How to Choose a Tech Stack for AI-Driven SaaS Development

AI-driven SaaS development is one of the best investments ever because this tech trend is scorching hot. According to SpendDesk research, an average public SaaS company is now worth around $27 billion. Moreover, it’s estimated that 85% of all business applications will be SaaS-based by 2025. Undoubtedly, in a couple more years, software as a service will replace all other types.

If you need more motivation to invest in SaaS platform development, consider the following numbers:

  • Gartner estimates that cloud spending will amount to 45% of all enterprise IT spending by 2026.
  • The SaaS industry value is over $172 billion and constantly growing, says Exploding Topics.
  • Private European investment in SaaS is growing by 3.2, year over year, claims Paddle. However, the US remains the leader among SaaS companies and investors.

This list could go on, but there is only one conclusion, SaaS development services are gold right now. So, it pays to get onto that train as soon as possible.

If you decide to use this incredible opportunity and create a SaaS product, you need to look for a company with a tech stack for it. In case this is your first time, here are a few tips on choosing a tech stack for AI-driven SaaS development. We’ll also suggest the best technologies for these projects.

what is the best back-end technology for AI-driven SaaS development?

What to Consider When Choosing a Tech Stack for AI-Driven SaaS Development?

First of all, you must understand what drives the choice of a tech stack for any software development project. Five crucial factors will dictate your decision regarding technologies.

  • Scalability.
    Modern technology changes extremely fast, and your project will grow fast as well if it’s successful. Therefore, you must choose systems that allow continuous evolution and growth and integrate new features with minimal disruption.
  • Time-to-market.
    How fast can you release the product on the market? The answer is always as quickly as possible’. Even if it’s not the final version, the product should start making money and pay for itself early. In addition, launching an MVP will provide you with invaluable user feedback. Use it to make improvements in later product versions. However, remember that it will grow and change constantly.
  • Learning curve.
    It might happen that you need to change developers after launching your product. Therefore, you should consider the learning curve of the technology used for it. Think about how much time the new team will need to understand the project and start doing their job. Moreover, the tech stack will determine how hard it is for you even to find a new team. So, it’s always best to use widespread technologies.
  • Code maintainability.
    Think long-term and consider how your code can be maintained over time. For this, you need to consider whether the programming language you choose has an active community with strong support. In addition, make sure that code isn’t overly complicated. Again, this will become necessary if you need to change your AI-driven SaaS development company.
  • Support.
    Future product support is another thing to take into account when planning long-term. Overall, it’s best to choose technologies that have existed for a while and remain strong.

AI-Driven SaaS Development Tech Stack: Best Back-End Choices

The basis of your entire AI SaaS product starts with back-end development. It’s the foundation of your application, so you must ensure it’s as strong as possible. Therefore, no matter how innovative your AI-driven SaaS development idea is, it’s best to build the foundation on time-tested reliable technologies.

The best SaaS development choices for back-end tech include:

  • .NET (C#)
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python

Each choice will enable you to create a reliable and adaptable application. Moreover, these technologies are quite popular. Therefore, you shouldn’t have any issues changing developers or adding new people to your team as the product grows.

Speaking of growth, all these technologies allow for efficient scalability. So you’ll be able to improve and add new features fast.

There is no single best choice among these programming languages. This particular decision should be based on your product’s functionality and budget. Discuss this matter with experienced developers as they can advise on which choice will benefit the project most.

Best front-end technolgies for AI-driven SaaS development.

Best Front-End Technologies for SaaS Platform Development

JavaScript reigns supreme when it comes to AI-driven SaaS development. It’s hard to believe, but less than five years ago, about 95% of all websites used JavaScript. Therefore, there is no better choice for your SaaS development in the front-end department. In fact, one of the top back-end options we mentioned above is Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment for back-end development.

In regards to the front-end department, the best choices are all JavaSript frameworks:

  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue.js

You’ll need to get expert opinions and think long-term when choosing between them. It’s essential to have some idea of the changes you wish to implement to expand the product in the future. These technologies vary in flexibility, and adding specific features down the line might be more challenging for some of them. So, plan your moves ahead and think big. Even if you never implement the changes you plan at the beginning, you’ll be sure there is room for them.

Remember that rewriting your product in a new language later can be prohibitively expensive. Moreover, it might take you off the market for a while.

Start Your AI-Driven SaaS Development Project Right Now!

As you can see, the whole process of choosing a tech stack for AI-driven SaaS development seems a straightforward process. The best choices are indeed few, and they are well-known. It means you can easily research every programming language and framework to learn its strengths and weaknesses.

However, making the actual choice isn’t that easy. This decision can have a massive impact on your project’s success. Therefore, you must consider it very carefully.

It would be best to consult an experienced SaaS development company first. Find people you can trust and explain your ideas to them. If your research led you to something, share this with the developers. For example, you can say why you think .NET is the best choice compared to Node.js. Then, let experienced developers share their ‘insider knowledge’ of the framework. These negotiations should result in you making the best possible choice for your future project.

Want to see how this works? Schedule a free consultation with our team right now!

Devtorium has years of experience in SaaS products for various industries. Moreover, we’ve recently launched our own AI-powered SaaS platform, Marquètte, used for content generation. As a result, we can analyze your idea and devise several plans to bring it to life, considering your budget and long-term goals.

AI Chatbot Development: What a Chatbot Can Do

As you must know, GPT Chat has recently gone way beyond viral and unlocked new levels of popularity, so AI chatbot development has become the hottest trend. So, if you want to get on this trend before it’s too late, you need to hurry, as new AI-powered services are popping up overnight. In fact, even Devtorium launched an AI content generator, Marquètte.

All this means two things:

  • You need to invest in chatbot development as soon as possible to launch your product before the competition gets too intense.
  • Devtorium developers have a lot of experience in AI-powered software development, which we can put to good use to realize your ideas.

So, you know why invest in chatbot development services and who can do it for you. Therefore, the main question is, what kind of custom chatbot service do you want to launch?

AI chatbot development goes well beyond simple chatbots we are used to relying on as shopping assistants. This technology advances fast, and this kind of tool can complete many versatile and complex tasks now. In this article, we’ll share some ideas on what a chatbot can do today. Use it for inspiration or research when working on your AI-powered business plan.

AI Chatbot Development Ideas for Business: What Chatbots Can Do

AI chatbot development for customer service.

Chatbot Development for Customer Support

The most common use of chatbots today is, of course, creating visual assistants to make customer support more affordable. According to Gartner research, chatbots will become the primary customer service provider over the next five years. Moreover, about 74% of internet users prefer interacting with a chatbot when looking for answers to simple questions. Other studies also show that AI-powered assistants can reach the level of experienced sales professionals. Therefore, they can help your business quite effectively.

Additionally, chatbots can perform a wide range of tasks in their customer service role.

  • Answering questions.
    The best use of a chatbot is to give customers 24/7 support that can answer the most common questions. There might be some advanced issues that a machine can’t handle, but those can be rerouted to your human experts.
  • Processing customer inquiries.
    AI chatbot development can create an assistant that will integrate into the process of your interaction with the customers. AI can collect data and process it transferring inquiries to different business departments or even answering some of them automatically.
  • Finding, inventory checking, and recommending products.
    A great help for eCommerce businesses are chatbots that can lead the customer when they want to find a product fast. The AI can then check the inventory in real-time and recommend a replacement or additional products.
  • Processing return and exchange requests.
    AI chatbot development allows you to automate the return/exchange process completely, thus reducing the risk of human error. You’ll get a boost in customer experience and satisfaction out of it.
  • Tracking order shipments.
    Allow your customers to track their orders with an AI assistant.
  • Collecting and processing feedback.
    Chatbot development can produce a solution that will collect feedback more effectively through personalized requests. Moreover, it can immediately process the data.

