieve this, we first build informational architecture:

  • Organise, structure, and label content, functions, and features
  • Choose between different design patterns for content layout
  • Use design patterns for content
  • Map out website and content 
  • Plan site navigation

After the architecture is complete, we create wireframes that the client can effectively use when attracting investors.

How Devtorium UI/UX designers work.

Digital and website design development (User interface prototyping)

With the website architecture complete, we can provide the rest of the innovative UI/UX design services and branding package. Depending on the client’s requirements, we can build a visual brand style from scratch or use their existing one. During this stage, we use tools like style tiles, mood boards, and prototyping to facilitate the process.

Devtorium’s design services also include graphic design, which covers the creation of:

  • Brand and identity
  • Logo
  • Marketing collateral

When working within the premise of our UI/UX design services, we can also leverage video and photos to enhance the website’s reach and engagement.

Why invest in UI/UX design services from Devtorium.

Why It Pays to Invest in Creative UI/UX Design Services

We live in an era where everything is lightning fast, and you only have one chance to make an impression. Your product can be extraordinary and offer hundreds of solid benefits. However, if you can’t capture the client’s attention enough to slow down and learn about it, you’ll lose them.

According to research published in the Behaviour and Information Technology Journal, you have only 0.05 seconds to make a favorable first impression. 50 milliseconds is all it takes to form an impression in the brain of a modern information-overloaded person. If that impression isn’t enough to capture their interest to pursue further study of your product, your chances of conversion are slim.

That’s how important great design is, and if you want people to keep using your products, you must provide a stellar user experience. It really is that simple today. Therefore, above all else, you must never skimp on making your product as user-friendly, intuitive, and attractive as possible. If you want to make your product that way, contact us for a free consultation!

If you are interested in more design topics, check out some of our other posts:

Introduction to AI Part 2: Next-Level AI Terms Glossary 

2023 was a breakout year for Generative AI, and it has proven beyond all doubt that expanding your vocabulary with common AI terms is necessary now. Artificial intelligence technology is fast becoming an indispensable part of our lives on every level. Therefore, you must understand at least the basics of how it works and what it can do.

Devtorium will continue our series of articles about AI, its capabilities, and developments that are revolutionizing multiple industries. Today, we will expand our AI terms glossary with some more fundamental terminology. Understanding these concepts will help you get a better idea of how artificial intelligence models work with data. You can find the first post on basic AI terminology here.

AI Terms Glossary (Still in Alphabetical Order)


Bias is a phenomenon in machine learning (ML) that occurs when the outputs of ML algorithms are skewed. This happens due to the prejudiced assumptions made during the algorithm development. Simply put, it’s AI’s reaction to an error in the initial algorithm. This is often a reaction to human error or prejudice that occurs during programming the ML algorithm.

For example, it can happen if the data AI is given to learn from isn’t comprehensive enough or is programmed with cognitive human biases. In this case, the bias starts leading AI toward specific outcomes, affecting the results’ clarity and accuracy. If you are looking for a more technical explanation of how bias works in ML models, check out the relevant page on GeeksforGeeks.


Embedding is a technique used to represent data (text, images, and audio) as a mathematical vector. Machine Learning models use data converted through embedding to capture semantic relationships and patterns. That’s the only data format they can directly process at this point of technological development, so embedding is one of the most important AI terms you need to understand right now.

Embeddings allow NLP models to process data, find contextual meanings, and perform tasks like querying, classification, comparison, and recognition. For example, Word2Vec and GloVe are popular embedding methods that are used for word embeddings. In simpler words, they help AI understand texts.

AI terms: Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Unsurprisingly, Reinforcement Learning is a type of Machine Learning that improves decision-making algorithms over time. It enables an AI-driven system to learn through interacting with its environment using the trial-and-error method. In very basic AI terms, this can be explained as the AI’s ability to learn from all its interactions with the user, both successful and not.

