How Artificial Intelligence Software Development Will Transform in 2023

Artificial intelligence software development is the rockstar of 2023. In fact, we could say that it’s the fastest-growing tech in the 21st century. Things can’t be any other way because the world is rapidly spiraling into a crisis of unprecedented proportions. However, various applications of AI can slow, stop, and even reverse this descent. It’s only a matter of targeting AI-driven software development correctly.

We will see it growing in the directions listed below in the upcoming year.

Artificial Intelligence Software Development in 2023: General Outlook

Artificial intelligence software development future trends.

AI for sustainability

According to Gartner, sustainability is the leading trend for all technological development in 2023. Therefore, it’s no surprise that we will see many applications of AI in various sustainability projects.

In this case, the uses of AI are incredibly versatile. We will use AI processing power for calculating and predicting current environmental issues, sustainability rates, and potential project success. AI will also be widely applied in solutions that aim to reduce the carbon footprint of everything from smart homes to manufacturing enterprises.

AI-driven software development in predictive analytics

The artificial intelligence software development sector that creates predictive analytics platforms will keep growing and improving rapidly. It’s because the pandemic and the supply chain crisis it triggered made the global economy extremely volatile.

Therefore, many businesses must rely on predictive data analytics to survive. But, unfortunately, the level of volatility isn’t going to go down soon. So, better data analytics capabilities are a must-have to help businesses deal with disruptions.

Moreover, accurate AI-powered analytics solutions are necessary to monitor businesses in real time. It’s essential to understand how adequate your company’s response to the current situation is. Leaders can use this data for risk management and crisis prevention.

AI-driven software development has unparalleled data analytics capabilities. In addition, the demand from all industries will make this the hottest trend for AI software development companies.

Artificial intelligence software development for automation.

Artificial intelligence software development for automation

One of the most significant issues of the 21st century is the global shortage of workers in many industries. Everyone, from laborers at manufacturing plants to farmers to office workers, seems to be quitting their jobs. Moreover, finding replacements is extremely difficult and prohibitively expensive.

The solution to many labor shortage-related issues is AI automation of multiple tasks. The power of artificial intelligence can be applied everywhere, from HR recruiting research and candidate selection to robotizing manufacturing chains.

In 2023 we will see more AI-driven software development in the areas of automation that include:

  • Chatbots
  • Data processing and analysis
  • Menial jobs automation
  • Data entry and collection

It’s also important to note that automation is geared not only toward substituting for the workers who aren’t there. In addition, it’s an essential tool companies can use to improve the quality of work. Therefore, they can increase employee retention. Today’s qualified professionals don’t want to waste their work hours on mind-numbing repetitive tasks. Therefore, automation that frees your teams’ time for solving high-level problems can bring you a competitive advantage as an employer.

However, there is another side to this issue. The number of specialized workers is decreasing, but the unemployment rate is growing. This situation breeds resentment in certain groups that believe ‘machines are taking away jobs’.

Those same arguments existed during the start of the industrial revolution. As we can see, machines haven’t replaced people then. They simply moved humanity, as a whole, to a new level. It’s the same now. Humans are desperately needed in many industries. However, they need to be better educated and qualified to complete tasks that machines cannot.

Low-code/no-code artificial intelligence software development

There aren’t enough qualified software engineers in the world today. One of the solutions to this issue is the continuing rise of low-code/no-code AI platforms. Not only do they enable experienced professionals to save time. These platforms also allow non-professionals to become developers.

AI is unable to replace developers completely. Also, these platforms require multiple highly skilled and experienced devs to create and maintain. However, despite all this, these platforms can greatly help numerous companies. Right now, they are in high demand among small businesses and startups.

Low-code and no-code tools will continue getting more popular. Using this type of AI-driven software development for further business automation is a fantastic strategy for the coming year. Enterprise-level businesses, in particular, will leverage no-code development to its maximum. This way, they can boost efficiency and cut costs on development.

Artificial intelligence software development for content creation.

AI software development for content creation

According to research, about 30% of all outbound content from large companies and organizations will be AI-generated by 2025. Because the demand for content is enormous, human creators simply cannot keep up with the required speed.

Of course, there is a big part of creative content that AI can’t replace. However, machines can easily handle writing the majority of formal and marketing messages.

Note that this is relevant for all types of content, including videos, images, music, and text. You can check out one of the foremost successful projects that gained popularity in 2022, Midjourney. It’s an extraordinary visual content generator.

Another example is Marquètte, an AI content generator developed by Devtorium. It’s an AI content writer that can create many kinds of texts, from blog posts to essays. It produces original content that can greatly help marketers and copywriters save time.

Artificial intelligence software development for security

The importance of digital security is growing with every passing moment. AI has unparalleled capabilities in identifying and fixing weaknesses and abnormalities. Therefore, it’s no surprise that much of AI’s development trends will lie in the area of cybersecurity.

Solutions that help users take control of their data and protect it from invasion will be as in demand as solid firewalls. Also, solutions that run systems checks and analyses for any threats are already popular and quickly evolving.

AI-driven software development in healthcare

AI software has already transformed the healthcare industry. However, this trend will continue in 2023 and beyond. Enterprise-level systems require AI for better management, especially where complex database and finance management are concerned.

Also, there are AI-powered software solutions for individual healthcare consultations, vitals tracking, etc. All in all, due to its extreme complexity and need for connectivity, the healthcare industry is one of the most lucrative places for AI tech to grow. So, we will keep seeing more developments in this field.

Moreover, we will see a higher level of automation and robotics being applied in healthcare. Already there are successful projects on prosthetics and neurological implants. They can give hope and increase the quality of life for millions of people.

Innovation in artificial intelligence software development.

Computer vision AI development

Computer vision is one of the foremost AI-powered technologies we will see growing in 2023. It is quite widespread already, powering various solutions, from self-driving cars to the aforementioned healthcare apps.

We will see computer vision AI protocols becoming more sophisticated. Therefore, artificial intelligence software development that uses this technology will be capable of completing more tasks with a higher accuracy level.

In addition, this tech’s data analysis and response quality will improve, increasing its applications. This, like nothing else, has the potential to take artificial intelligence software development to the next level quite fast.

Bottom Line: The Time of Artificial Intelligence Software Development Has Come

We live in an era where custom software development can give any business a crucial advantage in a competitive market. The power of AI in this context is staggering. The level of automation it can provide, even at the most basic AI applications, can revolutionize entire industries.

These processes are happening already, and in 2023 the demand for AI-driven software development will only increase. We face multiple problems globally, from the supply chain crisis to the shortage of qualified labor. AI might not be able to solve these issues entirely yet. However, it certainly can help combat them and help businesses survive and prosper in these challenging conditions.

If you are interested in learning more about how AI-powered tech can help you or seek to create your own solution, contact us anytime!

What Is Conversational AI? History of Chatbots

Conversational AI is so much a part of our lives now that we take it for granted. In fact, many people won’t even recognize that they are talking to an AI when interacting with customer support. That’s actually an issue that might cause your sales to drop. We’ll discuss the reasons for it and how to avoid this while getting all chatbot benefits.

