Ultimate ECommerce Website Development Guide

The world of online shopping is insanely competitive now. So, eCommerce website development has become true art. You need to hire outstanding experts in multiple areas to create a site that will stand out and give your business a chance at success.

Bear in mind that creating an excellent eCommerce site is complicated, despite 500-word step-by-step guides that tell you otherwise. An online store that can attract people and nurture customer loyalty is a complex machine produced and maintained by highly-skilled professionals. This guide explains how to build one for a business with any budget.

How to Choose an ECommerce Website Development Company

Decide whether you need an end-to-end eCommerce solution

First of all, you need to decide whether you need an end-to-end eCommerce solution development or if you are going to build a website based on an open-source eCommerce platform. Of course, the main deciding factor here is the scale of the project you plan. If you want to launch a versatile marketplace for multiple businesses, you should look into eCommerce platform development from the start.

However, launching on an existing platform like Shopify or Magento can be the best choice for the majority of businesses. Even if you plan to offer thousands of products from the get-go, these platforms can support it.

Basically, it would be best to discuss your business plan with expert developers. Then, they can advise which is the better route for eCommerce website development based on your business plan.

There are three most common ways to go about creating an eCommerce website:

  • Build an eCommerce solution from scratch or using open-source software.
  • Customize a SaaS eCommerce platform to suit your needs.
  • MACH architecture.
    MACH stands for Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless. This architecture is the best option for businesses planning to scale and grow fast. Compared to monolithic solutions, they are much more flexible. Moreover, this type of eCommerce business will be able to add and remove various features as needed without bringing down the whole system.

Understand and compare eCommerce developers’ strengths

Every developer, no matter how great their skill, has a specialization. The same goes for a custom software development company. It means that when choosing a development team, you need to do a lot of research. Take a look at the developers’ case studies and make your own assessment. Study customer reviews if they are available. Also, take a look at the company’s ranking on websites like Clutch.

However, you should also remember that many software development projects are under NDAs. Therefore, the developers might not be able to show off their complete portfolio. That’s why you should also arrange an interview to make your assessment.

When doing your research, make a list of every developer’s strengths. Then, think about what you want from your website and see whether they can deliver the results you want.

Must-have features for eCommerce website development

Must-Have Features for an End-to-End ECommerce Solution

When planning the eCommerce website development process, you need to outline your customer lifecycle in detail. Use the data to determine what features your online store should have. Consider the following guidelines to make these decisions:

  • Make a generalized list of eCommerce store features. Doing some competitor research will be a great help here.
  • Make a list of your personal must-have features for the store. For example, this can be business-specific features like tax or international shipping rates calculators.
  • Prioritize every feature in those lists from 1 to 5.
  • Discuss the costs of adding each feature with your eCommerce application development company.
  • Make your final decision and build plans for upgrades and expansion.

Bear in mind that some features might heavily affect eCommerce website development costs. Therefore, your budget will be a deciding factor in your plans. However, some features are absolute must-haves for any modern eCommerce business.

Responsive web design

In 2022 if you aren’t doing it mobile-first, you are doing it wrong. The number of people who prefer mobile shopping is growing exponentially every year. In addition, today, you can’t really have a high Google ranking if your website isn’t mobile-friendly.

Therefore, the responsive design must be the basis of any eCommerce website development in 2022 and beyond. But you also need to understand that nowadays you have many options to be mobile-friendly.

The good news is that all leading eCommerce platforms offer responsive design capabilities. Therefore, your developer shouldn’t have any issues optimizing your shop for multiple devices if you are using them. 

However, your approach can be different if you plan to launch an enterprise-level business and want to do your eCommerce platform development from scratch. In this case, you should talk with your development team about making a mobile eCommerce app. It can be a more cost-efficient idea in the long run.

SEO capabilities (+CMS)

Any eCommerce business must attract organic traffic in droves. Therefore, you need to consider SEO at the early stages of eCommerce website development. Your site must be designed for the highest level of optimization. Moreover, it must have specialized SEO capabilities that will allow you to improve the site with time.

For example, you need to think about how you will add content to the website. Better SEO requires renewing product pages and adding new pages, like blog articles or informative pages about the business. In addition, these new pages must have optimized templates to make it easier for you to boost the website fast.

Speaking of content, an eCommerce website should have a CMS (content management system) to make working with it more manageable. It allows you to handle and store all dynamic content with ease. Most importantly, a CMS allows you to make quick changes that will be immediately and automatically implemented across the website.

Loading speed

The bounce rate grows with every extra second your website takes to load. So nearly 100% of people who come to your website will leave it if it takes as little as six seconds to load. That’s how much speed matters.

Since online shops must offer rich visual content to increase conversion, clever eCommerce website development is essential. The team working on your site must have the experience and skills to optimize it to the max. This kind of optimization might require quite a bit of back-end work. So, make sure that the developers have expertise in this area.

Moreover, website loading speed is a Google ranking factor. Therefore, it is a part of the website SEO that must be integrated at the level of design.

Product management system

What can be worse than placing an order for an item you want, marked ‘in stock’, and then getting an email that the product isn’t really in stock? Everyone has undoubtedly experienced this kind of frustration. Did you return to that store after such an experience?

In the age of extreme competition that we live in, such mistakes are deadly for an eCommerce business. Therefore, it’s imperative to build an effective product management system while developing your store. It must make it easy for you to:

  • Add new products
  • Automatically update and manage the inventory
  • Edit product pages
  • Realize promotions and discount codes

Payments and checkout

It’s essential for eCommerce website development to integrate multiple payment gateways from the start. Nowadays, diversity is critical for global businesses. Every buyer seeks convenience. If you aren’t offering all the popular payment types in your region, you’ll lose clients.

ECommerce website development for businesses that target multiple countries will be more complex. It’s because the payment gateways must support multiple currencies and have a converter feature.

Moreover, the entire checkout process must be streamlined to the max. It’s essential because a quick and efficient payment process often motivates people to buy more. Therefore, you must make your payment and checkout as short as possible so people can complete a purchase in a few clicks.

Meanwhile, your eCommerce application development company must ensure the security remains top-notch. It means facilitating the checkout process must not affect the security measures of the payment processing provider. Trusted providers would have a set of requirements for integrating them into an eCommerce shop. Your developers will have to study them carefully to ensure full compliance.


Even if you are doing an eCommerce platform development from scratch, it will require some integrations with third-party software. Therefore, your website must have capabilities for integrating solutions and plugins you might require. Bear in mind that you need to think ahead when planning this. Your need for integrations might increase as your business grows.

When using an existing eCommerce platform, your developers must ensure that integrations with various solutions are possible. Unfortunately, not all platforms are equal in this, so you have to pick the one that will work with every solution you want to use.

Moreover, maintaining the cohesiveness of all integrations is an essential task for the developers who will manage your website. Remember that every plugin update risks adding vulnerabilities or even crashing the entire system.


PCI compliance, as well as top-notch cybersecurity, are essential requirements during eCommerce website development. These sites handle a lot of sensitive information, including credit card details. Therefore, they have to be above reproach. Moreover, meeting various specialized compliance criteria is a must to be allowed to process payments.

Your development team must understand that and know how to make your store safe. Breaking any of these requirements might result in not only in loss of trust from your customers, but also in hefty penalties. You might even lose the right to accept payments.

Moreover, you need to understand that threats evolve rapidly in the digital space. Therefore, your development team must be able to provide you with a dynamic information security system that will help keep up the safety of your business.

eCommerce website development process step-by-step

ECommerce Website Development Step by Step

Define your product offering range

The first thing to do when planning an online store is to decide what you will sell. How you make this decision is up to you. It can be a passion-driven choice, or you can study the market to find the most promising niches. However, you must outline at least the initial product offering range.