AI chatbot development for marketing your business.

AI Chatbot Development for Marketing

There are many ways to use AI-powered platforms for marketing. The main purpose of these tools is to cut costs and increase the efficiency of information processing and analysis. In addition, you can teach your AI assistant to cross-sell, upsell, and downsell, to increase business revenue. Some ideas for marketing chatbot development include:

  • Lead generation.
    There can’t be too many ways to generate leads. So if you have a chance to use a chatbot for it, do this!
  • Second-net lead generation.
    What did we just say about ‘never too many lead generation routes’? If you aren’t using a chatbot as a primary lead gen contact, set it up as the second-net step so it can engage customers who ignored the initial lead generation form.
  • Pricing explanation.
    Pricing pages can be complicated for many users, especially if the service has a multiple-tier subscription system. Adding a chatbot at this stage will combine marketing, support, and sales efforts into a solution that will guide the customer to the subscription that suits them best.
  • Unobtrusive and engaging product promotion.
    AI chatbot development allows you to create an assistant that will be a witty and fun conversation partner for your customers. As an added feature, it can also promote your products as an organic part of the conversation instead of a self-promotion advertisement.
  • Powering up funnel marketing.
    You can include a chatbot to assist you and increase customer engagement at every level of your marketing funnel.
  • Assistance with quizzes, promotions, and contests.
    Chatbots can help you implement and process data collected by many popular marketing tools, like quizzes and contests. They can also help run promotions by engaging customers.

How to use AI chatbot development for sales.

AI Chatbot Development for Sales

Now, let’s be honest, a chatbot is not yet able to sell something as well as an experienced human sales professional. Moreover, the majority of people prefer interacting with humans, especially when discussing more complex topics. However, AI chatbot development can facilitate your sales process as a whole by assisting at several stages.

  • Offering product demos and showcasing them.
    A chatbot can help increase conversions and boost page visitor engagement by offering and running an attractive showcase of the product. It can be personalized for different target audience segments for better conversion chances.
  • AI-powered personal shopping assistant.
    The popularity of personal shoppers speaks for itself. AI can handle this task extremely well, especially with its capabilities for data processing and personalization. It may not sell directly, but it will help customers choose products, as well as cross-sell.
  • Providing quotes and estimates.
    Integrating AI chatbot development with your databases and business tools can create a bot capable of giving precise quotes and promoting your products at the same time. It’s a great opportunity for growth and conversion.
  • Connecting sales and customer support.
    Offering sales assistance, product promotion, and customer support in one place is a sure win with the customers. Create a chatbot that will help your visitors in every way and switch automatically to guide the user to conversion. AI is advanced enough to do it. You just need a custom product development team that can unlock its potential for you.

AI chatbot development helps every business.

Bottom Line: Chatbot Development Is for Everyone

The simple truth is that every business today can benefit from investing in a chatbot development company. The potential in this industry is limitless. You can use the bot to assist your own business from within or to engage your customers. The only limits here are your imagination and current technology level. However, the latter is growing fast.

We’ll stop here today. However, in the future, expect to see more articles about applying chatbots in different industries, including healthcare and fintech.

What Is the Best Messenger App for Business?

Choosing a messenger app for business isn’t as easy as it might seem at first glance. Of course, you begin the search thinking that whatever you use for personal messaging in your daily life must be good enough, right?

But businesses aren’t personal daily life. Therefore, you need to consider a dozen extra factors, like integrations, performance, compatibility, affordability, subscription plans, and security. When Devtorium was working on choosing the best business messenger platform for our company, we conducted a detailed study to compare all the most popular options on the market. A team of our employees from different departments tested half a dozen apps for over a month. They assessed the platforms based on the following criteria:

  • Usability
  • Functionality
  • Price
  • Performance
  • Compatibility
  • Security

Admittedly, some options we’ve studied are fun but not business-appropriate (Discord). Meanwhile, some don’t even rate a mention as their ‘ready to switch’ rate was so low (2.17% for Mattermost Pro). Yet none of this means that these messenger platforms are bad. It’s just that they don’t fit our specific business model.

Today we will share a detailed analysis of the top three messenger apps for business based on Devtorium’s in-house study. 

Best Messenger App for Business: Comparison by the Devtorium Team

Slack is the best overall messnger app for business.

Slack: Best Overall Messenger App for Business

Slack is probably the most popular, and definitely the most well-known, messaging app for business, and with good reason. This app passed our functionality testing with flying colors. Moreover, its performance, compatibility, and usability testing proved the platform to be top-notch.

A few of our testers encountered some minor issues, but those were rare. Also, only a couple of people didn’t find this app intuitive and easy to use. However, ultimately, none of the employees using this app deemed it a failure or a wrong choice for any business.

During our investigation, the Devtorium team noticed some minor issues with:

  • Authentication process
  • Notification status (when the message is delivered/read/etc.)
  • Notifications when a user joins or leaves a group chat
  • Blocking contacts

Please bear in mind that those were only one-time minor inconveniences, not major issues that affected the app’s overall performance.

Overall, Slack proved to be an excellent messenger app for business on every level. Its performance is outstanding, and it can effectively integrate with Zoom and Google Drive. Therefore, conference calls and file sharing are never an issue. The best thing about it is that Slack is a rather flexible solution designed to meet the majority of business needs. In addition, it runs equally smoothly on all devices.

One of the biggest advantages of Slack as a messenger app for business is its flexibility for customization. For example, users can set up precise notification alerts, filter discussions by various parameters, edit messages, etc. Therefore, the user can set up the app in a way to maximize their personal productivity.

Slack Pros:

  • High level of customization and personalization
  • Effective integrations with popular third-party tools (e.g. Zoom, Google Drive, Asana, Dropbox, Outlook Calendar etc.)
  • Stores conversation history that every member that joins the group can access
  • Easy and smooth file sharing in real-time
  • Good performance and stability across devices

Slack Cons:

  • Occasional issues with the quality of calls
  • Minor issues with notifications and statuses (rare)
  • Quite expensive subscription plans (can be unfeasible for SMBs)

Google Chat: Best messenger app for business if you use Workspace by Google

Google Chat: Google Workspace Messenger App for Businesses

If your company uses Google Workspace, choosing Google Chat as your messenger app for business makes sense. It’s efficient overall, its performance is good, and Google-backed security is excellent. Moreover, being a Google Service, it easily integrates with all other Google services and tools. Therefore, it’s reasonably easy to set up a communication and file-sharing infrastructure within your organization.

That said, almost 40% of Devtorium employees who tested business messenger platforms would prefer NOT to switch to Google Chat. This choice comes from the limitations of the app’s functionality and occasional issues with everything that isn’t a Google service.

All in all, our testers conclude that Google Chat is an excellent tool for short messages exchanged within the Workspace. However, it’s insufficient for multi-faceted international teams that need to exchange files, calls, videos, and feedback, all in real-time.

Perhaps, the main issue is that Google developed so many excellent but single-purpose tools. Therefore, its group-messaging solution lacks all the features that other tools have built-in from the start. So, it works well as an element of a comprehensive Workspace environment but not well enough to be an efficient stand-alone messaging app for business.

Don’t get us wrong, Google Chat is fantastic for use along with other Google services. It allows you to combine emails and chat and even set tasks managing your team’s calendars during the conversation. However, it’s not a stand-alone messenger app for business. In fact, it doesn’t even have a separate desktop/mobile app, only a web version that runs via the Google Chrome browser.