It’s vital to remember that technology has undergone a fantastic transformation over the past few decades. Understanding the history of its evolution can help make more accurate predictions about the future of AI. It’s also essential information for those who plan their investments for the upcoming years. So whether you think of it as an investor or as a business owner, putting your money on conversational AI is sure to be a win.

First conversational AI chatbot examples.

History of Conversational AI: First Chatbot Examples

AI technology became a trend only a few years ago. However, the first chatbot was built in 1966. Named ELIZA, this was a rather primitive program compared to our current solutions. Funnily enough, the idea of ELIZA was to simulate a psychotherapist. Its behavior followed the extremely annoying trend of turning every user’s sentence into a question.

Obviously, ELIZA’s ability to communicate was minimal. We assume that the same goes for its proficiency in therapy. However, it was an important step for chatbot technology development.

The next big chatbot project was PARRY, ‘born’ in 1972. This time, conversational AI was simulating a patient suffering from schizophrenia. It performed admirably well as some psychiatrists couldn’t identify it as a machine while ‘talking’ to it. However, PARRY’s actual ‘talking’ ability was also minimal as well.

We can see a trend here. So, when you use a voice assistant or a chatbot support service today, remember that psychiatrists were the first to work with their creation.

From those first attempts, chatbots kept evolving until the rise of the semantic Web 4.0. This technology gave machines the power to understand context, skyrocketing chatbot evolution.

40% of all user interaction with a support service is purely emotional, so your chatbot must be capable of ’emotion’ as well

Can Users Tell a Conversational AI from a Human?

Today, conversational AI chatbots are highly advanced and can emulate human interaction well because of sentiment analysis technology. It’s a recent development, and that’s why conversational AI has made several giant leaps in recent years.

To get some idea of how important this is, you should consider that about 40% of all user interaction with a support service is purely emotional. Chatbots based on repetition couldn’t provide valuable interaction in these situations. However, machine learning and NLP changed this. Now, a chatbot in customer service is capable of identifying and processing emotions and sentiments from the user’s request. Moreover, it’s capable of replying with a degree of simulated emotion. That’s what makes conversational AI appear human.

We must mention, however, that our ability to understand whether we communicate with a human or a machine is limited. For example, the PARRY mentioned above, which was a non-advanced system that didn’t even rely on self-studying AI, could fool certified experts. Five psychiatrists interviewed the chatbot in 1979 using teletype to hide the fact that it was a machine. They were supposed to determine whether it was an AI or a real person with a psychiatric disorder. Only one expert could clearly determine the difference between an AI and a real patient.

Imagine how much harder it would be now, when every AI-powered chatbot in customer service learns and improves with every interaction.

How conversational AI chatbots impact business.

Business Impact of Disclosed and Undisclosed Chatbots

The role of conversational AI chatbots has entirely changed with their integration into popular messaging systems. Many brands launched their chatbots to offer services through such platforms. So, today most people interact with some type of AI-powered support through:

  • Telegram
  • Viber
  • Whatsapp
  • Facebook Messenger

As you know already, conversational AI has been developing to mimic emotional human interaction. Therefore, it’s become hard for people to notice who exactly they are communicating with. Of course, some chatbot services explicitly state they are exactly that. So there is no confusion on the user’s part.

Meanwhile, there are undisclosed conversational AI chatbots. They can achieve fantastic results, especially in sales. Presumably, a chatbot can achieve the level of a specialized shopping assistant. Therefore, it can help retailers increase the number of conversions by providing more personalized top-quality service.

However, should the consumer find out they’ve been interacting with conversational AI during the process, they get upset. As a result, they buy fewer products and might even switch to a different brand.

Apparently, studies indicate that humans consider chatbots to be limited and more ‘primitive’. Therefore, when interacting with disclosed conversational AI chatbots, they use very simple language. Oftentimes, users will bring down the level of their vocabulary when interacting with a program due to their desire ‘to make the machine understand’.

However, humans don’t always do this because they think machines are too primitive to understand human language. The main driving force for this behavior is our understanding that machines are incapable of empathy. At least for the moment, it’s a complete truth. No matter how advanced conversational AI is, it will only mimic human emotion during the conversation.

Is conversational AI alive?

Is Conversational AI ‘Alive’?

Semantic Web 4.0-level technology can identify and interpret human emotion (to some degree) when processing data. Therefore, conversational AI chatbots are capable of interacting with humans more efficiently and appear more alive. So, it’s harder for users to understand if they are dealing with a human or chatbot in customer service. In fact, chatbot help turns out to be about four times more efficient.

However, humans are creatures prone to bias. Thus, as long as we are stuck believing that machines are incapable of understanding and projecting emotion, we will be uncomfortable with them doing it.

As you can see, issues discussed in science fiction novels decades ago have become our reality today. AI chatbots aren’t ‘alive’, but they learned how to mimic humans better. Combined with the outstanding processing power of artificial intelligence, we can expect this technology to become even more helpful and ‘human-like’ soon.

A chatbot is FOUR times more efficient in customer support.

Conversational AI Chatbots Vs. Assistants

Advancements in conversational AI technology mean that its applications are growing. Similar to how computer vision tech goes into everything from self-driving car navigation to facial recognition software, conversational AI helps create different programs.

Of course, the most numerous are AI chatbots, which provide various support and educational services. However, today this technology has become a big part of the rapidly-developing AI-powered virtual assistants industry. Leaders among them are:

  • Siri (Apple)
  • Cortana (Microsoft)
  • Google Assistant
  • Alexa (Amazon)
  • Watson (IBM Cloud)

The difference between conversational AI chatbots and assistants is that while both are conversational interfaces, they fulfill different roles. A chatbot in customer service will answer questions and offer suggestions based on preset parameters. This type of software follows the same pattern when used in education as well. Basically, it’s a machine that provides information based on a prompt from the user.

Meanwhile, virtual AI-powered assistants help you with everyday tasks. Their features are versatile, for example, reminders, to-do list management, search assistance, note-taking, etc. In essence, this solution is your personal secretary. In addition, these assistants can be connected to smart devices and integrated into your IoT network. So, you might be able to manage most of your house through voice commands and your smartphone. That voice command feature is powered by a version of conversational AI.

Although they apply this technology differently, chatbots and virtual assistants run on the same principles of AI tech. Moreover, we can expect both these branches of conversational AI to keep growing at an astounding pace.

Who needs conversational AI today?

Bottom Line: Who Needs Conversational AI Products Today?

To put it simply, every business, both big and small, can benefit from implementing AI chatbots in some processes. They are good for automating routine tasks, like basic consultations and surveys. You can also use them to provide higher-quality customer support. It can be a huge advantage for small businesses, in particular.

Moreover, you can use bots powered by conversational AI for education and onboarding. Therefore, big companies can implement them to increase the productivity and efficiency of their overall operations.

There is no shortage of conversational AI chatbots applications, so you should definitely consider adding them to your business arsenal. Contact the Devtorium AI team to learn how this technology can benefit your business. We can build chatbots from scratch to ensure that the solution is custom-tailored to your needs and can grow and scale up alongside your company.

The Future of Healthcare Software Development

The future of healthcare software development is bright, that’s for sure. Among all the horrors of the COVID pandemic, we’ve seen how the current healthcare system, even in highly developed countries, is far from perfect. In fact, it’s very far from being truly efficient. Moreover, we’ve seen that implementing technology in various healthcare processes can increase that efficiency. In the context of medicine, this means literally saving lives.