Also, RL uses the exploration-exploitation trade-off. It means that a computer balances the need to discover new, better strategies while exploiting the ones it already knows. The machine does this in order to achieve maximized rewards. This ML model is commonly used in robotics, gaming, and various autonomous systems.

Vector Database 

Vector databases are designed specifically for handling embeddings. The main difference between traditional and vector databases is in their data optimization and querying methods. Basically, instead of querying a row with a perfect value match, vector databases use a similarity metric, searching for a vector most similar to the query.

Devtorium developers used vector databases while working on AI-based recommendation systems, searching for images and text, NLP, and fraud detection software. We’ve also written an extensive article on the topic of vector database applications in AI and their pros and cons.

AI terms glossary: Vector Database

What’s After AI Terms Glossary?

The topic of AI is getting hotter and more relevant in our fast-developing world. Therefore, Devtorium will continue with our effort to explain exactly how this technology works and what it can do. The potential AI tech has is unlimited, and it has already changed human lives in significant ways. We hope that our developers and solution architects will be able to leave their mark on the world as well by creating new AI-powered products.

If you want to read more about AI, check out some of our previous articles:

Build an AI Chatbot with OpenAI Assistant API and LangChain

Technology has progressed so far that you can build an AI chatbot with minimum effort today. The world now really looks like some sci-fi stories come to life. OpenAI is one of the businesses standing at the forefront of this technological revolution.

We talked to Devtorium developers about how OpenAI’s Assistant API is reshaping how we develop digital assistants. Have you ever wondered what the development of chatbots looks like? Devtorium’s developers explore this superb AI-powered tool and share a tutorial on how to build a chatbot with Assistant API and LangChain.

Why Choose Assistant API to Build an AI Chatbot

Developers might have vastly different opinions on whether or not AI code-generation tools are helpful. However, everyone with experience working with OpenAI Assistant API agrees this is a magnificent tool. 

Assistants API is an NLP(natural language process) API currently available as a beta version. You can already use Assistants API for question answering, language translation, and code generation. However, its primary function is to assist developers in building chatbots within their apps. To start using Assistants API, you must have an OpenAI API account. 

Assistants API uses OpenAI-hosted models, access files, persistent threads, and call tools to respond to user queries. According to Devtorium developers, its most prominent and valuable features are:

  • Code interpreter and retrieval: Access and execute code from various sources.
  • Function calling mechanism: Call functions from other APIs.
  • Knowledge base: Store and access information from a variety of sources.
  • Easy conversation management with threads: Keep track of the context of a conversation.
  • Support for different models: Choose the best model for your specific task.
  • Customizable instructions: Control how your assistants respond to user requests and perform tasks.
  • Easy deployment: Deploy to a variety of platforms.

How to Build an AI Chatbot with Assistant API and LangChain

The range of AI software development services offered by Devtorium is vast. Therefore, we explored multiple AI solutions and technologies available today. One of our developers’ favorites is LangChain, a framework built around LLMs (large language models) and designed to simplify the creation of complex apps. This tool connects components: prompt templates, LLMs, agents, and memory to create a chain, hence the name LangChain.

In order for LangChain to work correctly with Assistants API, make sure you download version 0.0.331rc2 or higher. The latest RC version of LangChain can support Assistant API using an experimental package. The only class you need is OpenAIAssistantRunnable, which makes code much cleaner. 

Now, let’s get on with the guide on how to build an AI chatbot using these tools. Using the tips below, you can make an MnA assistant that will answer queries using a retrieval tool. No Chunking, no embeddings, and no vector database are required.

The steps to build an AI chatbot using this approach include:

  1. Create an Assistant API account and get an API key.
  2. Create an Assistant in the API by defining its custom instructions and picking a model.
  3. Install LangChain and create a LangChain project.
  4. Write a script that uses the Assistant API to send and receive messages from users and access and store information from LangChain.
  5. Deploy your chatbot to a web server, messaging platform, or mobile app.