Once you do this, you will be able to decide on product categories and make a draft of your future website map. It will also be helpful to study your prospective competitors’ sites and find issues they have. Your own website must fill in those holes, thus offering customers a better shopping experience.

Set business goals

Your eCommerce website development should be preceded by creating a clear business plan. It means that you must start by setting exact goals and metrics for your business.

First of all, outline the goals:

  • Is your primary goal to build a direct-to-consumer online-only business?
  • Do you want to expand your B2C business with B2B capabilities, or vice versa, using eCommerce?
  • Do you need to grow your existing brick-and-mortar business by bringing it online?

The metrics you should consider during eCommerce website development include

  • Business growth.
    Decide how exactly you will measure it, for example, through weekly/monthly/quarterly sales and revenues, ROI, etc.
  • Local and international sales.
    Decide from the start whether you plan on selling globally, as this will affect the features your eCommerce website must have.
  • Customer Lifetime Value.
    Decide how you will measure and plan to grow CLV at the business planning stage.
  • Sales.
    Think about how many products you need to sell to turn in a profit and how you expect these sales to grow over time.

Define your target audience for eCommerce website development

Whether your business plan is B2B or B2C will help define the website structure and design. However, you also need to research your target audience in-depth. You need to know what these people like and dislike in everyday lives, not only concerning your specific niche. This way, you’ll be able to provide them with a better shopping experience.

Never forget that you can find inspiration in the most unlikely of places. Also, if you target a specific generation, like Gen-Z, you need to understand their preferences in tech. This will help you decide on website functionality and various features that must be included at launch.

Outline the desired shopping experience

You need to plan the exact shopping experience step by step. First, take note of every action your customers will take to make a purchase. Then, think about how to make the process as smooth as possible.

Remember that every extra action reduces the chance of a conversion. Therefore, you must aim to make the user experience straightforward and smooth.

Some ideas to consider:

  • What filters do you need to include in the website search?
  • Can you provide a one-page checkout?
  • Do you need to integrate a product comparison feature?
  • How will you realize the function of discounts, coupons,  and promo codes?

Consider eCommerce platform development options

If you plan to build an end-to-end eCommerce solution, you must make a considerable investment. However, today you don’t have to do this from the start. There are dozens of eCommerce platforms that allow you to set up any kind of shop. This will reduce the workload on developers. Therefore, you will be able to use your budget more efficiently.

Many of the top-grade platforms allow for scalability. So, you will be able to scale up your shop with ease. Meanwhile, as your business progresses to the next level, you can start the development of an end-to-end eCommerce solution.

Many of the top platforms have multiple plugins that make it easy to add any features you need. However, not all these platforms are the same. Therefore, you should research their capabilities carefully. Talk to your developers, as they should be able to offer advice on which platform is best suited to your business goals. Today’s most popular options are Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce. Each of them has some important pros and cons. Therefore, you should choose what meets your specific needs best.

Define the procedure to add new products

The process of adding and editing products must be supremely easy for you. Therefore, discuss this with developers in detail and make sure you resolve any issues regarding:

  • Syncing the inventory across all sales channels you have.
  • Adding high-res product images and videos without bringing down the website loading speed.
  • Ease of adding and editing structured product descriptions with SEO elements.

Most importantly, the process has to be set up in such a way that you can add products without involving developers. It means that not only does the process need to be simple. It’s also crucial to set it up so that it won’t bring down the website if you make a simple mistake.

Integrate payment and shipping

It’s a vitally important step in eCommerce website development. Even if you are using an eCommerce platform to build your shop, using the services of an experienced developer is a must. The expert will be able to set up the payment gateways and checkout, so everything runs smoothly.

You will need to offer multiple payment options. So, the developer will have to ensure that they are secure and reliable. The task will be more complicated for businesses that target an international audience. In this case, you will need more diverse payment gateways. Also, consider integrating a specialized bookkeeping solution to help you keep track of your finances and generate reports.

When dealing with international payments, you also need to research the regions carefully. Despite what some providers claim, some e-wallets and digital payment services are banned in specific regions. So, you need to make sure that the payment gateways you choose are actually supported by the areas where your audience resides. Moreover, make sure that the transaction fees they offer are reasonable.

Develop and implement a content strategy

You must have a content strategy ready before getting to actual eCommerce website development. It’s because the site will be much better when it’s built with actual content instead of fillers.

Note that the content strategy is vital for eCommerce. It’s because the content is a parge part of SEO. In turn, SEO is key to attracting organic traffic, which is the primary source of income for online stores.

Your content strategy must cover the following:

  • Establishing a consistent brand voice
  • Creating a structure for informative, captivating, and search engine optimized product descriptions
  • Creating additional information pages about your brand’s history, products, materials, mission, vision, etc.
  • Adding a blog for continuous SEO improvements
  • Integrating social media into the website

Remember that content is not only text. All the images, videos, GIFs, and graphics on the site also count as content. Therefore, you need to keep all of them in the same style and quality.

Moreover, all content must be fresh and relevant. So, you must make sure that there is a way for you to update and add new pages easily. Whether you are building an end-to-end eCommerce solution or a small website, you must make it so that content can be updated without involving a developer.

Final stage of eCommerce website development

Test and launch the website

Finally, you are ready to take the most important final steps with all that done. First, your eCommerce website must undergo thorough QA testing. There are different types of quality assurance testing that will be used. Your developers should be able to perform it or advise how to best go about it.

You can use this simple checklist for testing your website personally:

  • Check all CTAs and other buttons
  • Check all the forms
  • Test the checkout process in every possible way
  • Double-check every payment processing option you offer
  • Go over product categories and descriptions to make sure everything is in its proper place
  • Check every image and video to ensure their quality matches
  • Check every link
  • Go over the inventory to make sure everything is right
  • Test the coupons/promo codes feature
  • Test the shipping settings

When every test is complete, and you are sure that the website runs smoothly, you can launch!

But remember that you’ll need to do quite a bit of marketing pre-launch to make sure that people come to the Big Day. In fact, you should start marketing your business and building your brand while your eCommerce website is still in development.

Bottom Line: The Long Road to ECommerce Website Development

Creating an eCommerce website that is sure to rock is a task that takes a special kind of skill. It also requires a team that’s expert not only in development but also in business analysis, project management, cybersecurity, and marketing.

When you have all these experts working together, your online shop is guaranteed to be successful. Contact us if you want to see how it works!

Monolithic Vs. Microservices Architecture: Guide to Custom Web Development Company Services

Today we are introducing Oleksandr Volynets, who will help you understand some of the custom web development company services a little better. Oleksandr made a brilliant presentation on modern web application design during our IT Crowd event in Vinnytsia. However, we couldn’t hope to put such a vast amount of information into a single article. So, today you’ll learn about the differences between monolithic and microservices server architectures.

Oleksandr is a true expert in the field of application design. He has been a developer for about a decade and during that time he managed to become a Solution Architect and now the Head of the Back-End Development Department at Devtorium. He holds MS: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 and MCPS: Microsoft Certified Professional certifications.

Throughout his career, Oleksandr worked on numerous projects ranging from eCommerce to messaging and travel apps. However, for all of his extensive experience in development, he says that his dream is to colonize Mars as a first step to Multiverse domination. We wish him luck at that and hope that Devtorium solutions will be the first apps launched on our neighbor planet. 

We also hope that Oleksandr will share more of his developer experience and insights through articles and guides in the future.