Google Chat Pros:

  • Excellent integration with all Google Workspace services
  • Easy and intuitive to use
  • Connected to Gmail, which allows conversing via chat and email within groups

Google Chat Cons:

  • Only really useful as a part of Google Workspace
  • No Reply feature, which makes communication difficult, especially in groups
  • Only web app available

Rocket Chat: Best alternative to Slack as a messenger app for business

Rocket Chat Messenger App for Business

In essence, Rocket Chat, as it is today, is an approximation of Slack. It’s similar in UI and functionality, leaving the user with a similar feel. That said, it’s still not Slack-level technology.

For all that it passed all functional tests our team put the solution through, only about 2% of people were ready to switch to this app. First of all, it’s because, as a messenger app for business, it’s really not cost-efficient. At the minimum, you will need to pay $7 a month per user (no less than 25 users). The free version of the app has limited notifications and functionality, so it’s not very useful even for a small business.

There are some distinctions in the package offering depending on whether you install Rocket Chat on your company’s server or use Rocket’s resources. However, both options end up being quite expensive.

In addition, the app has fewer robust features and integrations compared to Slack. There are also some issues with updating the app. Therefore, it can eventually become a security risk. In addition, it’s not intuitive in some cases, especially with the newer features.

Rocket Chat Pros:

  • Similar to Slack in design and functionality
  • Has a versatile collection of features and integrations
  • Can be installed on the company’s servers directly

Rocket Chat Cons:

  • Expensive overall, considering its limited functionality when compared to Slack
  • Issues with updating the solution to a newer version
  • Not intuitive in some features
  • Quote a message feature isn’t particularly easy to use

Bottom Line: What is the Best Messenger App for Business?

After evaluating some of the leading messenger apps for business, the Devtorium team came to the conclusion that the best option overall is Slack. Of all the platforms on the market, it has the most robust functionality and can easily integrate with all other solutions your business uses today.

However, we’d like to note that every top platform on the market has many strong points. Therefore, every business should explore the pros and cons of each option after considering its unique needs.

Moreover, with how fast AI technology is advancing right now, we are sure that we’ll soon see a messenger app for business that uses AI-powered tools in some fashion. We’re looking forward to this. Are you?

Best messanger app for business: top 3 options

End-to-End Development: Benefits for Business Success in 2022

End-to-end development can provide a software product that will enable your business to grow considerably. An end-to-end solution opens multiple opportunities for improving workflows and increasing profitability. Understanding the advantages of this type of development will help you decide whether it’s a good investment for your business. We would like to help you make the best choice for your company.  In this post, our experts will explain both pros and cons of end-to-end software development.

What Is End-to-End Development?

When it comes to end-to-end custom software product development, a vendor has to provide you with

  • Establishing all the necessary software or hardware requirements
  • Solution installation services
  • Solution integration with third-party software (if needed)
  • Complete solution setup
  • Software maintenance

All in all, no other service providers should be involved in the end-to-end development process. For example, an end-to-end e-commerce solution aims to address business needs regarding order processing, stock and warehouse management, and accounts systems.

One of the most significant advantages of the end-to-end model for the customer is reduced business risk. When employing this type of development service, the same professionals will be responsible for the entire creation and maintenance process. Therefore, any issue can be dealt with immediately. In addition, you won’t have to spend extra resources to manage various software development and maintenance stages by several separate teams.

Why end-to-end development is a good investment for s business.

End-to-End Development Benefits for Your Business

Custom-tailored end-to-end solution (E2ES)

The main benefit is getting a solution that is ideally in tune with your business. Depending on your requirements for the product, it might provide you with an aerial view of all the workflows. Therefore, you’ll be able to monitor every aspect of the business in real time. Such help can be invaluable if your goal is to maximize profit and reduce waste and redundancy. Solutions created by an enterprise web development company can be highly complex and flexible to account for every tiny business detail.

Moreover, your total control of the business process through such solutions will enable faster and more efficient modernization. It will also help grow overall productivity and improve the performance of every unit within the enterprise.

Reduced costs and extra income

Calculating the cost of end-to-end software development is a complicated process that largely depends on the customer’s requirements. However, you can be sure that hiring an end-to-end solution developer will be cheaper than hiring several contractors to create and manage the software.

Moreover, some mistakes and issues will surely happen when different people work on one project. Therefore, it will mean losses for your business on several levels. Therefore, having a single team handle every step of the software product lifecycle is more cost-efficient overall.

In addition, consider the extra income you will gain from the productivity boost. No one can argue that top-quality custom software helps increase profits. So, the result of hiring a dedicated end-to-end development company is a reduction of your costs and the growth of your income.

Operational efficiency

Human error is an essential factor that every business must consider. Using top-grade custom software is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of human error today. However, you must remember that people who create and manage this software are liable to make mistakes. This chance increases if several unconnected teams work with the same product. Therefore, the foremost benefit of an end-to-end solution (E2ES) is reduced risk of human error.

Of course, people might make mistakes in these teams. However, if the solution is closely monitored by people who understand it fully, they can resolve any issues quickly and efficiently.

Using end-to-end development also often helps businesses boost their operational efficiency through automation. It can help you optimize workflows and improve overall resource management.


End-to-end development is safer in every way. First of all, you only need to have an airtight NDA with one company. But even more important is that an end-to-end solution (E2ES) has fewer security risks.

It’s important to remember that every third-party software integration makes a solution more vulnerable to outside attacks. Also, in this case, you would rely on each of those other solutions being up-to-date with security.

In addition, it’s pretty common for different solutions to fail at integration after their separate updates. Therefore, your whole business might be at risk.

Meanwhile, an end-to-end enterprise web development company can create a highly secure software product. The developers will also update its security regularly as part of maintenance. So, you can be sure that your business is always protected from the latest cyber threats.

Why end-to-end solutions development can be the right choice for you.


For the majority of businesses, growth is one of their foremost goals. And every business owner understands that workflow disruptions at a critical time can cause a loss of growth opportunities. Those chances might not come up again. Moreover, the business might lose a lot of money. For example, if a significant disruption happens during some big seasonal sale or a costly marketing campaign.

The ability to scale fast is one of the most significant benefits of end-to-end development. These solutions are literally designed to grow with your business. Therefore, the vendor can collaborate with the software developer to facilitate any changes in business workflows.

This way, you will not only ensure that your company runs smoothly at any time. But you will also maintain top-grade efficiency with new parameters. So, you’ll have a better chance to retain the loyalty of new customers.

Scaling up your business becomes easier and more affordable with an end-to-end solution. Moreover, you can benefit from the development company’s analytical data to help you choose the best moment and build an efficient strategy.


Transparency is essential for any business. End-to-end development allows you to have more transparency in matters related to software. Working with a single team, you will have more effective communication. In addition, you will have access to everything that’s happening on the project.

It means more control over the development process. So you’ll be sure that you are making the best use of your resources. In addition, you will have guarantees that your data is well-protected. If you want to be sure of its safety, choose a development company that holds recognized security certificates.

Cons of end-to-end development for small businesses.

Is End-to-End Development for Everyone?

While the benefits of end-to-end solution development cannot be denied, there are some cases when it’s not the best option. The foremost concern is, of course, the cost. End-to-end development isn’t cheap. Therefore, it’s out of reach for the majority of businesses.

Remember that it’s a long-term investment. So, you’ll need to pour a lot of funds into it long before it pays off fully, let alone starts bringing a profit. Moreover, this project will require a constant flow of funds as developers will need to provide maintenance for the product.

Another thing to consider is that you’ll be stuck with the software development company you hire first. Of course, if some issues arise, it’s possible to change your contractors eventually. However, this will increase the cost and might cause multiple problems on the development side. Therefore, you must be 100% sure of the company you employ for end-to-end solution development.

Scalability can also be a concern. On the one hand, it should be easier for your development team to expand the product. They know all the ins and outs of the project and can work with it most efficiently.