Technical Instructions on Working with Assistant API and LangChain

1. Set up Assistant API 

  • Sign up for an OpenAI account
  • Get API key
import openai

     openai.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

2. Create an Assistant

  • Define instructions for the scope of your chatbot, tools it can access, etc. 
  • Pick a model (code recommendation, text embedding, etc.)
assistant = openai.Assistant("assistant name", model="Davinci")

3. Install LangChain

  • Install LangChain and LangChain-experimental package
  • Import OpenAIAssistantRunnable
from langchain.llms import OpenAIAssistantRunnable

4. Handle user input and get assistant response

  • Take user message as input 
  • Process with OpenAIAssistantRunnable to get assistant response
user_message = input("User: ")

     assistant_response = OpenAIAssistantRunnable(assistant).run(prompt=user_message)["response"]

5. Connect LangChain memory

  •   Store data to use across conversations
  •   Access external APIs through LangChain agents
memory = {"context": {}} 

     agent = ExampleAgent()

     assistant_response = OpenAIAssistantRunnable(assistant, memory=memory, agent=agent).run(prompt=user_message)["response"]

6. Deploy chatbot

  •   Wrap in a web app/API, connect to a messaging platform, etc.

Bottom Line: Who Can Build an AI Chatbot with Assistant API and LangChain

As you can see from the post above, anyone with minimal coding knowledge can build an AI chatbot using tools like LangChain and Assistant API. Of course, an average person with no software development background won’t be able to do this unless they learn extensively.

However, the essential factor is that any small business can now access all the benefits of using a chatbot with minimal investment. All you have to do is contact our team and set up a free consultation. Our experts will discuss your ideas and requirements and come up with a plan that will fit your budget.

No reason for any business to not benefit from a chatbot today exists. So, contact us and take the next step in your tech growth!

If you want to learn more about how Devtorium developers work with AI, check out the following articles:

How to Use Photoshop AI Generative Fill

Photoshop AI Generative Fill, recently introduced as a beta version by Adobe, is truly an incredible tool. Even as limited as it is now, it makes the work of designers and photographers much easier. Moreover, Generative Fill has a high potential to change the image editing industry. In this post, Devtorium`s designers will explain the features of Photoshop AI and show off some of its applications in graphic design services.

What is Photoshop AI Generative Fill?

Generative Fill is an AI solution that can generate or remove parts of an image with minimal effort from the user. In simple terms, it works like this, you select an area of an image and AI can produce realistic textures, patterns, and details that perfectly integrate into the rest of the picture.

The step-by-step process goes like this:

  • First, you select an area within your image where you want to add content.
  • Next, you provide text prompts (commands).
  • After this, Photoshop AI analyzes your prompts and the surrounding image content.
  • Following the analysis, Generative Fill generates new pixels that match the style, lighting, texture, and details based on your input.
  • Finally, you receive several updated image preview options and can choose the best one.

Note that Photoshop AI beta is available to all paid Adobe Photoshop subscribers. All you need to do as a registered user is to download and install the solution from the official website.

Our graphic designer, Khrystyna Byelova, has already tried using Photoshop AI Generative Fill when working on photo editing for our social media posts. Take a look at the amazing results it can produce. You can see the prompts she used in the image below.

Photoshop AI Generative Fill use case with prompts

How Generative Fill Benefits Designers

The main benefit of using Photoshop AI is that it saves designers a lot of time, which is usually spent on image editing. AI assistance offers some additional benefits as well:

  • Contextual image generation that matches the original (objects and backgrounds)
  • Multiple style options, including textures, patterns, lighting, and details
  • Layers support for non-destructive editing
  • Customization: you control the adjustment settings, like Color Adaptation, Rotation Adaptation, and Scale
  • Faster iteration by generating dozens of variations

Bottom Line: How to Implement Benefits of Photoshop AI for Your Business

If you are a graphic designer or a photographer, you can greatly speed up your work using Generative Fill. However, it’s not only professionals who work with visuals who can benefit from it. Content generated with Photoshop AI can be used across industries ranging from eCommerce to advertising.