Monolithic Vs. Microservices Architecture: What to Choose When Hiring a Custom Web Development Company

Monolithic and Microservices architecture: guide to custom web development company services

As the name implies, a monolithic application is a single app. This architecture is solid and straightforward, just like a monolith. It’s also an excellent choice for specific types of applications. So, you shouldn’t think that microservices are better than monolithic apps by default.

The monolithic architecture consists of a database, client-side UI, and server-side app. All of it is a single logical unit that can run with extreme efficiency and be very secure. Most importantly, these apps are easy to develop. So the cost of such an application will be lower. With this system, you also get a chance to minimize network latency issues.

Monolithic Architecture from a Professional Web Development Company: Pros & Cons

  • Simple to develop.
    Due to its single-unit design, monolithic architecture is simpler to develop and manage. So, creating this kind of app won’t require a big team of experts. All developer tools and IDEs are completely focused on creating one app.
  • Easy to change the app radically.
    If you need to revamp a monolithic application, it would be easier because you can change the code and the database schema, build and deploy.
  • Straightforward to test.
    Due to the straightforward layout of the architecture, the apps are easier to test. So, the entire QA process becomes easier and therefore, more effective.
  • Straightforward to deploy.
    Like building and testing, deploying a monolithic app is also easier because fewer things could go wrong. A developer just needs to install a single file on a server.
  • Simple flow to scale.
    The flow itself is simple to scale because it’s so straightforward. However, it must be noted that scaling an existing monolithic architecture can be difficult if you want to expand its functionality while doing so.

A major problem with a monolith application is that it’s too complex. It’s too large for any developer to understand fully. While it’s easy to make bigger, you don’t get much flexibility in changing it over time. Also, when it grows too extensive, it becomes hard to manage. The deployment time will grow exponentially when the application is big. There is also a risk that one bug or issue will bring down the whole construct in a unified system like this.

Monolith architecture example: guide to custom web development company services

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Microservices Architecture: Flexibility and Scalability

On the other hand, microservices architectures tend to grow highly complex but also extremely flexible. This type of system consists of multiple microservices that work together and communicate using protocols like HTTP, gRPC, async queues, etc. Therefore, the layout of microservices architectures can differ greatly, and more services can be added or removed quickly if needed.

Also, note that each service has its own database in a microservices architecture. That’s part of the reason why these apps can be extremely complex. If you hire a custom web development company to create a microservices-based app, you’ll need to choose wisely. Such systems require a team of professionals to design, build and maintain over time. Also, don’t forget testers who must continuously make sure that every piece runs smoothly with all the others.

Microservices Architecture from a Professional Web Development Company: Pros & Cons

    • Enables continuous delivery and deployment.
      Microservices architecture is particularly well-suited for large and complex applications because it makes it easier to upgrade them. Such a system minimizes deployment time and resources.
    • Services are small and easily maintained.
      While an extensive system of services requires skill and time to manage, single services are effortless to maintain. It facilitates overall system maintenance.
    • Services are independently deployable and scalable.
      Each of the microservices can be deployed individually. Therefore, it can also be improved and scaled to help scale up the system as needed.
    • Enables team autonomy.
      Teams that build and manage microservices architectures can be autonomous. It’s essential for enterprise-level businesses who prefer to outsource custom web development company services at least in part.
    • Allows easy experimentation and adoption of new technologies.
      New technologies are easy to integrate into the system to see how they perform. Therefore, you can continuously test and improve the system once the new tech is released. Most importantly, the process is fast, so you’ll be able to integrate results without disrupting business workflow.
    • Better fault isolation.
      Once a bug or a problem is spotted, it can be effectively isolated. So, your systems as a whole can continue running while the problem is solved. However, it might run at a reduced capacity.
    • Easier to understand and maintain.
      Microservices architecture appears a lot more complex. But it’s actually relatively easy to understand if you look at services individually. From this point of view, maintaining such a system can also be somewhat easier as you don’t have to take down and deploy the entire thing every time.

That said, in a distributed microservices system, communication issues can cause a significant breakdown. Moreover, these apps are more expensive and less secure due to the inherent vulnerabilities of complex design.

Microservices architecture example: guide to custom web development company services

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What Architecture Is Best When Hiring a Custom Web Development Company?

To answer that question, you must clearly see the customer’s goals. It would be incorrect for a custom web development company to proclaim one type of architecture as superior. The choice of what to use best in what situation is determined by the situation.

And remember, you shouldn’t create a microservices app just because it’s trendy now. As Oleksandr likes to remind us, one must first make sure there is an actual need to choose this architecture type before designing a project.

So, anyone looking to launch an app should first look for a professional web development company that can understand their needs and come up with the best solution tailored to the business plan, like us 😉

For more posts from Devtorium experts, see:

Best Books for Programmers and Other IT Pros by Andrii Bohatyr

Today we are sharing insights and recommendations for IT pros from our current Head of Development Andrii Bohatyr, who introduces his personal list of the best books for programmers and other IT pros.

Andrii has been working in development for over a decade. During this time he received multiple certifications, including AWS Certified Solutions Architect and SAFe. Although, when asked, he calls himself a ‘regular software engineer aspiring to become an Evil Galactic Emperor’.

The ability to see the best in any situation  and a fantastic sense of humor are highly valued Andrii’s qualities. And so is his focus on teamwork and helping junior developers to grow and realize their potential. It’s not a surprise that he managed to boost the productivity of the company’s development department by 30%.

Andrii always strives to get better at what he does. And today he is sharing some of his favorite sources that can help all developers, QAs, and other IT professionals to reach new heights in their professions.

Best Books for Programmers as Recommended by Andrii Bohatyr

Now’s the moment. You’re standing amidst the dusty bookshelves trying to pick out something robust and relevant. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Developer, young and eager to learn, a Project Manager with your eyes shining, or a QA Engineer with a never-ending itch to explore new horizons. Here you go! Below is a comprehensive compilation for any IT-related professional. I wish I could call it ultimate, but it is rather streamlined in the chaos of modern development hype and trends.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship – Robert C. Martin

This one may help you to differentiate “good” and “evil”. It helps you transform an ugly and smelly pile of code into shimmering gold. Naming conventions, formatting, proper commenting, exception handling, unit testing – it’s all there!
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Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction – Steve McConnell

This book emphasizes the construction of software, which is a large part of software development, fostering programmer’s productivity enormously. It covers major aspects of detailed design, coding, and debugging, as well as unit and integration testing. It’s one of the timeless pieces in the art of software development.

Amazon link

Clean Architecture: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design – Robert C. Martin

Uncle Bob writes simply, cleanly, and with enough examples. Also, he’s writing without delving into excessively complicated details. It is a cornerstone to understanding the architecture and building applications as a solid entity. It also explains what the good and bad patterns are. Martin describes some of the software projects from his personal experience and what he learned from them.

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Test-Driven Development: By Example – Kent Beck

The book focuses on TDD practices, showcases, and the implementation of numerous programming tasks. It delivers the mindset and approach when applying test-driven development. The author highlights the Patterns for Test-Driven Development and helps to master TDD as a whole.

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The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master – Andrew Hunt, David Thomas

This book is designed to make you think and challenge yourself and the way you currently do things. Andrew Hunt and David Thomas were kind enough to transform their years of experience and knowledge into a book with practical advice you can apply instantly. This is rather a conversation than a book, it’s easy and fun to read. Each chapter gives tips on multiple topics, such as estimating, testing, debugging, prototyping, effective communication, and much more.

Amazon link

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering – Frederick P. Brooks Jr.

The Mythical Man-Month is essentially a collection of old-school articles. But those can still be considered one of the fundamental sources for software engineering. While reading this book it’s hard to deny that software architecture and the personality of an architect can influence the implementation. Some chapters stress that an architect should have their own idea of implementing things while accepting alternative approaches. It’s a must-read as an introduction to project management and leadership.