Meanwhile, an end-to-end solution might not be very flexible by design. For example, adding some new advanced features might be impossible because they won’t sync with the original architecture. So, your growth opportunities might be limited down the line. Also, expanding the solutions might be too costly as you might need to rework all of it to accommodate additions.

All in all, you need to consider end-to-end software development with extreme care. Talk to the developers and discuss all pros and cons of this approach. A trustworthy custom software development company will advise you on the best choice for your business.

Bottom Line: End-to-End Development Services You Can Trust

There are many ways in which an end-to-end solution can benefit your business. However, it’s essential to understand that you would be able to enjoy these benefits only when the custom software development company you hire can deliver top-quality services.

When choosing a development team, you need to consider the following:

  • Expertise.
    Check the company’s case studies and discuss their expertise during a meeting. You need to ensure the developers have experience with the exact types of tasks you will set for them.
  • Reputation.
    Look up the company’s reviews online and ask for referrals whenever possible. However, you must also remember that restrictive NDAs cover many software development projects. Therefore, you might not be able to contact the company’s other clients directly.
  • Professionalism.
    You should be able to get a reasonable estimation of the developers’ professionalism at the early stages of negotiations. A reliable development team must be open with you from the start and ready to work with you to achieve the best business outcomes. In addition, evaluate the communication and time management skills of the people you interact with. Would you trust them with your investment?

If, after reading all this, you realize that end-to-end development is the way to go for your business, contact us! We’ll be happy to discuss your ideas and requirements in more detail during a free consultation.

How to Hire a Fintech Software Company

Are you looking to hire a fintech software company to develop an innovative solution for your business? With so many companies offering different services and packages, it can take time to determine which is the right fit for your needs. In this blog post, we will provide you with the necessary steps to help you find the perfect software company for your project. We will discuss every step, from researching potential companies to negotiating terms and signing a contract.

How does this intro sound to you?

As you know, Devtorium has been working on an AI-powered platform Marquètte, an online content generator that can help copywriters and marketers everywhere. We’re proud to announce our latest update, Content Templates. They are blueprints that allow users to generate specific types of texts optimized for various purposes. At the moment, our primary focus is marketing texts, including:

  • Product descriptions
  • SMM posts/ads
  • Blog posts
  • Quora answers

However, we are expanding our templates library. We already have several options useful for students, such as an online essay generator or a template that can provide you with complex mathematical formulas.

Of course, AI is not as good a writer as a talented and experienced human. However, it’s learning with every iteration, so the quality of the content it can generate constantly increases. Check it out for yourself by reading the post below. Find out how to hire fintech software developers in the words of artificial intelligence.

AI tells you how to hire a fintech software company.

Hiring a Fintech Software Company Step 1: Research the Market

Research potential companies to hire by Googling and reading reviews on specialized websites, like Clutch. Look for companies specializing in fintech software development with a proven track record. Ask for references and get in touch with their former clients to learn more about their experience. Finally, ensure the company you’re considering has the necessary skills and experience to deliver the desired results.

Step 2: Set Your Requirements for a Fintech Software Company

Start by creating a list of criteria for selecting a fintech software development services provider. Consider the company’s size, its experience in the fintech sector, and its portfolio. Additionally, review their customer service policies and pricing structure. Make sure to include its reputation and customer reviews in your considerations. In addition, define your project goals so you can make sure that the fintech software company has the necessary skills stack.

Step 3: Request Quotes from Fintech Software Development Companies

Reach out to potential fintech software development providers and ask for quotes. Make sure to provide them with all the necessary information about your project. Ask for a timeline of when the project will be completed. Compare quotes from different companies and choose the best fit for your needs.

Step 4: Review Fintech Development Projects Portfolios

To select the right fintech software company, compare portfolios from several vendors. Look at their past projects and read reviews from previous clients to get a better idea of their services. Then, ask questions to ensure that the vendor can meet your requirements. Once you have selected the right partner, you can begin the project.

Step 5: Ask for References and Check Fintech Software Company Reviews

Before you hire a fintech software company, ask for references from their previous clients. You should also check online reviews to see what other people say about their services. Make sure to read both positive and negative reviews to get a full picture of their expertise. Finally, ask questions so that you can be sure that the company is the right fit for your project.

Step 6: Negotiate Terms and Agree on a Project Timeline

Once you’ve chosen a fintech software company to work with, it’s important to negotiate terms and agree on a timeline for the project. Discuss the project scope, budget, and timeline in detail before signing any contracts.

Step 7: Sign a contract and begin the project

Once all details with the fintech software development provider are settled, it is time to sign the contract. Make sure all terms and conditions are clear and agreeable before signing. If you don’t have an in-house professional, consider discussing the document with a legal expert before finalizing the deal. Once the contract is signed, you can begin the project.

Bottom Line: Hire Fintech Software Developers You Can Trust

Hiring a fintech software company can be daunting, but with the proper research and criteria, you can make the process much easier. Taking the time to contact potential companies, compare quotes and review portfolios, and ask for references and reviews is essential to finding the right fit. Once you have identified the best candidate, negotiating terms and signing a contract will help ensure that your project runs smoothly and successfully. With these steps in mind, you can find the perfect fintech software company for your needs.

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Top 7 Programming Languages for Web Design and Development Services

Everything is turning online these days, so every business requires web design and development services at some point. People can’t imagine their lives without technology, and the Internet and programming languages are becoming the most important instruments for developing these systems. If you are new to this topic and don’t know how to select the best programming language for your future website or software, just keep reading. We’ll explain the top 7 programming languages you should know about before hiring a custom web development company.

Top programming languages for web design and development serrvices today

Choosing Web Design and Development Services: Top 7 Programming Languages


JavaScript is the most popular programming language for web developers worldwide, according to a StackOverflow survey. Its popularity is so high that one can say that JS is one of the core components of the modern Web. Note that this technology is so popular and versatile it’s used not only in front-end development. There are also Node.js for back-end development, as well as JS in Adobe Acrobat and Apache CouchDB.

Over 64% of developers today use JavaScript for programming. So, it’s highly likely that any custom web development company will offer this type of service.

The main reasons for the insane popularity of JS are:

  • Flexibility.
    The main benefit of JS is that it’s implemented by all browsers and is exceptionally versatile. It can be used both at the client and server side in front and back-end development.
  • Framework libraries.
    Extensive framework libraries of JavaScript further increase the flexibility of applications. The most popular among them are React.JS, jQuery, Angular, Express, Vue.js, and Svelte. Using these frameworks makes it possible to create highly complex apps, but their overhead will be reasonably low.
  • Quick communication.
    Another great advantage of JS comes from JavaScript package managers. They enable fast and efficient communication, which helps teams work more productively.
  • Node.js.
    Node.js deserves a separate mention in the JS benefits list because it allows developers to have back-end and front-end code in a single language. Therefore, mastery of JavaScript proves that a custom web development company is able to create an astounding application from the ground up

Your design must solve people’s problems. Therefore, you need to get to know the real people the product will serve.


Python is a programming language that is becoming very popular for eCommerce solution development. The rise of machine learning caused this boost in popularity. Therefore, if you are looking for a provider of web design and development services that will provide you with highly innovative solutions, consider the masters of Python.

This language is both simple and efficient. It’s incredibly flexible as well and has multiple framework libraries. Notably, Python makes it easy to scale apps. Therefore, it’s an excellent option for businesses that are developing fast and want to provide continuous top-level experience to their users.

Developers often appreciate this language for its relative ease. It has English-like syntax, and learning it is probably the fastest compared to other programming languages. It’s one of the reasons why this particular language is often applied in AI development. According to Deloitte analysis (2019), startups that offer AI-powered software increased ROI by $704 million over one year.