According to research published in the International Journal of Health Services, the most common problems highlighted by the pandemic crisis were:

  • Access barriers
  • Lack of control over prices and costs
  • Unsatisfactory quality of services
  • Widespread disparities and marginalization of public health

This research only covered the US. However, these issues are similar for all Western countries. Meanwhile, the situation in developing countries is much worse as people cannot access good healthcare services. It’s because such services do not exist at all or are too poorly developed. Furthermore, the level of digitalization in these parts of the world is also low. Therefore, few residents can make use of technologically-augmented medical services.

In light of this, custom medical software development is an industry that’s growing rapidly. With so many weaknesses exposed, businesses are competing to create solutions that will solve these problems. Meanwhile, other technological projects are also improving medical services in every area.

In this article, we’ll talk about the most remarkable ways of implementing tech in healthcare today.

Telemedicine in healthcare software development.

Leading Trends in Tech and Healthcare Software Development

Telemedicine and remote healthcare services

One of the leading areas of healthcare software development is now focused on telemedicine. The main task is to make medical services accessible to people living in remote and rural areas. Moreover, this type of healthcare became a must-have service under COVID restrictions. People can’t effectively access medical facilities during lockdowns, even if they live in the city. So, it’s imperative to provide everyone with access to healthcare professionals.

Of course, video conferencing solutions, like Zoom or Skype, make it possible for patients to communicate with their doctors remotely. However, a skilled healthcare software development company can take this further, making it possible to bring medical aid where there are no high-speed internet connections and multiple medical professionals available to consult online. In addition, implementing AI in healthcare software development allows for automating preliminary consultations. Therefore, more people can get the help they need.

Personal medical devices

Custom medical software development is also used to create various personal devices that help monitor and assess the patient’s physical condition. The majority of such tools available now are wearable trackers that can measure heart rate, oxygen saturation level, blood pressure, and temperature.

However, more devices are in the works. Currently, several companies are working to create tools that will measure all vitals and other important parameters for patients with chronic diseases. In the future, such monitoring devices will also be able to send a request for help to a medical professional. Also, data collected by them can be used for more efficient diagnostics.

Using AI for healthcare software development.

Healthcare software development based on AI

AI’s data processing, analysis, and automation powers are immense. Therefore, AI-based healthcare solutions can have many applications, for example:

  • Developing personalized treatment plans based on the analysis of multiple data sources.
  • Automation or repetitive, monotonous jobs, like filing and paperwork management, to free up the time of medical personnel.
  • Conducting more in-depth diagnostics using technologies like automated image analysis and classification.
  • Collecting, processing, and managing medical records. It would also be a great help to organize these records into a global network to ensure a traveling person can get the best medical help no matter where they are.
  • Using AI in healthcare software development allows for improving epidemic prevention and management. However, it’s essential to note that such practices as facial recognition, using smart devices to measure body temperature, etc., can be interpreted as widespread surveillance. Therefore, developers and governments need to work closely together to ensure that such measures remain effective without violating the human right to privacy.

Virtual and augmented reality technologies

Combining healthcare software development with VR and AR technologies can produce incredible results. These solutions help with the treatment of severe disorders like PTSD, anxiety, and pain therapy.

There are also some innovative treatments that use this tech in the process of rehabilitation. In particular, they aid in restoring motor skills and even in the treatment of memory loss.

Moreover, surgeons and hospital staff also use various VR solutions to improve their work. For example, ImmersiveTouch and Osso VR tech used for surgical training and education.

Using robotics in healthcare software development

Nanotech and robotics

Technologies that used to exist only on the pages of science fiction novels are reality now. These areas of tech are only starting to develop, but already we can see some incredible robotic prosthetics that change disabled people’s life.

The nanotech industry is slower to develop. However, it has a tremendous potential that researchers recognize. There are already some miniature tools for non-invasive diagnostics and a few basic biosensors.

Meanwhile, robotic healthcare solutions are not restricted to prosthetics only. Today some labs are developing different types of robots that can help disabled people and even become companions for them.

Both nanotech and robotic solutions require extremely careful and innovative healthcare software development. Integrating these tools with AI can truly revolutionize the world as we know it.

The future of healthcare software development is promising.

Healthcare Software Development: Industry Growth

You can be sure that the custom medical software development industry will keep developing rapidly. The pandemic crisis brought some extremely dark revelations regarding our capacity to face medical challenges. Therefore, this field will grow further and attract a stream of funding worldwide.

Healthcare software development offers versatile opportunities for investment. So, if you are interested in a project that’s sure to succeed, this is something to consider. Contact our team to discuss your ideas!

25 Innovative Ideas for AI Mobile App Development for Startups

Do you think that AI mobile app development is a thing of the future? Well, you are wrong because this ‘future’ has been around for a while. In fact, those who strive to get ahead of the curve have launched dozens of AI-powered mobile apps already.

Admittedly, some of them are pretty bad and have minimal functionality. But they are raking up hefty sums for their owners regardless of any shortcomings. Moreover, the niche is filling up with competition rapidly.

So, what does it mean for you?

It means that if you want to make it in any market today, employing custom mobile app development services is a must. Therefore, a stellar application idea is your key to success.

Check out our list of the hottest ideas we built with the help of our AI-powered research tool Marquètte.

AI Mobile App Development & Other Great App Ideas for You

Mobile application development solutions available today allow one to create some truly incredible things. However, if you want to start a successful business with your app, you need to consider many things.

The mobile app development industry is highly lucrative, in general. Moreover, it’s growing even more so as the level of smartphone penetration increases. Already, nearly 6.6 billion people on the planet have smartphones. Within the next few years, it’s expected that everyone will have one. In addition, custom mobile app development services are evolving rapidly. Therefore, the number and functionality of apps that can fulfill a wide range of needs are also growing. However, this niche is still nascent, which means you can achieve great results if you launch a fantastic solution.

That said, before you can dive into end-to-end application development, you need to come up with a great app idea.

In order to do that, you’ll need to research the market and learn what’s already there. Then, if your idea is unique, your next step is understanding your target audience. Finally, you need to answer the question of whether people actually need the thing you want to offer.

In case there are apps similar to your idea available already, do not despair! You can still rock in this particular niche.

The first thing you have to do is to study those solutions. Focus on customer reviews and see what users complain about. Then, make a list of pros and cons for each of your potential competitors’ products. Finally, expand your idea to create a blueprint of an app that will stand out and have none of the issues others have.

But if you are struggling to come up with original ideas, look below. We’ve prepared a list of apps sure to be in high demand.

AI Mobile App Development for Fitness & Health

fitness apps work-from-home, carpool, using AI mobile app development for mental health treatment

  •  AI-Based fitness app for WFH

The experience of major lockdowns was enough for about 97% of workers to state that they don’t want to return to the office full-time. So, WFH (work from home) is becoming the norm in our world. However, there are quite a few issues associated with it. One of those is that people might not get enough exercise. Helping them remain healthy while working from home is a fantastic way to apply mobile app development solutions. You have a lot of room for creativity here. For example, you can combine a calorie calculator with a fitness app that offers workout guidelines and a built-in personal assistant to provide healthy lifestyle tips.