The technology is still relatively new, but it continues to improve at a rapid pace. The potential use cases seem endless, whether filling gaps in product images or generating graphical assets for ad campaign concepts. If you want to know how to boost your own business using this tool, contact us for a free consultation. To learn more about the use of AI in design, check out this article about prompt engineering for Midjourney.

How to Hire an Offshore Outsourcing Software Development Company

Outsourcing software development offers a range of benefits to businesses of any size. The main advantage of this method is flexibility as outsourcing gives you access to a huge pool of talent. However, as much as it could help you, entrusting your product development to offshore specialists could also cause problems. The secret to success here is to hire a reliable outsourcing development company you can trust. This guide will help you with this by pointing out the most important factors to consider when choosing this service.

Benefits of outsourcing software development.

Advantages of Outsourcing Software Development

Before we get into the ‘how’, you need to understand whether outsourcing is the right choice for your business in general. An in-house team means you have more control of the workflow at every level. However, building your own team is guaranteed to be more expensive.

Meanwhile, outsourcing offers the following benefits:

  • Access to versatile tech talent
    When outsourcing software development you have access to all talent worldwide. Therefore, you can definitely find the exact combination of skills and tech expertise required to build your ideal product. For example, you can build an AI development team containing experts who specialize in AI training combined with expert developers who can build the system to their specifications.
  • Shorter time-to-market
    As you aren’t limited in tech expertise and don’t need to spend time recruiting and talent on your own, the product development journey will be shorter. Even if you need to recruit additional experts during the development process, the Devtorium IT recruiting service will do this for you. Therefore, you get to release your product faster and with minimal disruptions.
  • Easy scalability
    Having complete control of an in-house team also reduces its flexibility for scaling. However, when you are outsourcing software development, scaling won’t be an issue. Note that this is true both for up and downscaling. The size of your team will always correspond to your current needs and budget.
  • Quick team expansion
    Note that you don’t have to outsource the entire development project. In fact, you can often achieve better results by choosing IT outstaffing services. In this case, you will enhance your in-house team with additional tech expertise by recruiting offshore specialists. This is a great option for scalability and increasing your product functionality by hiring experts in highly specific areas.
Tips on how to find an offshore software development company.

How to Hire an Outsourcing Software Development Company: Step-by-Step

  1. Outline your requirements
    First of all, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your product. In order to choose an outsourcing software development company you need to understand what sort of technical expertise you require. Note that you don’t have to create a complete plan of technical features for the product. However, it will be best to research your prospective competitors and make a list of features you want to have. This way, you will be able to narrow down the pool of outsourcing candidates. For example, you can look for someone with expertise in fintech development, or creating insurance platforms, etc.
  2. Research offshore outsourcing companies
    You can use reputable platforms, such as Clutch, to collect information about various offshore outsourcing companies. A reliable provider will have all the essential information on their website. There you can learn about the services they offer and take a look at the case studies portfolio to get some idea of the company’s expertise.
  3. Conduct an interview and get a proposal
    The next step is to contact the company and set up a meeting where you can discuss your project. You can arrange a free meeting with the Devtorium team anytime. During this meeting, we will collect your requirements and talk about details in order to understand how we can bring your ideas to life. Then, we will provide you with some estimates and a proposal. When ‘shopping’ for a 
  4. Start collaboration with the outsourcing software development company
    Once we settle on the proposal, we can start collaborating to meet your goals and deadlines. Devtorium Project Managers will establish the lines of communication and set up the workflow to ensure that the project stays within the budget and delivery times outlined in the contract.
Best countries for outsourcing software development.

Best Destinations for IT Outsourcing Today

The first task that lies before you when looking for an outsourcing software development company is to choose a country. This shouldn’t be too difficult as there are reports that allow you to understand where exactly the IT outsourcing industry is the strongest. Moreover, you can find out average rates and see which destinations offer the best cost-to-value ratio for the client.