Note that Python also makes it easier to identify mistakes in the code. It’s executed line by line. And if a line has a mistake, the system sends out an alert about the issue instead of executing it.

Another significant benefit is that one doesn’t need to write different codes for use on different devices. With Python, only one code can run on any platform. However, remember that there might be platform-specific features that you won’t be able to use this way.


With JavaScript being the most popular programming language for web design and development services, Java might seem obsolete. In fact, it’s common knowledge that experts expect not to see it at the top of programming languages every year.

But Java remains there, and its position is quite firm. Even companies like Google, Netflix, and Amazon are still actively using Java. And it’s highly possible that Java will remain one of the top choices for enterprise-level software development. The main reason for this is security.

It’s a fact that Java is one of the most secure options for software development. According to IBM, data breaches can cost businesses nearly $5 million on average. Of course, any enterprise wants to have the highest security level possible. So, Java is the method they choose to protect their precious data.

Also, Java is a language that doesn’t depend on the platform. Therefore, it’s easy to move Java apps from one platform to another using the Java Virtual Machine. Millions of available libraries further increase the flexibility of development. There are very few things that can’t be created using Java.

Another advantage is that Java is stable as clockwork. It might not be the top trendiest language. However, it’s religiously updated once every six months. Due to this, it’s often jokingly referred to as an ‘immortal language’.


C#, or C-Sharp, is a programming language that enables a custom web development company to create nearly any kind of application you can imagine. It’s a great option for web design and development services if your goals are scalability and integration with other software. That’s an important detail, as applications in C# can easily integrate with other languages.

Microsoft developed this language. Therefore, it receives a lot of top-grade support that’s constantly updated. There is also a ton of literature on this language. So, it’s one of the easiest to learn for a developer. Extensive libraries also make it a lot easier to implement many features.

C# has an advantageous type of safety feature that helps identify and fix mistakes during the development process. When used with the .NET framework, C# allows developers to achieve incredible results. Also, its high level of security makes it a common choice for businesses and enterprises.

This language is one of the most popular for game development today. In particular, it’s the default programming language choice for VR and AR games.


The first thing you ought to understand about PHP is that it’s a server-side programming language. Therefore, it allows the developer and, by extension, your business to use sessions. Meaning it will process information the server stores about a user and send a response based on it in real time. It’s an important advantage for web design and development services if you want to achieve a high level of personalization.

Note that about 80% of all websites use PHP. So, any custom web development company worth its salt should have expertise in it. There are multiple tools and modules for PHP, which is an open-source language by default. Therefore, this language is highly versatile. It can be used to create static and dynamic websites.

One of the biggest advantages of PHP is that it allows for the speedy creation of web apps. Those apps are also very easy to maintain and upgrade with time. All in all, PHP is a cost-efficient option for those who need to launch their website or application fast. It’s often used in CMS, eCommerce, data analytics, and image processing apps.

Also, note that PHP apps are loading faster compared to others. Therefore, this might be the best option if you plan to launch a web application in a region with slower Internet connections.


First of all, you need to know that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. That’s an important thing to consider regarding web design and development services powered by TS. The popularity of TypeScript has been growing over the last few years. It’s not a surprise, as this language gets a lot of support from the giants Microsoft and Google.

The main thing about TypeScript is that it’s a better version of JavaScript with static typing. It allows the detection of a larger number of bugs. So, it makes any code work more efficiently by default. It’s also easier to transfer codes from other languages, like C# or PHP to TS, compared to JS.

Overall, TypeScript can help reduce bugs and is even easier and more intuitive to use for programming. However, there are some coexpression issues between TS and JS. Therefore, while the advantages of TypeScript are many, you should consult your custom web development company on whether this is the best option for your case. It’s important to take into account all pros and cons of this specific language.

But considering its consistently rising popularity. TS could likely become the more cost-efficient option for many businesses.

See how we did it in our case study

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In terms of choosing a provider of web design and development services, business owners must understand that Ruby programming won’t be cheap. It’s because this programming language isn’t as common as JS, PHP, C#, etc. Therefore, the services of a high-class Ruby developer are expensive.

That said, those services can be a worthy investment for many companies. Ruby is definitely one of the most efficient programming languages there are right now. To give you some idea of how efficient it is, just think that GitHub and Airbnb use it.

At the moment, the Ruby on Rails ecosystem has over 3.5K contributors on GitHub. This programming language is one of the most flexible and secure options. Therefore, it’s a good option for enterprise-level companies that are looking for top quality.

In addition, Ruby also allows for rather fast development. So, enterprises get even more benefits as they can launch their project quickly without compromising quality or security.

Also, bear in mind that Ruby developers are highly paid. The framework itself is open-source. Therefore, it’s possible to find a cost-efficient solution when working with a reliable custom web development company. That’s why many startups also choose to use Ruby for their websites and apps.

Another important advantage is the scalability afforded by Ruby on Rails. It’s one more reason why it’s a good choice for innovative startups that have excellent ideas and expect fast growth.

most popular programming languages for web design and development services according to a StackOverflow survey

Bottom Line: Top Programming Languages for Web Design and Development Services in 2022

Choosing a programming language for your website or application is something a customer should discuss with your custom web development company. In fact, this is a decision that should be made only after you outline the idea and goals you have. Experienced developers would be able to offer the best options to achieve your specific goals.

Remember that there is no such thing as an ‘ultimate’ programming language for web design and development services. Each option available today, even those not listed here, has many pros and cons. The choice of language should be based on the scope, budget, and purpose of your project.

However, you can be sure of one thing, there is a perfect way to bring any idea to life through custom web development. So, if you want to see your project take form and help grow profits for your business, contact us.

Our highly experienced team of developers has expertise in multiple programming languages. We’ve successfully completed projects in the energy, security, sports, media, beauty, and insurance industries. Our developers have extensive knowledge of back-end and front-end development using different languages. Share your idea with us, and we’ll make it a reality!

Hiring an IT Security Services Company: Understand Types of IT Security

Hiring an IT security services company is a big responsibility because these people will significantly impact your business. Therefore, you need to do a lot of research beforehand to know exactly what to look for.

Today we will discuss the types of IT security services a business needs. This post will help you understand what to consider from the contractor’s list of services and experience.

If you need a reminder of why investing in cyber security services company matters, remember that companies like Equifax and Yahoo lost over $425 and $117 million, respectively, due to data breaches. The number of cybercrimes and losses they cause is growing exponentially. So, today, cyber security should be the highest priority for any business.

Types of services offered by an IT security services company.

Things to Consider When Hiring an IT Security Services Company

Of course, you want maximum benefit for your money, right?

So, the cyber security services company you hire must offer all types of protections that a business needs. Check out the most critical types of IT security services today:

  • Network security.
    The company you hire must be able to ensure the usability, integrity, and reliability of your entire network. So they do not only protect it from hackers but also prevent problems the users might have accessing the network.
  • Internet security.
    Your IT security company must protect your browsers and web-based apps. Also, you should find out whether they offer training or find it elsewhere. Employee training is an integral part of the complex measures that ensure your online business security.
  • Endpoint security.
    Endpoint security is device protection. Note that this includes not only desktop computers and laptops used in the workplace but also smartphones and tablets. It primarily relies on device management solutions and malware protection.
  • Application security.
    Bear in mind that application security is literally coded in when the app is in development. That said, it’s possible to increase the security of an existing app after evaluating its code and covering vulnerabilities. But it’s always best to have the highest security level from the start.
  • Cloud security.
    Tools used to ensure cloud services security include, but aren’t limited to, Secure Interner Gateways (SIG), cloud-based unified threat management (UTM), and cloud access security broker (CASB).