  • AI personal trainer app

Another idea is to make an advanced AI-based app that will act as a personal trainer. It will have to develop workouts based on the user’s constitution, lifestyle, etc. This app can use the data collected by smart devices, like fitness bracelets. In addition, it can use a video feed to assess your form and advise how to correct your pose and exert force. More importantly, it can provide feedback by analyzing your performance. It can be beneficial for regular users and as software for professional athletes.

AI mobile app development AR healthcare apps, vet help apps, live commerce

  • AR and VR-powered mental healthcare apps

AR and VR tech can be used not only for entertainment purposes. The capabilities of this technology are immense, especially when combined with AI and leading medical experts. Already there are VR solutions that help people suffering from severe PTSD and other mental health issues. AR technology also can be used for mental treatments and overall health monitoring. All in all, if you want your app to truly make the world a better place, combine your efforts with medical researchers. You might create a product that will literally save lives.

  • Telemedicine apps for vets

Speaking of life-saving apps, telemedicine is hardly new. Multiple solutions of this type already make healthcare services more accessible in many countries. However, veterinary medicine is lagging behind. And you might be the one to change that. Think about how you can use AI mobile app development services to help vets reach patients in remote rural areas. Even launching a chatbot that offers basic veterinary advice can make a massive difference for people and animals.

  •  AI-based emotion-tracking apps

If you want to create something that will help people, consider using AI mobile app development services to make an emotion-tracking solution. You can use current fitness trackers as a base for your product. But think about how you can use AI tech and possibly create more advanced sensors to track emotions. This solution can be invaluable for mental health monitoring and therapy apps. It can also be a great help to people who struggle with a variety of psychological and physical disorders. Study research and current technology in the healthcare industry and talk to doctors and scientists who work with tech innovations. You might be able to create incredible things together. Most importantly, these apps have the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses.

AI mobile app development idea face animation apps

AI Mobile App Development for Fun

  • AI-based geo-tracking app

One way to implement the power of an AI mobile app development team is to create an AI-powered geo-tracking app for travelers. Basically, this app will be the user’s virtual guide. First, it will use geo-tracking technology and AI-powered data analytics to find businesses and exciting sights in the area based on the user’s request. Then, it will essentially generate a route and itinerary for the trip.

  • AI face animator apps

Face animator apps can be a source of endless fun. These solutions enable users to avatarify any image. And when combined with good custom mobile app development services, such a product can become very entertaining. You can help people animate pictures of their friends or celebrities and create unique memes, clips, etc. But be sure to consult a top-notch legal expert to protect you from any issues and lawsuits.

  • AR games

If your main goal for dabbling into custom mobile app development services is to get some profit fast, AR games might be the best choice. This niche exploded with Pokemon Go’s launch, which became a sensation overnight. Years down the road, this game is still extremely popular and growing. It inspired dozens of similar products, but none have managed to topple the Pokemon champion. So now might be your chance!

voice-only chat app, fitness apps, eLearning, AI mobile app development for online learning

  • 3D avatars for social apps

Speaking of animated avatars, if making AI-driven moving pictures of real people isn’t your thing, consider applying this idea to 3D models. Making 3D animated avatars for social media and messaging apps is an interesting choice. It’s also an excellent opportunity for AI mobile app development. You can make these avatars to really show emotion, which is a fantastic feature for messaging. In addition, consider creating your own messaging app with this type of avatar embedded by default. But be sure to make them customizable to some extent to make them more fun for users. Personalization rules the day now!

  •  Live video streaming apps

Live streaming video is more popular than ever. But live-streaming platforms, even the giant Twitch, are having problems with both streamers and audiences. Therefore, even though there are dozens of video streaming solutions available, this niche is hot. So, combining your creativity and custom mobile app development services might help you create the next big hit. However, you’ll need to focus on market research first. This way, you can identify weaknesses in the existing solutions. Only then you’ll be able to create an app with the potential to become a huge success.

  •  Voice-only messenger apps

People often choose to use voice-operated devices, whether it’s out of a desire for convenience or disability. Now, imagine what a hit a 100% voice-based messenger app could be. Of course, you’ll need the assistance of an excellent AI mobile app development company to make this idea a reality. However, if you manage to create a truly efficient and bug-free solution, you might become the next Mark Zuckerberg. In addition, remember that smartphone technology evolves fast as well. So, the things that these devices can do in the future will expand the number of innovative solutions you can create for them.

AI Mobile App Development for Learning & Working with Information

AI mobile app development ideas for working with information

  •  AI-based news apps

Integrating AI into a news app can produce spectacular results. It can help personalize the news feed for users managing the flow of information we are all surrounded by. Such an app can be an invaluable aid for executives. It’s because they must be on top of all global news to make decisions that affect their corporations and thousands of people’s lives.

  •  AI-powered language learning apps

Creating a language learning solution is one of the most excellent applications of AI mobile app development. Artificial intelligence technology is a fantastic tool because AI can customize the existing program. It means that the app can be personalized for the user based on their progress. Furthermore, the AI will assess your performance and offer exercises and tasks that will help the user achieve the best results.

  •  AI-driven weather forecast app

Accurate weather forecasts seem to be a thing of legend. Legends that AI can help make a reality. Already forecasters are using machine learning technology in their work. However, there is still a big empty niche for reliable weather forecasting apps for travelers.

  •  eLearning apps

The eLearning industry has been growing fast, even before the pandemic. However, the lockdown period propelled it further. As of now, the US eLearning sector is predicted to grow by nearly $13 billion by 2024. Learning from home also remains a significant concern as there is a risk of more lockdowns in the future. All in all now is the time to start developing various eLearning solutions. Using AI mobile app development will be excellent for versatile educational apps as AI can help reduce teachers’ workload. Such apps can grade work or teach specific skills.

  •  Virtual classrooms

Another idea to explore with AI mobile app development is creating a virtual classroom app. In this case, your main goal will be to make sure that online interactions of the class are as efficient as they could be offline. However, if you think about it, you can see how sharing a virtual classroom can be even more convenient. In particular, think of all the opportunities for media sharing and use that the Internet offers. In addition, a clever application of this kind might help schools that don’t have the budget for advanced gadgets in physical classrooms.

  •  Virtual assistant apps

The true potential of AI mobile app development can be realized through the creation of virtual assistant apps. You have plenty of routes to explore in this niche. You can stick with simple everyday tasks and develop a solution that will help people with them. For example, create a basic technology guide for those who aren’t tech-savvy. Think about what people struggle with in their daily lives and how the current capabilities of AI can assist them.

  •  Content generation & research app

Students need to write essays and research many different topics. So an AI-powered platform that can help with research and content generation is sure to be a hit. But, of course, AI cannot write as well as a human. So, any essay generated by tech needs to be edited thoroughly. However, it can certainly find, process, and manage information much better than any student. So, overall, an AI mobile app development can produce a fantastic essay-writing aid.

  •  AI-powered data extraction apps

One more way to use AI mobile app development is to create a solution that will extract data from various sources. Then, the AI will process this data to offer actionable insights to the user. The complexity of the tasks can vary from answering basic questions about fashion to building business growth strategies. But bear in mind that this product won’t be easy to make. Machine learning takes time and resources to actually learn to the point where an AI works flawlessly. Unfortunately, it also takes a lot of resources. Therefore, be prepared that this is going to be a massive project that requires investors.