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Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams – Tom DeMarco

It’s one of the best books for programmers about the pitfalls and practices in software development. Its content revolves around managing human resources, having a decent work and office environment, and the “right” people and atmosphere in place. It fosters understanding and introducing a better alignment between team members and a culture of quality. Remember: people are not just resources. That’s what you’ll learn here.

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How an End-to-End ECommerce Solution Can Boost Your Business

Custom end-to-end eCommerce solution development has never been so important. It’s because the COVID-19 pandemic has boosted this business to unprecedented heights. Already online sales jumped to $26.7 trillion. And they keep growing.

It’s simple, if you want to sell anything in this day and age, you must sell it online. And it means that you must have the best possible platform for it. So, developing the best end-to-end eCommerce solution is a necessity for business survival.

How an End-to-End ECommerce Solution Can Solve Top Online Sales Business Challenges

It’s inarguable that the pandemic helped eCommerce businesses in a big way. However, another side of that coin is that it prompted almost everyone to start selling online. The result is that the competition level has increased. Therefore, you must work much harder to attract and retain customers.

All things considered, the focus of your eCommerce platform development must be to provide the best possible user experience. To make people choose you over the competitors, you have got to give them a store they will love. That’s why you need custom end-to-end eCommerce solution development services. A product tailored to you will effectively tackle the majority of modern online stores’ challenges.

  • Effective communication system.
    A custom solution can help you manage messaging with the customers to ensure you provide top-quality service. Communication is critical, and you need to remember that it’s used not only to reply to customers. You also require this tool to distribute messages regarding discounts, sales, and special offers. The solution should personalize these messages to an extent as this will increase customer engagement.
  • Engaging design.
    You can design an end-to-end eCommerce solution to not only be attractive but also increase conversions. Experienced UI/UX designers are able to use a variety of techniques to attract the visitors’ attention to specific areas. They can also use some tricks that help keep people interacting with the site. It’s all a matter of finding a great UI/UX design team.
  • Optimization for all devices.
    Today it’s not only about Google’s mobile-first requirements for website SEO. Any eCommerce platform development must be optimized for any device from the start. If you aren’t flexible, you will alienate a large portion of any target audience.

Benefits of developing a custom end-to-end eCommerce solution.

Benefits of Custom ECommerce Platform Development

We’ve already talked about the benefits of custom software development for small business. However, it needs to be noted that eCommerce businesses can receive additional boons from custom-tailored software. Leading among them are:

  • Order fulfillment & tracking integration.
    Many forget that eCommerce solutions must not only be easy for the buyer to use when making an order. ECommerce platform development must also make sure that the entire order tracking process is straightforward. On the shop’s part, it means that you’ll have an effective automated way to track stock and order management. This platform needs to be integrated with a third-party warehouse management system or designed to have this functionality from the start. The beauty of a custom end-to-end eCommerce solution is that you can make it ideally suited to your business model. But better yet, it can be adjusted and scaled up as your shop (and warehouse) grows.
  • Expense tracking.
    There are many expenses in the eCommerce business beyond purchasing stock and packaging supplies. An excellent end-to-end eCommerce solution can track those as well. Therefore, it can be an invaluable help in monitoring all your monetary transactions and automating bookkeeping. The data collected by the solution will not only go to your regular reports. You can use it to optimize your business processes and cut costs.
  • Reduction of human errors.
    Mistakes happen, and humans are prone to making them. Even the best of us can be stressed, distracted, or miss things for other reasons. However, payment for any error can turn huge for an eCommerce business. ECommerce platform development can allow you to automate many essential processes. Therefore, it will minimize the risk of errors and subsequent losses. Also, using an automated platform will make it a lot easier to manage your business.

What Features Does Your Unique End-to-End ECommerce Solution Need?

Small businesses have their limitations both in budget and technology they can use. Therefore, efficient custom eCommerce platform development becomes even more important. It allows you to get the maximum value from your solution. Furthermore, the most efficient set of tools will help your business grow, thus expanding your limits.

So, the trick is to make the best possible platform for eCommerce needs. Of course, every company will have some unique customization requirements. However, there are some general functionality tips that you should take into consideration:

  • Strategic navigation.
    A good end-to-end eCommerce solution must be developed in a way that makes it very easy to navigate. Your buyers, and all other users, must be able to find everything they need without exerting any effort.
  • Reviews/testimonials functionality.
    User-generated content is extremely valuable for increasing conversions and customer loyalty. Moreover, it is also a factor that affects your Google ranking. Therefore, an eCommerce store must give people a way to share their opinions about the quality of products and services.
  • Fresh content.
    During the stage of eCommerce platform development, you must make sure that it will be easy for you to manage and add new content. It’s crucial to keep eCommerce content up to date and refresh it constantly. Therefore, you’ll save a lot of money if you don’t need to hire a developer to do it every time.
  • Fast and responsive platform.
    It’s vitally important for your eCommerce platform to be fast as even a second’s wait will lose you customers.
  • Easy search.
    Most importantly, make a robust Search feature for your website to ease navigating the stock.

With the guidance of an experienced eCommerce development company, you can succeed every step of the way. You should start with choosing the best eCommerce platform to base your store on.

In Conclusion: Investing in Your Future with ECommerce Platform Development

The cost of custom solution development for eCommerce is a worthy investment considering how many business advantages it can bring. Therefore, no eCommerce business should miss this opportunity. The solution development process can be customized to meet your unique business needs and budget.

Contact us for more information and an analysis of the growth opportunities you have. Become the leading seller in your niche!

What Is Mobile User Interface Design?

If you think that your app can succeed without a great mobile user interface design, think again.

Just during the last quarter there were 27.6 billion app downloads from Google Play Store and 8.1 billion from Apple App Store. What it means for you is that the level of competition in this field is insane. The quality of your UX/UI design services will have a massive impact on your chances to stand out from that crowd.

And to make a great UI design, you need to understand exactly what it is and what it consists of. Keep reading to learn all the most important things about mobile UI design services. 

Mobile User Interface Design: Components

Many people mistakenly believe that mobile user interface design is only about how an app looks. However, the truth is that it’s much more about how the app works than the aesthetics. But, of course, the appearance of the application’s interface is also a factor that UI designers consider.

So, the color and shape of buttons are as much about UI design as whether any buttons should be there at all. It means that UX/UI design services are many and complex. Also, they are intricately intertwined. It means there can be no one without the other.

However, there are some critical distinctions between UX and UI. The mobile user interface design covers:

  • User’s interaction with the app.
    It includes layouts, the flow of the app, and every element through which the user interacts with the app. The main goal here would be to make all these interactions as easy and intuitive as possible. Also, UX/UI design services are closely connected to marketing. It’s because the location and even colors of buttons, CTAs, etc. all affect the user’s desire to buy/click the element. Therefore, they influence the conversions and app engagement level greatly.
  • Application’s aesthetic.
    Mobile user interface design helps you invoke an emotional response in the user. Colors affect emotions, and so do layouts. Making your app easy to navigate exactly to the points you want the users to go to is crucial. There are many arguments about whether elaborate or minimalistic interfaces get the best emotional response. However, no one can argue that invoking positive feelings and associations is the goal of any UI design. The style should be determined by your target audience’s preferences.

UX/UI Design Services for Mobile Apps: What’s the Difference?

One could say that UX is an inseparable part of UI design. However, UX, meaning User Experience, focuses on optimizing the app in order to make it pleasant and easy to use. This is the part of application design that’s responsible for completing a variety of functional tasks. Meanwhile, UI deals with the presentation of these functions to the user.