How to hire an IT security services company: final tips.

How to Hire a Cyber Security Services Company: Other Factors That Matter

When hiring an IT security services company, you need to consider what they can do for you on a broader scale. For example, as a business, you often need to prove that your customers are well-protected. You can do it by displaying certificates from trusted security solutions integrated into your services. In addition, you can educate your clients about the data encryption methods you implement. The security company can provide you with all this.

But businesses dealing with more sensitive data or, for instance, participating in the tendering process need more advanced security verifications. In this case, you can have an IT security services company with an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Certificate audit your business. This will allow you to use the internationally-recognized certificate as proof that your company is above reproach. Note that such an audit is a mandatory requirement for some contracts, especially with the government.

Are You Ready to Hire an IT Security Services Company?

You are ready to hire a cyber security services company whenever you even think about starting a business. If you already have a company of your own and no one is providing you with top-notch security services, you are at risk.

Contact Devtorium Information Security Department and arrange an audit right away!

We are an ISO 21007:2013-certified company. Our experts will conduct a detailed audit of all your security systems and protocols and provide a list of suggestions on how to protect your business in the best possible way.

How to See That a UI/UX Design Company Is Really Good

It might seem that choosing a UI/UX design company is straightforward. You just look at their portfolio, and if you like something, you hire them, right? That should be real simple.

However, as it usually is in life, hiring a truly reliable and talented UI/UX design services company isn’t quite that easy.

A portfolio is a significant factor in this process, but it’s not the only thing that marks a great designer. In fact, did you know that to be a high-class professional, a web designer must possess some very specific character traits? Only a few of them have to do with creative talent.

Any UI/UX design services provider must have those qualities in some measure. So if you want to hire a team that can help your business achieve outstanding results, keep reading to learn what you should be looking for.

5 Qualities to Look For in a UI/UX Design Company

An individual UI/UX designer should know their business instruments, such as Figma, Illustrator, and so on. In addition, they have to be creative and understand the trends in UI/UX design. But aside from these professional requirements, they need some personal qualities to fit into this job.

  • Optimism
  • Tenacity
  • Adaptability
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Curiosity
  • Empathy
  • Passion

These are character traits that UI/UX designers need to understand their clients and ‘see’ and share their vision.

Let’s be honest, this kind of creative job can be emotionally draining. So, tenacity, resilience, and adaptability are all qualities that will help the professional to do their job well. They have to emphasize with the client, so they can see the project ‘through their eyes’.

And on a larger scale, a UI/UX design company should also have these traits. However, in this case, the qualities to look for in UI/UX design services providers sound a bit different.

Qualities of a reliable and talented UI/UX design company.

Strong work ethic

Having a strong work ethic for a UI/UX design company means being ready to understand and solve the client’s problems no matter how hard the challenge might seem. Sometimes design discussions are wrought with conflict. Moreover, some people might not be responsible enough to consistently complete their work on time and maintain the desired quality.

Therefore, during the interview, the client needs to discuss things like ‘what’s your protocol for implementing design changes?’. Talking about such things and studying the company’s reviews will help you understand whether the team’s work ethic is good. You should also check out services like Clutch to get more feedback about the company’s services.

High level of UI/UX design company professionalism

No amount of creative talent can offset the lack of professional training for a UI/UX designer. Therefore, you always need to find out what skills the designers have.

Ask about the tools the company uses for work. A skilled UI/UX designer should be a master of multiple solutions.

For wireframes and prototypes, and mockups:

  • Figma
  • Sketch
  • InVision studio
  • Adobe XD
  • Axure
  • Framer
  • Marvel
  • Miro
  • FlowMapp
  • Balsamiq

For graphic assets, illustrations, and icons:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator

In addition, for documentation and presentations:

  • Google suite (Sheets, Docs, Slides)
  • Microsoft Office package (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)

Inquire about seeing samples of the professional’s work in some of these solutions.

Proactivity in everything

The best UI/UX design company should proactively communicate with the client. Let’s face it, the client isn’t a professional and might not know the latest trends and best practices. So, the designers should offer their ideas with examples and explanations of why precisely this way is the best for business.

Well-developed in problem solving

Many unexpected problems can occur with UI/UX design services. That’s why designers must work closely both with the client and developers. They should be proactive in finding solutions or the best way to visualize the ones provided by the development team.

Great at communication

Communication is a crucial skill for designers. In fact, soft skills outweigh hard skills in this profession. As a client, you should talk to the designer and evaluate whether your communication is indeed effective.

  • Does the designer understand your vision?
  • Can you discuss changes or complaints constructively?
  • Does the team understand the ideas you want to communicate the way you need them to?
  • Can you, from your side, understand the designer’s vision and reasoning behind it?

Finding a person that you really enjoy communicating with can be challenging. However, it’s always best to find the UI/UX design services company you just ‘click’ with.

Bottom Line: How to Hire the Best UI/UX Design Company

It might be surprising for some, but communication is the best way to hire a UI/UX design company. Of course, you should look at the designers’ portfolios and inquire about their experience working with your niche.

However, a truly great designer’s strength is thinking outside the box of niche-imposed cliches. So, having experience with multiple industries is a benefit instead of a drawback.

It’s communication that will show whether the company truly has your business’s best interests in mind and whether the team can and will bring your vision to life.

Let’s start with communication! Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

Why Invest in Fintech Software Development

Investing in fintech software development may be your shortest way to becoming a millionaire, as this market is growing by roughly 20% a year.

Are you wondering whether the global economic crisis will affect this growth? Or what type of fintech products is the best to invest in?

Today we are answering these and other questions regarding custom fintech solutions.

Fintech Software Development Benefits: Based on Industry Overview

According to data from Adroit Research, the size of the global fintech market has already exceeded $110 billion. It’s expected to be almost $700 billion by 2030 at the rate it’s growing. For business-minded people, that’s all the motivation needed to get into that market as soon as possible.

Of course, not all predictions turn out to be true. Moreover, some skeptics might notice (rightly so!) that the global economy is falling into a recession and that financial markets are volatile. In light of this, such a growth prediction seems too good to be true, right?

You are right. All these factors will definitely affect fintech, as well as every other market. However, some undeniable facts explain why fintech is necessary and will keep growing in demand. Therefore, even if the industry might not extend to $700 billion in a decade, it has an excellent chance of making it to $600 billion. Here’s why:

  • Fintech solutions help businesses reduce costs.
    It’s no secret that cost reduction is a priority for businesses in the current economic circumstances. Some types of fintech software can help manage funds more efficiently and cut costs in different areas of the company’s work. In fact, this specific direction of fintech software development is the most promising for investors.
  • Fintech software can improve risk management.
    Another way to save and safeguard funds for businesses and investors is through specialized fintech products that rely on data and predictive analytics. These custom fintech solutions can advise on the best decisions in volatile currency, crypto, and stock markets.
  • Fintech can facilitate and speed up many business processes.
    Fintech applications development for in-house use can produce solutions that will improve operational efficiency and promote automation.

Types of fintech software development you can invest in.

Fintech Software Development: Types and Ideas

To better understand whether fintech software development is worth investing your money in, you should know what exactly you can create. Below is a list of popular technologies that exist right now. However, if you have an original idea, it might turn into a goldmine.