AI Mobile App Development for Business & More

AI mobile app development for business, HR, and logistics.

  •  AI-driven chatbot apps

Chatbots are the most popular application of AI mobile app development today. It’s because they have dozens of uses for business. Moreover, you can still invent many useful applications of AI-powered chatbot apps. They can teach, guide, and above all, provide customer service. These apps aren’t new, but the niche still needs better technology, more advanced options, and better “intelligence” components.

  •  AI logistics optimization

Geo-tracking AI mobile app development can have an excellent implementation for logistics. This solution can help businesses analyze traffic and build the most efficient routes. It can also collect and process relevant data to assess profitability and develop better logistics strategies for business growth. The result is improved operational efficiency. Note that transportation businesses and enterprises can use this app. But it’s also a good idea for mobile app development for startups. Such a startup would be able to provide analytics and advisory services to those same enterprises.

  •  Live commerce apps

One of the more profitable ways to use mobile application development solutions is to get on with the live commerce trend. It’s currently on the rise, riding the coattails of the great eCommerce boom brought by the pandemic. The idea of live commerce is to make the online shopping experience as ‘live’ as possible. You can play around with this idea when working on end-to-end application development. For example, you can create an app that will work from the seller’s side. Basically, it will add a feature to interact with the sales assistant in a brick-a-mortar store through a video chat of some kind. But you can also start working from the buyer’s angle. Try to create a solution that will allow people to explore the stores in real time while sitting comfortably at home. The potential in this niche is vast, so be creative!

  •  Warranty organizer/management apps

There are about 10 electronic devices in an average household today. This number is constantly growing as tech becomes more affordable. And each of these devices, as well as any gadgets people are also using, has a warranty. Keeping track of all the warranties one has can be pretty tricky. But it’s necessary as using this service can save people hundreds of dollars. Therefore, using mobile app development solutions to create an efficient warranty management app can turn into a highly profitable idea. Consider partnering with companies that offer extended warranty services. You might develop some great offers together and become a sensation in this niche. In fact, it might be possible to make this business a global success.

  •  Carpool apps

The success of Uber might be impossible to beat. And there are plenty of other businesses using a similar model now. However, carpooling is not yet well-developed as an organized business. So, this is your chance. AI mobile app development will be most helpful here. You can implement the power of AI to find the best matches and manage large volumes of requests. All in all, the success of this business will depend on the quality of software your enterprise mobile app development company can deliver. Be sure to consult some logistics experts about developing a plan for this kind of app. You will also need to consider the demand for carpools. In fact, think about starting small and developing an app for your local community/school/college/etc.

  •  AI-powered HR & recruiting apps

HR specialists and recruiters have to do a lot of mind-numbing routine tasks in their work. Sorting through surveys and reports, as well as analyzing CVs and job applications, are highly time-consuming tasks. AI can handle them better and much fast. In addition, AI mobile app development, when applied to HR, can eliminate all bias and human errors. So, this kind of app can boost Human Resources and Recruiting departments’ productivity on every level.

AI mobile app development ideas for startups.

AI Mobile App Development Challenges & How to Overcome Them

End-to-end application development is no easy task, and coming up with an awesome idea is just the first step. The success of the following steps will depend on your collaboration with a mobile app development company. Therefore, it’s crucial to find a dev team that will be able to understand your vision and work in tune with you.

The main challenges of AI mobile app development for startups are the lack of funds and technical limitations. Therefore, your priority is to find a team with the technical expertise to create the exact thing you need. That’s why looking for people with years of experience and skills gained from working on diverse projects is essential. This kind of people will be able to offer insights on how your idea can be improved and expanded to create an even greater product.

Regarding the budget, it’s important to understand your limitations. But you also need to look for financing opportunities. For example, start with creating a limited version of your ideal app. Then, take it to investors with a proposal.

It will be easier to make potential investors interested in your product when you have an actual product to show off. Moreover, you can launch this app as an alpha version so it can start generating income.

Note that you can even launch it as a free version, which will still work for you. This way, your app will generate awareness, and you can start working on digital marketing for your app.

Meanwhile, your development team should also be able to help. At Devtorium, we always offer our clients several plans to maximize the cost-efficiency of their mobile application development solutions. The trick here is to be willing to do the work needed to create maximum value for every dollar. If you are interested to learn more, contact us anytime!

6 Types of AI Solutions for Business to Use Today

AI solutions for business are becoming more popular by the day. As a whole, artificial intelligence is slowly making its way to all spheres of our lives. AI opens many doors to options and possibilities that no one could imagine a few years ago.

As a business owner, keeping up with the latest technologies is crucial, especially if they can affect you directly. With that in mind, we want to discuss what artificial intelligence can do for your business.

Now is your chance to use incredible opportunities that come with AI and get one step ahead of your competition.

Run Customer Support with AI Solutions for Business

The path to happy customers includes giving them all the information they need when they need it. This requires making top-grade customer support a part of your business strategy.

The most common customer support channels include:

  • Email support
  • Website forms
  • Call center
  • Live chat

AI solutions for business open another option – an AI-powered chatbot. It’s one of the popular AI-powered apps for companies that don’t have enough employees to support live chat. A chatbot will ask relevant questions and provide necessary information to your clients. However, it’s essential to include other means of contact if the chatbot doesn’t answer a customer’s question.

AI-Powered Platform for Marketing and Content Generation

Blogging is one of the best strategies for attracting customers to your website. Everyone needs free information, and articles are the best way to provide it. Furthermore, through blogging, you also have a chance to educate your readers.

Even though this strategy is efficient, finding quality writers is not the easiest thing to do. Writing requires maintaining constant discipline and inspiration. If you have been running your blog for a long time, you might need help with both.

We now have an AI-powered platform for creating content. It’s a fantastic application of AI solutions for business. It allows you to speed up your research by providing ideas and mockups of relevant content. It can be helpful to startups, freelance writers, marketing agencies, and small, medium, and enterprise-level companies.

AI Solutions for Business SEO Boost

There’s an additional benefit of the AI content generator mentioned in the previous section. Besides providing new writing ideas, it balances SEO with quality content. Even though both categories are different, managing to get them on the same level is crucial.

Doing SEO audits and content optimization is always a struggle. It requires lots of time and hard work, but it is a crucial step.

An AI content generator can be used for creating text that you can further optimize with keywords for search engines. This is massive because it can also reduce the time necessary for SEO research.

AI solutions for business you can use in real life.

AI Recognition Solutions

Another fantastic implementation of artificial intelligence is AI-based recognition software. Using computer vision technology, AI can recognize images, objects, and even faces. It’s the next level in the security industry and other sectors like administration, design, etc.

With facial recognition software, you can improve the security of your company building by installing cameras at entrances. In addition, the software keeps track of employees that come and go and can pull up their profiles whenever you need them.

Today, apps can recognize text input and convert it into an image. While this is a nightmare for web and graphic designers, it is one of the fantastic AI solutions for business. This technology helps companies save money on web design and use AI to generate logos or banners for marketing.