Both UX & UI design services are integral parts of custom mobile app development. They simply come into play during different stages of this process.

How to make a great mobile user interface design.

Top Tips for Fantastic Mobile User Interface Design

Mobile UI designs are incredibly versatile, which you can quickly see by browsing any App Store. Therefore, it’s impossible to say that there is one ultimate formula for an outstanding UI.

You also need to understand that the purpose of the application drives the UI design. It means that enterprise app design can differ significantly from a mobile game interface or a small cafe’s app.

Design is also a large factor in determining the cost of custom mobile app development services. But you can do many different things to ensure your design is effective and beautiful regardless of the budget. The following tips will help you.

Keep it simple

Navigating your app must be straightforward. Therefore, making it supremely easy for the user to understand and actually use is the priority of UX/UI design services.

Moreover, the app should have as few distractions as possible. In terms of mobile user interface design, it means not overusing visual elements, such as fonts. In fact, you should use few fonts and only one or two major elements on a single screen. For example, this could be a banner and a CTA button.

Your goal is to ensure maximum usability and boost the emotional impact made by each visual element.

Make it consistent

When thinking about UX/UI design services, you have got to think at a scale. In the best-case scenario, you must have a consistent design across your entire brand. It means you need to use the same colors, fonts, graphic styles, etc., for the mobile user interface design, website design, your merch, and printed marketing materials.

Make your brand style consistent to increase your visibility. But most importantly, this consistency helps boost customer loyalty. People must know that whenever they see something similar, they are dealing with the brand they trust and love.

To that end, it’s imperative that you research your target audience well before developing the brand design. It’ll help you find out your audience’s interests and preferences. Then, use them for inspiration to make your brand image more relatable.

Stick to familiar images and shapes

It’s human nature to look for familiar in the unknown. So, even if your app is unique, your mobile user interface design should include familiar elements to help people understand and navigate it.

The shape of icons and colors, in particular, should adhere to common standards. Actually, it will be good for you because it allows using many free libraries in your UX/UI design services. Therefore, the overall cost goes down without compromising the quality.

Make it interactive

Interactivity is a colossal hit in UX/UI design services, in general. Therefore, making your app as interactive as you can is always a good idea. Not only does interactivity make an app look cooler. But it also eases navigation further.

On a side note, using a variety of colors is essential for interactive elements. However, you need to make sure that these colors are part of your brand’s color scheme. In addition to that, remember not to use too many of them. Making your app too colorful can make it look cluttered and harder on the eye. Vision comfort is an important consideration. People won’t be able to use your app for long if it makes their eyes hurt.

Find a balance between image quality and loading speed

Mobile user interface design must be attractive. Therefore, using top-quality, high-resolution graphics is a must. But you also need to make an app that loads and works fast. It means you need to find a UI/UX design services provider that can make your app fast and beautiful at the same time.

This is where developers and designers have to work close together to bring the best possible result. That’s why it’s imperative to hire an experienced team that knows how to tackle any challenge in custom mobile application development.

User feedback & support

Your mobile user interface design must also include features that will enable you to collect user feedback and offer support. These are both must-haves because they do not only increase your audience’s satisfaction with the product. They also show that you care about people and want to create a genuinely user-centered design.

Also, the data that comes through these sources will help you immensely. You will be able to identify the weaknesses in your app and fix them fast. But most importantly, you’ll know what your users want. Therefore, you can launch updates that will make your app even more desirable.

Bottom Line: Value of UX/UI Design Services in Mobile App Development

The importance of mobile user interface design for the success of your app is so huge it’s impossible to measure. Therefore, you need to invest in the best design you can get. Furthermore, it must be developed after a detailed audience analysis that will show you how to make the best impression on these people. Finally, you need to hire an app development company that can create a great UI/UX design and ensure smooth app performance. Contact us for top-quality UI/UX and mobile application development services! 

True Cost of Custom Mobile App Development Services

So, you have a fantastic idea for an app and want to make it a reality, right? So, naturally, you want to find out how much custom mobile app development services cost.

However, the answer to that question won’t be simple. It’s because the cost of end-to-end web application development is affected by many factors. Read on to learn what they are. And most importantly, find out how to manage them to get maximum value for your money.

What Custom Mobile App Development Services Are Included in the Cost?

The first thing you need to understand is that the cost of end-to-end web application development can vary quite a bit. That’s because many factors affect this number. The foremost among them is the list of custom mobile app development services included in the solution development.

In the majority of cases, custom mobile app development services include:

  • UI/UX design.
    Designers are responsible for how the app will look like starting from layout to the final design.
  • Software engineering.
    The engineering stage is when the app’s code is designed. Also, it’s an ongoing process that manages application development and future improvements.
  • Back and front-end development.
    The stage when your app is actually created using the design to develop the expected functionality.
  • QA testing.
    QA testing is an essential part of mobile application development because it ensures the app’s smooth performance.
  • PM services.
    All the stages of the app development process must be managed efficiently. Therefore, you can’t do without a Project Manager who will keep it all running smoothly.

In essence, the list of services that go into the custom software product development mostly remains the same. However, it’s the scale and complexity of the app that dictate how much it’s going to cost. It’s because these are the main factors that determine what kind of team you need to hire.

Factors that affect custom mobile app development services costs.

Additional Considerations That Affect the Cost of End-toEnd Web Application Development

The main factors that influence the cost of custom mobile app development services include:

Platform the app will run on

Web and mobile apps are incredibly versatile. Therefore, they can be built using a wide range of platforms and operating systems. For example, there are well over ten great eCommerce platforms you can use to develop an online store. Each will have some advantages as well as disadvantages. So, it’s usually impossible to say that a single option is “the best” for some specific kind of development.

Also, you will need to choose whether to create a native or cross-platform app. Native apps will ensure seamless integration with your chosen system. However, if you want the app to run on multiple devices, you’ll need to develop several native solutions or a cross-platform one. It’ll often be a compromise between cost efficiency and stability of the application.

Functionality of the app

Functionality is one of the most critical factors that determine the price of end-to-end web application development. It’s because the more features you want to add, the more complex the app becomes. The more complex the development process – the more expensive it is.

It really is that simple.

Also, you’ve got to remember that cross-platform applications with comprehensive functionality can be quite tricky. The risk of bugs and crashes increases with every added feature. Therefore, you should develop a balanced app that can perform a few core functions equally well on all devices. If your mobile app idea is very ambitious, consider creating several connected apps. For example, this will be the best approach to launch some healthcare management apps that are in demand now.

Do not forget that some apps are more complex by default. For instance, mobile games are the most difficult, meaning the most expensive type of applications to develop. However, they can also bring the highest revenue. Already, the mobile gaming industry is generating over $90 billion in revenue, and this number is growing fast. So, if you want to launch an app that will bring you money, investing in game development is worth it.

Location of the custom mobile app development services provider

Location is an essential factor for end-to-end web application development. In fact, it matters on several levels. The most important is the location of your development team. In the majority of cases, they charge an hourly rate for the experts’ work. And this rate will vary greatly depending on the cost of living in the country.

Therefore, it’s unsurprising that development is the most expensive in North America (up to $250 per hour), the UK (up to $175), and Australia (up to $150). But those are also the places where the market for mobile apps is highly lucrative.

Considering this, the most cost-efficient solution is to outsource your custom mobile app development services. The best locations for this today are Ukraine ($34-64), Poland ($40-77), and India ($10-75). It’s because development companies in these countries offer the highest value for money.

Another important factor that has to do with location is the localization of your app. For example, are you only targeting one country or multiple? Do you need to create a multilingual app? If yes, will content translation suffice, or do you need to get a full-scale localization?