  • Digital banking.
    Regular banks are trustworthy, but most of their transactions take too long. Digital banking uses various fintech approaches to solve this problem and make transactions secure, instantaneous, and affordable. Note that this type of fintech applications development includes not only digital banks but different variations of payment processing systems.
  • Cryptocurrency.
    Crypto is all the rage now, so custom fintech solutions that make use of this payment technology are getting more popular.
  • Accounting solutions.
    Small businesses and private entrepreneurs are the primary consumers of accounting apps. However, some high-level solutions can be attractive for enterprises as well. This type of fintech covers billing, payroll, invoicing, and other accounting software. In some ways, ERP solutions can also fall into this category, but their functionality is wider.
  • InsureTech.
    Fintech solutions that deal with insurance policies, pensions, and other similar payments are used to process applications and data. This software can make such services more personalized, fair, and reliable. Service providers can also use it for more effective data and document management. For example, insuretech can match doctors with patients, etc.
  • Lending and debt management apps.
    This type of fintech can help find the best loans. However, another idea for such fintech software development is to help people become more financially savvy and manage their personal or business debt.

If you are looking for more inspiration about apps you can invest in, check out our post about AI-powered app ideas.

In Conclusion: Who Should Invest in Fintech Software Development

Even with an untrained eye, it’s easy to see that fintech software development has a lot of investment potential right now. These solutions are versatile, and the demand for high-quality multifunctional cross-platform products is growing.

The niche is filling up with solutions fast, but there is still room for higher-quality specialized products. So if this is the kind of software you want to invest in, set up a free consultation with our developers and let’s talk!

25 Innovative Ideas for AI Mobile App Development for Startups

Do you think that AI mobile app development is a thing of the future? Well, you are wrong because this ‘future’ has been around for a while. In fact, those who strive to get ahead of the curve have launched dozens of AI-powered mobile apps already.

Admittedly, some of them are pretty bad and have minimal functionality. But they are raking up hefty sums for their owners regardless of any shortcomings. Moreover, the niche is filling up with competition rapidly.

So, what does it mean for you?

It means that if you want to make it in any market today, employing custom mobile app development services is a must. Therefore, a stellar application idea is your key to success.

Check out our list of the hottest ideas we built with the help of our AI-powered research tool Marquètte.

AI Mobile App Development & Other Great App Ideas for You

Mobile application development solutions available today allow one to create some truly incredible things. However, if you want to start a successful business with your app, you need to consider many things.

The mobile app development industry is highly lucrative, in general. Moreover, it’s growing even more so as the level of smartphone penetration increases. Already, nearly 6.6 billion people on the planet have smartphones. Within the next few years, it’s expected that everyone will have one. In addition, custom mobile app development services are evolving rapidly. Therefore, the number and functionality of apps that can fulfill a wide range of needs are also growing. However, this niche is still nascent, which means you can achieve great results if you launch a fantastic solution.

That said, before you can dive into end-to-end application development, you need to come up with a great app idea.

In order to do that, you’ll need to research the market and learn what’s already there. Then, if your idea is unique, your next step is understanding your target audience. Finally, you need to answer the question of whether people actually need the thing you want to offer.

In case there are apps similar to your idea available already, do not despair! You can still rock in this particular niche.

The first thing you have to do is to study those solutions. Focus on customer reviews and see what users complain about. Then, make a list of pros and cons for each of your potential competitors’ products. Finally, expand your idea to create a blueprint of an app that will stand out and have none of the issues others have.

But if you are struggling to come up with original ideas, look below. We’ve prepared a list of apps sure to be in high demand.

AI Mobile App Development for Fitness & Health

fitness apps work-from-home, carpool, using AI mobile app development for mental health treatment

  •  AI-Based fitness app for WFH

The experience of major lockdowns was enough for about 97% of workers to state that they don’t want to return to the office full-time. So, WFH (work from home) is becoming the norm in our world. However, there are quite a few issues associated with it. One of those is that people might not get enough exercise. Helping them remain healthy while working from home is a fantastic way to apply mobile app development solutions. You have a lot of room for creativity here. For example, you can combine a calorie calculator with a fitness app that offers workout guidelines and a built-in personal assistant to provide healthy lifestyle tips.

  • AI personal trainer app

Another idea is to make an advanced AI-based app that will act as a personal trainer. It will have to develop workouts based on the user’s constitution, lifestyle, etc. This app can use the data collected by smart devices, like fitness bracelets. In addition, it can use a video feed to assess your form and advise how to correct your pose and exert force. More importantly, it can provide feedback by analyzing your performance. It can be beneficial for regular users and as software for professional athletes.

AI mobile app development AR healthcare apps, vet help apps, live commerce

  • AR and VR-powered mental healthcare apps

AR and VR tech can be used not only for entertainment purposes. The capabilities of this technology are immense, especially when combined with AI and leading medical experts. Already there are VR solutions that help people suffering from severe PTSD and other mental health issues. AR technology also can be used for mental treatments and overall health monitoring. All in all, if you want your app to truly make the world a better place, combine your efforts with medical researchers. You might create a product that will literally save lives.

  • Telemedicine apps for vets

Speaking of life-saving apps, telemedicine is hardly new. Multiple solutions of this type already make healthcare services more accessible in many countries. However, veterinary medicine is lagging behind. And you might be the one to change that. Think about how you can use AI mobile app development services to help vets reach patients in remote rural areas. Even launching a chatbot that offers basic veterinary advice can make a massive difference for people and animals.

  •  AI-based emotion-tracking apps

If you want to create something that will help people, consider using AI mobile app development services to make an emotion-tracking solution. You can use current fitness trackers as a base for your product. But think about how you can use AI tech and possibly create more advanced sensors to track emotions. This solution can be invaluable for mental health monitoring and therapy apps. It can also be a great help to people who struggle with a variety of psychological and physical disorders. Study research and current technology in the healthcare industry and talk to doctors and scientists who work with tech innovations. You might be able to create incredible things together. Most importantly, these apps have the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses.

AI mobile app development idea face animation apps

AI Mobile App Development for Fun

  • AI-based geo-tracking app

One way to implement the power of an AI mobile app development team is to create an AI-powered geo-tracking app for travelers. Basically, this app will be the user’s virtual guide. First, it will use geo-tracking technology and AI-powered data analytics to find businesses and exciting sights in the area based on the user’s request. Then, it will essentially generate a route and itinerary for the trip.

  • AI face animator apps

Face animator apps can be a source of endless fun. These solutions enable users to avatarify any image. And when combined with good custom mobile app development services, such a product can become very entertaining. You can help people animate pictures of their friends or celebrities and create unique memes, clips, etc. But be sure to consult a top-notch legal expert to protect you from any issues and lawsuits.

  • AR games

If your main goal for dabbling into custom mobile app development services is to get some profit fast, AR games might be the best choice. This niche exploded with Pokemon Go’s launch, which became a sensation overnight. Years down the road, this game is still extremely popular and growing. It inspired dozens of similar products, but none have managed to topple the Pokemon champion. So now might be your chance!

voice-only chat app, fitness apps, eLearning, AI mobile app development for online learning

  • 3D avatars for social apps

Speaking of animated avatars, if making AI-driven moving pictures of real people isn’t your thing, consider applying this idea to 3D models. Making 3D animated avatars for social media and messaging apps is an interesting choice. It’s also an excellent opportunity for AI mobile app development. You can make these avatars to really show emotion, which is a fantastic feature for messaging. In addition, consider creating your own messaging app with this type of avatar embedded by default. But be sure to make them customizable to some extent to make them more fun for users. Personalization rules the day now!

  •  Live video streaming apps

Live streaming video is more popular than ever. But live-streaming platforms, even the giant Twitch, are having problems with both streamers and audiences. Therefore, even though there are dozens of video streaming solutions available, this niche is hot. So, combining your creativity and custom mobile app development services might help you create the next big hit. However, you’ll need to focus on market research first. This way, you can identify weaknesses in the existing solutions. Only then you’ll be able to create an app with the potential to become a huge success.