  • Ukraine
    Despite the war currently going on in the country, Ukraine remains the top IT outsourcing destination in Eastern Europe. The revenue generated by this industry has been steadily growing over the last decade and russia’s invasion didn’t impede this growth. According to Statista, the IT outsourcing industry is set to generate $1.7 billion in revenue in 2023 and double that within the next five years.
  • Poland
    Poland has the largest workforce of development professionals in Europe (about 500 000). About 40% of these professionals work in the IT outsourcing industry. Polish software development vendors provide highly skilled labor at a reasonable rate.
  • India
    India is one of the most popular software development outsourcing destinations due to the affordability and abundance of developers. The country has a huge pool of STEM graduates with about 2.5 million added every year.
  • Brazil
    Brazil is the top IT outsourcing destination in Latin America. It’s particularly appealing to US businesses because there are very few issues with time zones. The country heavily supports the IT outsourcing industry through favorable legislation and promotion of technical professions within its education system.

Hiring an outsourcing software development company can be a game-changer for your business. So, don’t hesitate, and take the first step right now!

What Is the Best Website Building Platform for Small Business?

The biggest challenge in choosing the best website building platform for small business today is that there are just too many of them. No doubt, when you visit the websites of different builders, you’ll see claims that they are the best and an impressive list of features used to prove it. Indeed, the truth of the matter is that many of these platforms are excellent. So, a business owner who is not an experienced tech professional working with websites might get confused fast.

Today, we’d like to bring some clarity to this issue. Devtorium has built dozens of websites for various industries, ranging from travel to eCommerce to derivatives trading. This experience gives our developers a perspective that enables them to help every client choose a website building platform best suited to their unique needs.

Below is a list compiled by our web development experts who share their top 5 website builders. These platforms are flexible and affordable, which makes them a great fit for small businesses.

Best website building platform for small business: WordPress, WIX, Shopify, Bubble, Webflow.

Best Website Building Platform for Small Business: Top 5

WordPress (+ WooCommerce)

WordPress is the number one website-building platform today. Over 43% of all websites on the internet run on WP. Despite the complex customization system, WordPress is the most flexible website builder you can find. If you wish to be in charge of the site and want to add unique functionalities and features, this is the choice for you. In fact, the Devtorium website is built on WordPress, so you can see exactly what our developers can do with this platform.

Moreover, small businesses specializing in online sales can easily create a WordPress store using a specialized plugin, WooCommerce. It’s one of the best eCommerce platforms today, and it allows you to run a store easily.

WordPress benefits:

  • WP is a powerful content management system (CMS) that is free to use. You must pay only for a hosting company and domain names.
  • WordPress is an open-source platform. Therefore, you can create a site with unique functionalities even with a small budget.
  • This platform has a vast library of add-ons and plugins (over 60,000). Having unlimited access to various extensions (free and premium) makes this builder the most flexible for adding features and designs.
  • There are thousands of themes and templates (free and premium). Therefore, you can create a beautiful site even without hiring a UI/UX designer.

AI capabilities:

WordPress offers multiple AI plugins that can diversify and boost website performance. They can perform various functions, including content creation, virtual assistance, security, and more.


Bubble is our favorite no-code platform. Users created 2.3M+ apps on it, and the platform raised $10.3 billion in funding. Bubble has a robust and, most importantly, scalable infrastructure. Therefore, it’s perfect for entrepreneurs building MVPs and also serves as a great website building platform for small business.

Bubble benefits:

  • is one of the most scalable no-code platforms. It’s easy to update and maintain your Bubble website. 
  • The drag-and-drop design saves you time and money. You can design custom web apps from scratch without the limitations of preset templates. 
  • The platform handles hosting, so there are no hard limits on the number of users or data storage.
  • Bubble web development is compatible with all browsers and operating systems.