Bear in mind that each ‘yes’ answer to these questions will increase the application development cost. Moreover, every new language will add quite a hefty bit to it. However, you must never settle for a low-quality of localization and translation. They significantly affect the chances of your app to succeed with the target audience.

Post-Launch Support for End-to-End Web Application Development

Another crucial thing to understand is that custom mobile app development services aren’t limited to development only. Post-launch support and updates are just as important, if not more, as the development itself. It’s because your app should grow its user base and generate downloads constantly to bring revenue. Therefore, you have to make it better all the time. And it’s best to have the same team working on it.

Also, there is a cost of marketing to be considered. Your application needs promotion as well as good app store optimization so it can be noticed. Therefore, mobile app development costs are going to keep growing. The revenue it brings in must cover these continuous improvements.

In Conclusion: Should You Invest in Custom Mobile App Development Services?

According to Statista, projected revenues from mobile apps will reach $935.2 billion by 2023. Considering how the COVID-19 pandemic has sped up the development of this industry, real numbers might well exceed these forecasts. Therefore, anyone with a sense of business acumen should be looking to invest in this business.

Mobile and web apps are changing and evolving fast. They are also taking over regular downloadable software.

All things considered, if you have an idea for an app, you should go for it! Contact us if you are looking for cost-efficient custom mobile app development services, and we’ll find a way to turn your idea into a profitable business.

5 Benefits of Custom Software Development for Small Business

In our age of extreme competition, custom software development for small business can be the best investment for your company. Regardless of the industry you specialize in, your company could certainly do better. You can be more efficient, more productive, and overall more awesome. Custom software will help you do it because it enables you to maximize the value you offer to your customers. Moreover, it also ensures that all your employees use their time and resources in the most efficient way.

All in all, custom-tailored software makes your business one of a kind, which is key to success today.

Don’t believe this?

Keep on reading to see how exactly your small business can cut costs, increase revenues, and improve using specialized software products.

Custom Software Development for Small Business Always Produces a Perfect Fit

Small businesses are often put at a massive disadvantage by using third-party solutions built in a one-size-fits-all manner. It’s because these products are designed to be functional enough to meet a variety of requirements. It’s a mandatory requirement in order to make them accessible to multiple businesses. Also, they are often made to integrate with other similar solutions. Therefore, their functionality is limited further to reduce the risk of breakdowns during integrations.

The end result is that the solution can perform some basic functions that can help your business. However, it often won’t have many features or will have the ones you don’t need. Moreover, these products rarely have particular features or tools that can help you achieve maximum productivity.

Custom software development for small business can solve this problem completely. As the solution is designed for your company and no one else, it will fit you perfectly. In addition, it will have room for scalability. It means that the solution can grow or evolve as your business needs change. The adaptability will ensure that you always draw maximum value from the software.

Outsourced Software Product Development Saves Money for Small Businesses

On the one hand, custom software development for small business is more expensive than using third-party solutions. It’s a fact that cannot be argued, especially as some of these solutions are open-source and free.

However, developing custom software can help small businesses save a lot of money in the long run. The initial investment is always there. But even that can be minimized when you choose outsourced software product development services. Hiring software engineers from another country is often a very effective way to cut custom development costs. However, if you choose wisely, the quality of the product you receive will be top-notch.

Moreover, having custom-tailored software explicitly created to help your business with maximum efficiency will save money. First of all, it’s going to help you cut various business costs. It’s because routine task automation and optimization can make a big difference. For example, software to reduce the time of processing customer claims gives your employees a chance to respond quicker and increases customer satisfaction. So, your people get more work done in less time. Meanwhile, your customer loyalty grows, and your business wins on all sides.

Most importantly, you should always remember that seemingly small savings due to improved efficiency add up over time. Custom software development for small business is an investment that pays off in the long term. But its value for money increases with every day that the solutions are in use.

custom software development for small business integrating with third-party software

Custom Software for Small Businesses Can Integrate with Other Solutions

Of course, even the small businesses that invest in outsourced software product development won’t use custom solutions exclusively. It means that they will rely on some third-party products. Therefore, it’s essential to have all software capable of integrating with these platforms.

That’s one of the reasons why custom development can be such a great help. Basically, you can invest in a relatively simple product that will boost your business’ productivity and efficiency. And one of the top requirements for it can be effective integration with third-party solutions you are using. The product is created exactly to your specifications. Therefore, the developers will bring all these solutions together in the best way.

The result is that you get not merely a piece of software but a tool that maximizes the value you get from all solutions you use. So, your business can achieve better results with less investment.

Better still is the fact that custom software development can be an ongoing process. Therefore, your team of trusted developers can keep improving the solution as third-party platforms roll out significant updates. This way, you’ll minimize the risk of your whole system crashing because of conflicting update changes.

Custom Software Development Is More Secure

The cost of cybercrime attacks is growing every day. And it’s projected to cost businesses over $10.5 trillion a year by 2025. Off-the-shelf software always contains a lot of inherent security weaknesses. It’s a necessary compromise to make it easily accessible. Moreover, every integration with other similar tools increases the number of risks. So, using third-party software means your cybersecurity level will be rather low.

Using custom software development for small business enables you to get more secure solutions. In addition, these tools can help cover some inherent weaknesses of third-party software integrations.

The increased security of your system is a great selling point for the customers. You definitely should advertise it as a feature that makes you stand out from the competition. Also, you can save money by reducing the risks your business is facing daily.

Top-Quality Custom Software Boosts Profits

The most important reason for small businesses to invest in outsourced software product development is money. The money your business can make by selling better services to a larger number of customers. Custom-tailored solutions boost your business in many ways. And each of those translates into more considerable revenues.

It really is that simple.

Investing in custom software development for small business is like investing in your own education. You do need to put in some money upfront. And the returns will take a while to show up. However, those returns will be huge and will keep on growing constantly.

In Conclusion: Choose the Best Custom Software Development for Small Business

Small businesses today face many challenges and have a disturbingly high failure rate. Therefore, if you want to succeed, you need to use every advantage. And one of the best advantages you can get is custom software.

Allow your company to make the most of every opportunity through cost-efficient outsourced software product development. However, remember that only top-quality solutions will benefit you. It means that you need to choose a trustworthy team of talented developers that can really bring your vision to life. The Devtorium software development team stands ready to do just that. Contact us anytime, and we’ll find a way to help your business grow!

And never forget that creating custom software can become your business in itself. If you have a fantastic app idea, you can turn it into a good source of income. All you need is a development team to turn this idea into a revenue-generating solution.

What Are Enterprise Web Design and Development Services?

Think web design and development services for enterprises are too expensive? Or do you believe your website is good enough as it is, even if it hasn’t been updated for a couple of years? Or, perhaps, web design is just lower on your priorities list?

Well, answering yes to any of those questions might be one of the greatest mistakes a leader can make today. Whether you run a non-profit or a billion-dollar startup, an enterprise web development company can make a huge difference. The power lies on the Internet today. The quality, optimization, and visual appeal of your website will decide whether you succeed or fail there.

Why Do Enterprises Need Web Design and Development Services?

There are many reasons to hire an enterprise web development company. Of course, many of them are related to marketing. Enterprises are big organizations and businesses, and they need their promotion to be top-notch. Therefore, no enterprise today can do without an outstanding website and, perhaps, even an app.

Bear in mind that not only big corporations and manufacturing businesses use enterprise web design and development services. In addition, this type of site development is used by various government agencies, non-profit organizations, financial institutions, political and public organizations, etc.

Also, it’s essential to understand that these entities do not only require a different level of design. In addition, the back-end development of such websites and applications also has specific requirements.