AI Solutions for Business in the IoT Sphere

IoT, or the Internet of Things, is a network that connects physical objects with sensors and software. It allows us to bring almost everything in our space online. 

IoT technology improves operations management, cost-effectiveness, and many other business aspects. With the integration of AI, the IoT network can be fully controlled by software. As a result, business automation improves drastically. Moreover, IoT enables you to cut production and management costs.

In addition, IoT affects data management and analysis. For example, you can use the network to collect information and analyze your business performance on a new level.

AI Solutions for Business Recruitment and HR

Another area in which AI has a significant influence is Human Resources management. It is the best way to modernize the recruitment process and improve business operations in the HR and Payroll departments. Even though both departments are crucial for any line of business, they are often neglected regarding technological improvements.  It can change by implementing AI solutions for business.

For example, AI can improve the quality of the hiring process. It can analyze candidates’ CVs and provide suggestions for the best matches.

It also can play a significant role in the existing employees’ performance assessment. This tech will calculate the efficiency and productivity of all employees. You can use this data to motivate and guide them to better results.

On top of that, AI saves time for HR professionals. Performance assessment usually demands a lot of manual work. By using AI, your HR team can do their jobs much faster. In addition, it reduces human error.

Finally, a considerable advantage of AI is that it removes unprejudiced decisions. This smart software is fueled by logic and always delivers the best results without playing favorites.

Bottom Line: AI Solutions for Business Explained

The examples we provided are just a few of the most valuable AI solutions for business. There are many other things artificial intelligence can do. Now that you understand the benefits and the need for AI, it is vital to figure out the best way to use it for your company’s needs. The future in successful business operations lies here. Keep in mind that your competitors are moving in the same direction. With that in mind, do not wait long to implement AI into your business processes, and always watch out for new software. Start today so that you can take the top spot in the future! Best of luck!

Your Intelligent Assistant: AI-Powered Platform Marquètte

Devtorium is a software development company that not only outsources its services but also creates proprietary software. One of our products is Marquètte, an AI-powered platform used for content generation. We’ve worked on this product for over a year and released the MVP in April 2022.

We are proud to share that an enhanced version of Marquètte is available to users! Moreover, it still comes with a 7-Day Free Trial that enables anyone to sign up and test the full power of AI content generation.

The purpose of Marquètte is to become an intelligent assistant for content writers, marketing specialists, and small business owners who want to improve theory content marketing. As your personal assistant in this quest, Marquètte does not only generate content. This AI-powered platform also offers a broad view of the industry trends and provides insights that can inspire you.

One of the biggest challenges of content creation is that you just don’t know what to write about. With Marquètte, you’ll get multiple ideas just by seeing your Account home page.

Using the product is extremely simple:

  1. Sign up.
    You don’t have to provide your credit card information. Just sign up anytime and test the SaaS platform for free.
  2. Ask your questions.
    You can ask the AI about anything and it will generate an answer using its massive databases.
  3. Use the answer!
    You can use Marquètte answers as blog posts, as answers on forums, as posts on your social media accounts, and even as part of general topic research.

Ne on the Marquette AI-powered platform.

Latest Marquètte AI-Powered Platform Updates

The part of the Devtorium Team working on Marquètte keeps improving it. Here’s what they came up with during the last update.

  • Improved design.
    Our AI-powered platform looks even prettier now. Seriously, just check it out. Our designers are incredible, and they improve user experience as well as aesthetics.
  • ‘Ask a question’ page.
    Users have a dedicated form to ask the engine a question. It has easy prompts that will guide you.
  • Interactive question validation.
    Note that some questions might be rejected. For example, if your question concerns politics, contains swearwords, or can be interpreted as extremist, the AI will block it. We have a preliminary validation system that will alert you if you need to do some editing.
  • Easy feedback.
    More freedom to the users! We love that you can help us make Marquètte better. Do it by clicking the emoji to express what you think about the quality of the answer.
  • Updated notifications.
    Our AI-powered platform communicates with users via emails, which we recently updated to ensure they serve a broader range of scenarios.
  • Contact Us page.
    We added a separate Contact Us page that contains a form you can fill out and a way to schedule a meeting with a team expert.
  • New video.
    Check out a new video introduction of Marquètte!
  • Buy Credits.
    After your first set of credits expires, you can buy more to keep using Marquètte without the need to re-subscribe.
  • Subscription auto-renewal.
    Using Marquètte is even easier now because you can automate the subscription and it will renew every month. Furthermore, you can disable this feature in a few clicks if needed.
  • Popular Questions.
    More inspiration for Marquètte users! There is now a Popular Questions section showing the most trending question topics.

Marquètte updates

Marquètte Applications as an AI Content Generation Platform

Marquètte is the first SaaS platform developed by Devtorium. Driven by machine learning, it keeps getting better with every use. Moreover, people appreciate the answers it gives, which we can see from Quora, where Marquètte already has hundreds of upvotes and authority as a trusted source of information.

Check out yourself by evaluating a Marquètte-generated answer:

What are the top ten pitfalls in doing business in China?

  • Lack of understanding of the Chinese market: Many foreign companies enter the Chinese market without a clear understanding of the consumer landscape and preferences. As a result, they are unable to tailor their products and services to meet the needs of Chinese consumers, leading to poor sales and ultimately, failure.
  • Lack of local partnerships: In China, it is essential to have local partners who can help you navigate the often-complex business landscape. Without these partnerships, foreign companies are at a significant disadvantage.
  • Poorly executed market entry strategy: Many foreign companies make the mistake of trying to enter the Chinese market without a well-thought-out plan. This often leads to wasted resources and ultimately, failure.
  • Lack of understanding of the Chinese legal system: The Chinese legal system is vastly different from that of the West and many foreign companies are not familiar with it. This lack of understanding can lead to problems such as intellectual property theft and contract disputes.
  • Lack of understanding of the Chinese culture: The Chinese culture is very different from that of the West and many foreign companies are not familiar with it. This lack of understanding can lead to problems such as miscommunication and cultural misunderstandings.
  • Lack of a dedicated China team: Many foreign companies try to enter the Chinese market without setting up a dedicated team to manage their operations there. This often leads to problems such as poor coordination and communication.
  • Over-reliance on expatriates: Many foreign companies entering the Chinese market rely too heavily on expatriates to manage their operations. This often leads to problems such as high turnover and difficulty adapting to the local culture.
  • Inadequate preparation.

Use of Marquètte AI-powered platform on Quora.

Future Plans for the AI-Powered Platform Marquètte

We are all futurists at Devtorium, so we have many ideas for the future of Marquètte. Right now, we are working on enhancements that will diversify the AI content generation and ‘teach’ AI to create texts based on different templates.

The next version of the product will become even more useful for content writers, marketers, and SMBs. You can follow the track of Marquètte’s development and growth through our social media: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram!

Marquètte: How AI Content Writing Software Works

We live in an age when AI content writing software is becoming an everyday tool for businesses and content creators. But like all innovative tech, an AI-powered platform that generates content can be a mystery for the average person.

In this post, we unveil the secrets of AI writing and explain how to use Marquètte, an AI SaaS platform that can be a game-changer for content marketing.

What Does AI Content Writing Software Really Do?