AI capabilities:

You can integrate AI in and optimize the website how way you want. It’s compatible with top trending technologies, including OpenAI and ChatGPT.


Webflow is a no-code development platform that’s already used by 200,000+ organizations and businesses. Moreover, Webflow highly customizable. This website building platform for small business is a good option for design-oriented customers who wish to style the site precisely the way they want.

Webflow benefits:

  • Due to advanced design features, you can create complex rich animations, parallax scrolling, and a variety of micro-interactions. 
  • Webflow comes with a built-in Content Management System (CMS). Therefore, you can effectively manage and modify all your content with this tool.
  • The platform offers an extensive list of SEO tools and optimization options.
  • Webflow has a huge library of integrations, including app integration and automation, content marketing solutions, analytics, and targeting tools.

AI capability:

Webflow was planning to develop an integrated AI feature that would assist platform users. However, as of now, they only allow for the integration of third-party AI tools. You can learn more about Webflow’s plans for AI development from their blog.

Tips for choosing the best website building platform.


Shopify is a website building platform for small business that specializes in online sales. As eCommerce goes, it’s hard to find a more comprehensive solution. Devtorium developers worked with Shopify extensively and they are very happy with the platform’s functionality, stability, and security. This all-in-one platform powers 10% of total US eCommerce sites. As Shopify offers unlimited storage and no product limit, you can scale from small to big online stores. This website builder works best for businesses that want to launch an online store really fast.

Shopify benefits:

  • The platform’s advanced functionality enables you to manage your online store easily. Shopify offers everything from marketing and payment tools to secure transactions and shipping options support.
  • You can use Shopify to sell online or in-person. The platform supports multiple outlets, including web, mobile, social media, online marketplaces, pop-ups, in-person events, retail locations, and brick-and-mortar stores.
  • Shopify is completely cloud-based and hosted. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about issues like web hosting, security, caching, etc.
  • Shopify has a 24/7 support team. It’s one of the few eCommerce platforms offering 24-hour customer service via email, live chat, and phone.

AI capabilities:

Shopify recently introduced a new AI tool called Shopify Magic. This proprietary solution helps users generate product descriptions for their shops. However, bear in mind that Shopify Magic’s suggestions may not be 100% on target. It’s a common weakness of all AI content generators.


Wix is a website building platform powering over 10.8 million sites. It has quite a few limitations in site management and design. However, this platform is well-suited for small businesses, consultants, bloggers, and entrepreneurs.

Wix benefits:

  • Wix provides access to its own web hosting and domain names (free and paid).
  • There is a built-in SEO tool. Therefore, you can improve the site’s ranking effectively.
  • Wix considers website safety and security. For example, all their websites have an SSL certificate and are automatically backed up.
  • Wix offers 24/7 customer support services for all paid plans.

AI capabilities:

Wix has artificial design intelligence (Wix ADI) that can assist you in designing a beautiful website. However, this feature is only available for some types of projects (portfolios, yoga sites, etc.). If your project fits the AI’s requirements, it will create images and content. In addition, it will connect your social media, create a contact form, or pick a suitable design for your audience.

Bottom Line: How to Pick the Best Website Building Platform?

The process of choosing the best platform and building a website using it can be rather straightforward and easy. As a business owner, you just need to take the following steps:

  1. Make a list of the things you want your website to have and do. It will be easier if you do some extra research. For example, you can look at what your competitors’ sites are like. Also, you can add some ideas of the things you enjoyed on various pages while browsing the Internet.
  2. Contact the Devtorium team and arrange a free consultation at a time convenient for you.
  3. Share your list of requirements with us. Devtorium developers, analysts, and designers will quickly come up with suggestions and estimates. Next, we’ll provide an offer with different options that will highlight different perks of specific platforms that you can benefit from while staying within budget.
  4. Pick the offer that you like most, and our dev team will do the rest. You’ll have your website up and running in no time!

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