Moreover, enterprise-level organizations and businesses can use web design and development services not only for consumer-oriented sites and apps. These institutions usually have multiple departments and complicated inner structures. Also, they work with a large number of diverse customers and suppliers. Therefore, managing the inner workings of these organizations is a highly complicated task. An experienced enterprise web development company can create tools that will facilitate these tasks and automate multiple processes.

Because the tasks and processes within the enterprise are extremely versatile, the website might require multiple integrations. Therefore, an enterprise web development company must be able to accommodate all these tools. Moreover, the developers must leave room to add more as they become needed.

Processes and tools that need to be integrated into an enterprise web platform most commonly include:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Website traffic analytics
  • Communication channels customers can use
  • Order processing and management
  • Inventory management
  • Content publishing and editing tools (for video and other media files and a blog)

Some enterprises might additionally require specialized custom software integrations.

How to Implement Web Design and Development Services for an Enterprise

Both an enterprise web development company and the organization itself will have to do a lot of work to create a website platform. First of all, it’s necessary to conduct detailed research. The developer must understand the structure and inner communication processes of the business. Also, it’s vital to set exact goals that the new website platform must achieve.

During this research stage, one needs to analyze the current website’s traffic, security, and overall performance. Then, research competitor websites for weaknesses and functionality. In addition, the enterprise might conduct some internal surveys to outline features that should be included in the platform.

Once goals are set, the platform’s creation will consist of the following web design and development services:

  • Creating a site map
  • Content reorganization
  • Creating a database
  • Data migration
  • Identifying and fixing any broken links
  • Developing UI/UX design
  • Analyzing and setting up custom dashboards
  • Creating a responsive design

It will be wise to consider a full rebranding when using web design and development services. This way, the final product will be able to deliver maximum value to the enterprise.

It’s essential to have cohesive branding through all media. However, the company or organization’s website is its core. Therefore, it should dictate the style across all other marketing channels.

Importance of Content Strategy for Your New Web Design

Content is the lifeblood of any website today. One can say that the quality of your content will hugely impact the success of your business online. Therefore, it’s vital to develop a detailed content strategy before implementing web design and development services. The type and quality of content need to be considered when creating the design.

Moreover, content needs to be updated frequently. Therefore, the website design must be flexible and allow for quick and easy changes.

Content-wise, any enterprise-level website should have multiple media galleries, several videos, a blog, and, possibly, a podcast gallery. UI/UX designers need to plan how to embed these elements into pages for achieving the most potent visual impact. In the meantime, developers also need to find a way to ensure that the website runs at top speed. It means that the number of media elements on it must not impact loading times.

How to Choose an Enterprise Web Development Company

When hiring a provider of web design and development services you must consider the experience first. Check out the company’s case studies and design portfolios to see what they are capable of. When doing this assessment, you need to look for the following:

  • Developers with the skills and capabilities to develop a web platform big and complex enough to fit your enterprise’s needs.
  • Designers with a sense of style and vision that agrees with your brand.
  • An enterprise web development company that can guarantee it will deliver top value for your money.

Remember that a good website platform can do a lot for your business. In particular, It will significantly improve SEO and raise your online visibility. It’ll drive traffic and help achieve enterprise goals, be they generating awareness or boosting sales. A well-designed website will also increase conversions and improve customer loyalty. Note that the quality of content will be a major deciding factor here. Therefore, you need to think about hiring a web design and development services provider as well as a marketing team.

In Conclusion: Does Your Enterprise Need Web Design and Development Services?

The answer to this question is always a resounding yes! Hiring an enterprise web development company is a fantastic idea for any organization or business that wants to improve its performance and get higher visibility online. Regardless of if it’s an internal company site that enhances communication and task management or a customer-oriented website. You have got to be sure it’s the best it could possibly be.

In this age of competition, being able to stand out with the help of an incredible design and provide a top experience due to the smooth running of the website is essential for every enterprise. If those are your goals, contact our team for a consultation on how to make it happen!

How AI Based Software Development Is Transforming Healthcare

When you hear about AI-based software development for healthcare, what do you imagine this tech can do? Are you thinking about AI-powered devices that tune into your brainwaves? Or do you think of technology capable of diagnosing diseases remotely? Perhaps, you can even imagine talking to a robot-therapist?

Or do these things sound like something out of a sci-fi movie?

It turns out that all of it is true now. The applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare are revolutionizing many medical fields. Already, VR and AR solutions can help people who had almost no hope for recovery only a decade ago. Moreover, various methods of AI automation in healthcare make help available to those living in remote communities.

AI technology is literally saving lives. Keep reading to find out how it does it and what we can expect to see in the future.

Using AI based software development for assisted therapy in treating depression and anxiety

Uses of AI-Based Software Development in Healthcare 2021

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Assisted Therapy

The most basic form of AI-assisted therapy is the use of a chatbot for primary therapeutic interventions. Basically, the AI acts as a therapist and offers support and guidance in a patient’s moment of need.

The efficiency of psychotherapy has long been proven. But now, you might wonder whether Artificial Intelligence can replicate the effects of talking to a human therapist.

According to an extensive study from Stanford University, AI is capable of effectively helping people suffering from anxiety and depression.

The most crucial benefit of AI-assisted therapy is that it makes mental healthcare accessible to people who have no other way to get it. At the moment, there are both free and paid therapy apps that offer different interventions for depression and anxiety. The user, essentially, receives a type of self-guided therapy with AI acting as an assistant on this path.

Chatbots can also be used as support in a traditional therapy course. Patients can turn to them between sessions when they require immediate help. This both improves the patient’s mental state and makes therapy more affordable.

Moreover, chatbots do not only offer support and guidance. These healthcare AI software solutions also collect data about your condition daily. Then, they can analyze this data to provide insights into anxiety or depression-inducing patterns that a therapist can use to improve your treatment.

Using the app, you can also track your own progress. In itself, this kind of tracking can be highly beneficial for a person struggling with challenges, like depression. To have tangible proof of one’s positive progress is a vital motivator.

AI based software development makes healthcare accessible in remote areas

AI Automation in Healthcare: Chatbots and Telehealth for Remote Areas

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted many problems within the healthcare system. One of the biggest among them is a desperate need to make healthcare services more accessible. And AI-based software development can do that.

Conversational artificial intelligence and telemedicine have saved hundreds of lives already. Moreover, these technologies are fast becoming indispensable for offering preliminary diagnostics and ongoing treatments.

Healthcare AI software solutions allow doctors to stay connected with patients no matter where they are located. In addition, they can offer basic education, support, and guidance to people who require immediate help or ongoing supportive treatments.

The potential of artificial intelligence in these areas is immense, states a study published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Its full transformative power can be realized in rural areas, especially in developing countries where access to healthcare is limited. And the situation got exponentially worse with the added strain of pandemic restrictions.

At the moment, there are technologies in development that will enable immediate and effective use of telemedicine in emergencies. However, this field is only growing. Therefore, everyone with ambitions to create an outstanding app that can change the world should consider this industry.

AI-Based Software Development: VR Treatments for PTSD

Exposure therapy has proven to be a highly effective treatment for phobias and PTSD. VR tech has the power to enhance these treatments and make them much more accessible. Already, there is solid evidence that VRET (VR Exposure Therapy) can help treat phobias. In addition, studies of using this treatment as part of PTSD therapy showed positive results, reports Frontiers.

Unfortunately, at the moment, this technology isn’t widely available in clinics. Therefore, applications of VRET are limited. Also, there are only studies conducted with soldiers and veterans. Therefore, broader possibilities of VR healthcare AI solutions are still unexplored.