An AI-powered platform that generates content doesn’t write it like a human author. For example, a human working on an article will make an outline, conduct research, write a draft, and edit it. However, artificial intelligence that’s generating an article works like this:

  1. The user enters an inquiry. In the case of Marquètte, it’s a question you want the machine to answer.
  2. The AI searches enormous databases for information about the requested topic.
  3. Then, AI processes selected data and applies NLP technology to generate a text that will answer your question.

In addition, you need to understand that with every step, the AI learns how to be better at creating texts. Already, over 50% of respondents can’t see any difference between content created by humans or AI. Verify it yourself by signing up for a 7-day Free Trial and generating your own texts with Marquètte.

Marquètte AI content writing software interface.

How to Use Marquètte AI-Powered Platform

Generating content using the Marquètte AI SaaS platform is extremely easy. The AI works fast, so you can create several posts within a day, even if you edit some of them. But some AI-generated answers can be published on your blog or social media accounts directly.

The whole process goes like this:

  • Sign up.
    Use the Free Trial to explore the platform for 7 days and test its features. In addition, you don’t need to enter your credit card information for the trial, so everything is 100% risk-free.
  • Take a look at the account Home page.
    If you don’t know what to write about, the Home page is your place of inspiration. There are unique pages for different industries that give you some information about the latest trends. Take any fact that catches your attention and ask the AI for details.
  • Ask your question.
    First, the machine will analyze it to see if it meets the platform’s requirements. Please note that questions construed as illegal or promoting violence will be rejected. You can resubmit your question if it’s blocked. And if you think that there is some mistake, please contact support.
  • Make use of the provided answer.
    Once the AI content writing software does its job, it will provide you with a versatile piece of content. There is a short answer that you can use as a social media post immediately. There is also a long-form answer that goes into detail about the topic. You can use that for a blog post, article, or even as basic research for an essay. Moreover, there’s additional information that explains some of the points mentioned in the main answer. Finally, there are suggested questions that will help you dive deeper into the topic.

AI content writing software Marquètte answer example.

What AI Content Writing Software Can’t Do

Of course, it’s crucial to remember that while AI learns and becomes a bit better with every use, it can’t compare to the human mind. Our creativity and vision are way beyond what machines can achieve. Therefore, there are certain limitations to what AI content writing software can do.

  • It can’t personalize texts.
    For example, if you use an AI-powered platform to enhance content marketing, you’ll have to edit texts and add information about your brand. You might also need to add a few paragraphs to connect general information provided by the AI to your company’s product or service.
  • It might make mistakes.
    No matter how advanced NLP technology has become, AI might not understand the natural language perfectly. That’s why it’s important to use an AI SaaS platform that accounts for such possible issues. For example, Marquètte will return your used credits if the answer is unsatisfactory so that you can ask another question.
  • It can’t create advanced structured pieces of writing.
    AI content writing software has mastered the basic essay structure. It means that it can create texts that have an introduction, body, and conclusion. And that’s perfectly enough for marketing content like blog articles and forum or social media posts. However, at the moment, AI isn’t so advanced that it can create complex pieces of content with a set structure. For example, it can generate a simple narrative essay, but it can’t write an argumentative essay that must have a clear thesis and argument with counter-arguments in separate paragraphs.

Indeed, AI technology is very far from being all-powerful, which is definitely a good thing. However, even as it is now, artificial intelligence can greatly benefit your business.

In Conclusion: Who Can Benefit from Using Marquètte AI SaaS Platform

The number of uses AI content writing software might have if one applies it creatively is sure to surprise you. First of all, Marquètte can become an essential helper for small businesses and marketing agencies. Its ability to generate quality content gives businesses a powerful marketing tool. Basically, they can maintain an interesting blog and fill their social media accounts with fresh relevant posts even without having a professional content writer on staff.

Marketing agencies and content writers can use Marquètte to speed up their work. Higher productivity gives them time to explore new opportunities and focus on professional growth.

Students and just the average person can use Marquètte as a tool to help in their research of new subjects. Playing around with it can be great fun, and the subscription costs only $19.95 a month.

Ecommerce Website Development Tips: How to Make Your Shop Attractive

There are millions of online stores today, which is why eCommerce website development is so hard. Now anyone can make a store using simple and even free platforms. However, attracting buyers to such a run-of-the-mill shop is nearly impossible. The buyers of today are looking for cool designs, fantastic user experience, and features that take online shopping to the next level.

To have a store like that, you’ll need to not only invest in end-to-end eCommerce solution development. You must also understand what makes online shops attractive and use these tools when designing your own.

Choose the Best Ecommerce Website Development Platform 

Unless you are developing an end-to-end eCommerce solution from scratch, you will need to choose an existing platform. The right choice of an eCommerce platform is key to building an attractive store that will bring you money.

In large part, the platform will define store design and overall usability. It will also affect SEO and other types of optimizations you need to attract traffic. In addition, remember that some platforms might have limited opportunities for integrating third-party solutions. Therefore, you must research available plugins and extensions when comparing different options.

First, you should define what you want your eCommerce website to be. Then, find a platform that can realize your designs. Moreover, consider scalability and flexibility. Will you be able to change and grow your store in response to the increasing demand?

Remember that having the website crash during a surge in traffic, for example, due to holiday sales, might ruin your entire business.

Invest in Top-Notch Security

Nothing is as vital as customer security for online businesses. Therefore, you must hire an eCommerce website development company with cybersecurity expertise. The attractiveness of your store will grow if you can prove to consumers that their data and money are 100% safe.

To do this, you need an end-to-end eCommerce solution audited and tested by experts. They will identify all potential weaknesses, so you can cover them and make your business an online fortress.

Moreover, a part of eCommerce platform development should include planning for maintenance and updates. Keeping your store updated on every level will help protect it from rapidly evolving cyber threats.

Have your website protected by specialized software and certified experts. These certificates on your homepage will make people trust your brand. The eCommerce industry is already losing over $20 billion due to fraud. Investing in top-notch security is investing in your future.

Integrate AI in Your ECommerce Website Development

Today, if you choose AI-driven software development, you will undoubtedly get a huge advantage in your niche. Developers can use AI technology to streamline their workflows and increase the quality of some services. For example, QA testing benefits greatly from implementing AI-powered solutions.

Regarding eCommerce website development, artificial intelligence can be used both to speed up the process and enhance user experience. The easiest way to implement AI in an eCommerce business is to add a chatbot to your website. You can use it to improve customer service and reduce the costs of outsourcing a call center.

However, today’s eCommerce platform development allows incorporating multiple chatbots with different functions. For example, you can create an assistant that offers buyers style suggestions. Another idea is to make a helper for choosing sizes. This way, you will enhance the user experience and reduce costs associated with order returns.

Ecommerce website development tips: the importance of UI/UX design.

Focus on Attractive Responsive UI/UX Design

ECommerce website development should always prioritize UI/UX design. The site is your only medium of interaction with consumers. Therefore, your goal must be to make it beautiful and comfortable to use, so people enjoy spending time there. The ease of use and intuitiveness affect sales directly. However, they are also the factors that your eCommerce platform development capabilities can limit.

Therefore, hiring a development company with a team of talented and experienced designers is imperative. These professionals should be able to advise how to provide your customers with a high level of user experience.