  •  Voice-only messenger apps

People often choose to use voice-operated devices, whether it’s out of a desire for convenience or disability. Now, imagine what a hit a 100% voice-based messenger app could be. Of course, you’ll need the assistance of an excellent AI mobile app development company to make this idea a reality. However, if you manage to create a truly efficient and bug-free solution, you might become the next Mark Zuckerberg. In addition, remember that smartphone technology evolves fast as well. So, the things that these devices can do in the future will expand the number of innovative solutions you can create for them.

AI Mobile App Development for Learning & Working with Information

AI mobile app development ideas for working with information

  •  AI-based news apps

Integrating AI into a news app can produce spectacular results. It can help personalize the news feed for users managing the flow of information we are all surrounded by. Such an app can be an invaluable aid for executives. It’s because they must be on top of all global news to make decisions that affect their corporations and thousands of people’s lives.

  •  AI-powered language learning apps

Creating a language learning solution is one of the most excellent applications of AI mobile app development. Artificial intelligence technology is a fantastic tool because AI can customize the existing program. It means that the app can be personalized for the user based on their progress. Furthermore, the AI will assess your performance and offer exercises and tasks that will help the user achieve the best results.

  •  AI-driven weather forecast app

Accurate weather forecasts seem to be a thing of legend. Legends that AI can help make a reality. Already forecasters are using machine learning technology in their work. However, there is still a big empty niche for reliable weather forecasting apps for travelers.

  •  eLearning apps

The eLearning industry has been growing fast, even before the pandemic. However, the lockdown period propelled it further. As of now, the US eLearning sector is predicted to grow by nearly $13 billion by 2024. Learning from home also remains a significant concern as there is a risk of more lockdowns in the future. All in all now is the time to start developing various eLearning solutions. Using AI mobile app development will be excellent for versatile educational apps as AI can help reduce teachers’ workload. Such apps can grade work or teach specific skills.

  •  Virtual classrooms

Another idea to explore with AI mobile app development is creating a virtual classroom app. In this case, your main goal will be to make sure that online interactions of the class are as efficient as they could be offline. However, if you think about it, you can see how sharing a virtual classroom can be even more convenient. In particular, think of all the opportunities for media sharing and use that the Internet offers. In addition, a clever application of this kind might help schools that don’t have the budget for advanced gadgets in physical classrooms.

  •  Virtual assistant apps

The true potential of AI mobile app development can be realized through the creation of virtual assistant apps. You have plenty of routes to explore in this niche. You can stick with simple everyday tasks and develop a solution that will help people with them. For example, create a basic technology guide for those who aren’t tech-savvy. Think about what people struggle with in their daily lives and how the current capabilities of AI can assist them.

  •  Content generation & research app

Students need to write essays and research many different topics. So an AI-powered platform that can help with research and content generation is sure to be a hit. But, of course, AI cannot write as well as a human. So, any essay generated by tech needs to be edited thoroughly. However, it can certainly find, process, and manage information much better than any student. So, overall, an AI mobile app development can produce a fantastic essay-writing aid.

  •  AI-powered data extraction apps

One more way to use AI mobile app development is to create a solution that will extract data from various sources. Then, the AI will process this data to offer actionable insights to the user. The complexity of the tasks can vary from answering basic questions about fashion to building business growth strategies. But bear in mind that this product won’t be easy to make. Machine learning takes time and resources to actually learn to the point where an AI works flawlessly. Unfortunately, it also takes a lot of resources. Therefore, be prepared that this is going to be a massive project that requires investors.

AI Mobile App Development for Business & More

AI mobile app development for business, HR, and logistics.

  •  AI-driven chatbot apps

Chatbots are the most popular application of AI mobile app development today. It’s because they have dozens of uses for business. Moreover, you can still invent many useful applications of AI-powered chatbot apps. They can teach, guide, and above all, provide customer service. These apps aren’t new, but the niche still needs better technology, more advanced options, and better “intelligence” components.

  •  AI logistics optimization

Geo-tracking AI mobile app development can have an excellent implementation for logistics. This solution can help businesses analyze traffic and build the most efficient routes. It can also collect and process relevant data to assess profitability and develop better logistics strategies for business growth. The result is improved operational efficiency. Note that transportation businesses and enterprises can use this app. But it’s also a good idea for mobile app development for startups. Such a startup would be able to provide analytics and advisory services to those same enterprises.

  •  Live commerce apps

One of the more profitable ways to use mobile application development solutions is to get on with the live commerce trend. It’s currently on the rise, riding the coattails of the great eCommerce boom brought by the pandemic. The idea of live commerce is to make the online shopping experience as ‘live’ as possible. You can play around with this idea when working on end-to-end application development. For example, you can create an app that will work from the seller’s side. Basically, it will add a feature to interact with the sales assistant in a brick-a-mortar store through a video chat of some kind. But you can also start working from the buyer’s angle. Try to create a solution that will allow people to explore the stores in real time while sitting comfortably at home. The potential in this niche is vast, so be creative!

  •  Warranty organizer/management apps

There are about 10 electronic devices in an average household today. This number is constantly growing as tech becomes more affordable. And each of these devices, as well as any gadgets people are also using, has a warranty. Keeping track of all the warranties one has can be pretty tricky. But it’s necessary as using this service can save people hundreds of dollars. Therefore, using mobile app development solutions to create an efficient warranty management app can turn into a highly profitable idea. Consider partnering with companies that offer extended warranty services. You might develop some great offers together and become a sensation in this niche. In fact, it might be possible to make this business a global success.

  •  Carpool apps

The success of Uber might be impossible to beat. And there are plenty of other businesses using a similar model now. However, carpooling is not yet well-developed as an organized business. So, this is your chance. AI mobile app development will be most helpful here. You can implement the power of AI to find the best matches and manage large volumes of requests. All in all, the success of this business will depend on the quality of software your enterprise mobile app development company can deliver. Be sure to consult some logistics experts about developing a plan for this kind of app. You will also need to consider the demand for carpools. In fact, think about starting small and developing an app for your local community/school/college/etc.

  •  AI-powered HR & recruiting apps

HR specialists and recruiters have to do a lot of mind-numbing routine tasks in their work. Sorting through surveys and reports, as well as analyzing CVs and job applications, are highly time-consuming tasks. AI can handle them better and much fast. In addition, AI mobile app development, when applied to HR, can eliminate all bias and human errors. So, this kind of app can boost Human Resources and Recruiting departments’ productivity on every level.

AI mobile app development ideas for startups.

AI Mobile App Development Challenges & How to Overcome Them

End-to-end application development is no easy task, and coming up with an awesome idea is just the first step. The success of the following steps will depend on your collaboration with a mobile app development company. Therefore, it’s crucial to find a dev team that will be able to understand your vision and work in tune with you.

The main challenges of AI mobile app development for startups are the lack of funds and technical limitations. Therefore, your priority is to find a team with the technical expertise to create the exact thing you need. That’s why looking for people with years of experience and skills gained from working on diverse projects is essential. This kind of people will be able to offer insights on how your idea can be improved and expanded to create an even greater product.

Regarding the budget, it’s important to understand your limitations. But you also need to look for financing opportunities. For example, start with creating a limited version of your ideal app. Then, take it to investors with a proposal.

It will be easier to make potential investors interested in your product when you have an actual product to show off. Moreover, you can launch this app as an alpha version so it can start generating income.

Note that you can even launch it as a free version, which will still work for you. This way, your app will generate awareness, and you can start working on digital marketing for your app.

Meanwhile, your development team should also be able to help. At Devtorium, we always offer our clients several plans to maximize the cost-efficiency of their mobile application development solutions. The trick here is to be willing to do the work needed to create maximum value for every dollar. If you are interested to learn more, contact us anytime!


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