However, there is hope that making the tech accessible will enable researchers and therapists to develop more effective treatments. We are only starting to acknowledge the severity of the impact that PTSD has on society as a whole. And while there are some effective treatments for this condition, they are limited. So, this branch of applying artificial intelligence in healthcare is still full of possibilities.

AI based software development used for reducing stress and managing anxiety through Healium

Specialized Healthcare AI Software Solutions: Healium

The applications of AI-based software development for healthcare take many forms. But none of them so far are as futuristic as Healium, an app that tunes into your brainwaves. The app claims to be an ‘immersive media’, as Healium’s CEO said to Forbes.

This app uses wearable devices to ‘read’ the body’s electricity and help users create their own unique relaxing world. The goal of Healium is to help fight anxiety and ease stress management.

The app uses a combination of AR and VR tech, game design, and storytelling, all powered by research in neuroscience. The result is a solution that can help people manage anxiety through techniques of immersive meditation.

Healium is currently unique, but its rising popularity indicates that it won’t be the only app of this kind. The pandemic made anxiety levels skyrocket worldwide. Therefore, various stress-reducing techniques are popular as never before. Artificial intelligence applications in healthcare are most efficient for this purpose as AI can adapt to every user’s individual needs. Therefore, it can offer highly personalized treatments.

Using AI based software development for making prescription video games

AI-Based Software Development in Healthcare: Prescription Video Games

Here is the validation of all those hours spent playing by all computer gamers worldwide. FDA approved the first computer game as a valid treatment for children with ADHD. Granted, it’s not an excuse to spend 14 hours playing PUBG every day. However, it’s clear evidence that games can be a power for good.

Prescription games are very different from regular ones. But they rely on the same interactive technology. The first-ever FDA-approved game went through seven years of clinical trials and proved that an interactive play could make a quality change for some people’s lives.

 At the moment, this technology is only used for ADHD. But the potential for applying AI-based software development in this area is tremendous. So, if you have an app idea, you should go for it!

Bottom Line: AI-Based Software Development for Healthcare Is Saving Lives

There are many uses for artificial intelligence in healthcare and even more are possible. This is a field that requires more ideas and products that can improve and even save countless people’s lives. Today, there are solutions that make healthcare accessible. But there is a lot of room for growth. An experienced AI software development team working with scientists and powered by innovative ideas can transform the world by improving healthcare.

App Store Optimization Tips an Android App Development Company Needs to Know

Imagine a situation, an extraordinarily talented Android app development company creates a unique product that has the potential to rack up millions. The app is amazing, and when it’s launched, everyone is 100% sure it’ll be an instant success. And yet, weeks and months go by, but the number of downloads is pitiful, so the team starts to despair.

What went wrong? How could people not want to use this awesome app?

The answer is usually simple – they just don’t know about it. As of July 2021, there are 2,89 million apps available on Google Play Store. So, it doesn’t matter how incredible your product is. In order for it to be successful, it must be visible on that huge platform. What it means for business is that it’s not enough to develop a great mobile app. You also need to master the art of app store optimization (ASO) to get it to the top of the platform’s search results.

If you think that this sounds very much like SEO, you are right. In fact, many of the search optimization practices used for Google will also apply to the app store page. That’s because these stores are, in essence, limited search engines.

However, to achieve the best results, you’ll need to go beyond the basics. The tips below will show you how to do it.

Top App Store Optimization Tips for Google Play Store

Start with competition research

The first thing you should do when planning to launch an app is to find out what you are up against. In fact, competition research must be done when the app is still an idea. It’s necessary so that you can make your product stand out. Remember that it’s always best to base your own proposition on the gaps that exist in the niche. Armed with this information, an Android app development company can create a truly outstanding product.

Also, while studying your competitors, you will be able to learn what keywords they target. It’s an essential piece of data that you’ll have to use in your ASO. You’ll have to think very hard to decide whether you should focus on targeting keywords that your competitors ignore or try to compete for the top-scoring ones.

In addition, you’ll need to check out in which app store categories your main competitor products are located. Choosing the right category is a significant factor that affects application success.

Optimize the Title and Description with keywords

Speaking of keywords, the number one use for them you’ll have in ASO is to put them in the app’s title, URL, and description. Bear in mind that these sections in app stores always have limitations for the number of characters. Therefore, choosing the best possible keyword phrases is a must. It will literally make or break your ASO, so you don’t have room for mistakes here.

In order to succeed in keyword optimization, you can use some excellent SEO tools, like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google Keyword Planner. Note that the first two are highly advanced but paid solutions. However, they will be a worthy investment on the same level as top-notch custom mobile app development services are. These solutions can really help your app get noticed and thus drive downloads.

Google Keyword Planner is free and the ultimate choice for when you are using GoogleAds. It will work well for a basic keyword search.

Extra tip: never use keywords that include the word ‘app’ or your competitors’ brand names in your title or description sections.

Use compelling images

A picture is worth a thousand words. This phrase is definitely overused, but it’s true nonetheless. And images become even more important when optimizing your app store page. That’s because you only have a limited number of both pictures and words. Therefore, images will have the greatest impact.

Start with designing a memorable app icon that stands out in your category. It must be simple but also something everyone would like to have on their phone screens, and possibly T-shirts.

The Android app development company creating the product must also invest a lot into the UI/UX design. The solution has to be not only useful but also visually appealing. That’s what you’re going to show off in screenshots.

Always post as many screenshots as the platform allows. In addition, design a beautiful template for them, so they aren’t merely rendered app screens images.

Finally, make sure that your app’s color scheme is different from your competitors. You can also read up on color meanings using this colorpedia to pick something out of the ordinary.

But the most important thing to consider when choosing screenshots for the app store is that you must show off the features that make your product unique.

Include a video

Mobile app development solutions might differ, but the marketing principles remain the same for every product, niche, and industry. And today, the supreme rule for a successful promotion of anything is ‘video makes it a hundred times better’.

People now consume more video than any other type of content, and this trend is only growing. So, including an attractive video that shows off how to use your app is an absolute must. You simply cannot forgo this step!

Even if you can’t afford some cool effects or order a clip from a professional team, it’s imperative to add the best quality content you are able to produce.

Drive traffic from your website & build up backlinks

Remember how ASO isn’t SEO but they are closely related? Well, one of those relations is that you need to use your well-optimized website and various SEO strategies to drive traffic to your app store page.

Basically, app store optimization options are limited. So, if you want to increase your outreach to the target audience, you need to do this through your website and social media channels. The trick is to set up links to the app store page for downloads. You’ll be able to use the full power of SEO for this.

You can also use various link-building strategies to drive more people to your app’s download page.

Work on obtaining app ratings and reviews

Critical ASO factors that you cannot affect directly are rating and reviews. The higher the numbers you can achieve there, the better is your app’s visibility. Moreover, they have a great impact on your brand authority. Therefore, they determine the Android app development company’s success as a business.

That said, you can see that it’s imperative to build a solid framework for generating reviews and encouraging high ratings.

A vital factor for the latter will be your updates. As a developer, you must always strive to improve your app in response to user feedback. Engaging with your users through commenting on said feedback is also a great way to build up your credibility. The freshness of the updates is also a ranking factor for app stores, so be sure to do it often.

In addition, you should use social media and your blog to encourage app reviews. Run contests or some specialized campaigns and consider offering some rewards for feedback.

Bottom Line: ASO – Must-Have for Android App Development Company Success

App store optimization isn’t rocket science, but you have to invest a lot of time and effort in it. Moreover, you need to understand that it’s intricately interwoven with SEO and your overall digital marketing strategy.

Last but not least, never forget that optimizing your app’s page once isn’t enough. You need to review its performance monthly and make adjustments to keep improving.


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