In addition, be sure to explore multiple online shops yourself. Note that you should look beyond your competitors. Browse different eCommerce websites and take notes of the features and designs you like most. Then, discuss them with your team to see whether you can implement these ideas for your store. 

It should be an ongoing process when working on an end-to-end eCommerce solution. This way, you’ll be able to update the store regularly to keep up with the UI/UX design trends.

Write Really Good Product Descriptions

Indeed, people don’t spend much time reading on the Internet these days. However, nothing can diminish the value of a good product description. This small piece of content is a tool that can help you motivate visitors to actually make a purchase.

Most importantly, the description gives you room to make your store stand out. You might have a dozen competitors that sell the same or similar products. However, by creating captivating descriptions, you can make people choose your store above others.

But bear in mind that product descriptions need to be not only fun and engaging. Also, they must be highly informative and offer all essential details about your product. Additional interesting facts and tips on how to use the product are also welcome.

In addition, product descriptions are your SEO tool. They must contain relevant keywords to help your Google ranking and attract organic traffic.

As you can see, product descriptions are precious indeed. That’s why you should have them written by a professional. However, even small businesses that can’t afford a full-time content writer have a solution today. You can use an AI content generation platform to help you write exciting texts about your products.

In Conclusion: The Key to Outstanding ECommerce Website Development

ECommerce website development can be challenging because competition in this industry is insane. So creating a store that will provide a great user experience and stand out among competitors is difficult. But it’s not impossible.

All you need is an experienced and creative development team. Of course, the people you hire must be top-grade professionals. But also, they need to be able to understand your vision and offer their own original ideas on how to make your shop outshine everyone else’s.

Looking for a team like that? Contact us and schedule a meeting.

See what we can offer with your own eyes!

How AI Can Be Used in Fraud Detection Software

It’s a well-known fact that the cost of data breaches is going into trillions by now, and fraud detection software can be the thing that saves your specific business from being a part of that dreadful statistic. That alone is sure to be an excellent motivation for investing in this type of cyber security solution.

However, as a company with ample expertise in fraud detection software development, we advise taking your plans a step further. Adding AI technology to these solutions can make a huge difference. Already, AI-powered tools are used at the highest level, including monitoring government fraud in the US. Therefore, businesses that will implement this technology sooner have a higher chance of becoming leaders of their niches tomorrow.

How AI Is Used in Fraud Detection Software

Artificial intelligence has far greater analytical and processing capabilities compared to humans. Of course, it’s not to say that AI is ‘smarter’ than a human. However, it can process large amounts of data much faster.

Implementing these capabilities of AI in fraud detection software development allows businesses to get solutions that can:

  • Detect anomalies.
    AI can effectively identify anomalies caused by fraudulent behaviors. Moreover, it can learn to detect patterns that do not yet exist. It means that AI protections of this kind can adapt to future threats.
  • Predict behaviors.
    Furthermore, AI can analyze current behaviors to predict patterns. Then, a breach of such a pattern will trigger an alert of possible fraud. For example, a change in password or logging in from a different location can be causes for concern. Finally, note that AI-powered fraud detection software will learn and therefore improve with each case.
  • Create fraud scores.
    Analyzing the data from fraudulent cases enables the AI to create scores that it can use to flag, approve, or reject future transactions. In addition, the scores will be updated automatically, so machine learning will continue making the software more accurate.
  • Identify customers fast.
    KYC (know your customer) technology powered by AI makes customer identification both faster and more secure. It’s particularly effective when applied in facial recognition tech due to AI-driven computer vision.

Particular applications of AI in fraud detection software can vary depending on customer requirements. However, as a rule, this technology is used to detect, flag, and investigate inconsistencies and potentially fraudulent actions. Then, the quality of your custom software development team’s skills will determine how well your business responds to these threats.

Remember that this software is also used to reduce false-positive alerts, which helps you save money further.

Benefits of AI in fraud detection software development.

Benefits of Using AI in Fraud Detection Software

Implementing AI technology in fraud monitoring software development does not only increase opportunities of what the solution can do. Depending on how the developers use AI, they can grow your business’s benefits.

  • Faster detection.
    Detecting threats earlier allows you to minimize losses associated with the fraud. Note that AI-powered software also identifies these dangers more efficiently. So, in the end, you are able to save the maximum amount of money. Moreover, you can build a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy business.
  • Increased accuracy.
    Accurate identification of threats does not only help you neutralize them effectively. Most importantly for business, it allows you to avoid complaints and issues caused by false-positive calls. So, your customers won’t get frustrated for their accounts being blocked and reported by mistake.
  • Better prediction.
    Nothing does predictive analytics better than AI today. Therefore, even if you have a team of outstanding analysts working for your company, augmenting their work with AI will improve results. Also, using fraud detection software for this enables you to work faster. It means that your experts can spend more time on high-priority tasks that require human intervention.
  • Cost-efficiency.
    It’s true that custom AI-powered fraud monitoring software development is a significant investment. However, considering the money you can save through fraud prevention, this investment is sure to be worth it. In addition, your business is guaranteed to increase revenue due to offering customers a higher level of protection.
  • Better classification.
    Classifying threats is incredibly important to ensure accuracy and overall efficiency in fighting fraud.
  • Easier scalability.
    Fraud detection software developed by an outstanding team can grow with your business organically. Therefore, you won’t waste time or incur a loss because it can’t keep up with your growing demands.

Bottom Line: Should You Invest in Fraud Monitoring Software Development?

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not only financial businesses that will benefit from using fraud detection software. Of course, businesses that specialize in security need to create such solutions. They often do this by outsourcing such tasks to Devtorium, an ISO-certified company. Also, any enterprise-level business selling paid services to customers can offer this extra level of protection. Finally, government and non-profit organizations that work with personal data require such cyberdefenses.

Simply put, if frauds can get to your customers, it’s your duty to protect them. Therefore, creating a custom solution is an investment that will surely pay off in the long run. To find out what AI-powered fraud detection software can do for your business in particular, contact us today! Our expert team will analyze your business and come up with a plan that will fit any budget.

How AI Content Writing Software Can Benefit Small Business

Any online business that wants to succeed today must attract organic traffic in droves. An essential part of the process that will allow you to do it is posting tons of fresh, exciting content daily. But the services of content writers can be pretty expensive, so a solution was needed. That’s how AI content writing software came to be. This type of AI-powered solution is relatively new, but due to the enormous demand, it’s developing rapidly.

If you run a small business that needs high-quality content regularly, this post will explain whether a content-generating AI SaaS platform is for you.

Who Needs AI Content Writing Software

Any business with a ‘live’ website or just social media accounts can benefit from using an AI-powered platform for content generation. It’s because to stay active on different online platforms, you must post lots of content often. Preferably you should strive for a daily post on social media and at least a weekly blog article. Also, don’t forget things like Facebook ads, email newsletters, and new pages on the site.

Hiring a full-time content writer is well above the budget for any small and even the majority of medium businesses. Another option is to order content at UpWork or a similar platform. However, a 700-word blog article from a decent writer can cost around $70. It’ll be a few hundred from a top-rated professional. Such an investment can be viable sometimes but definitely not something you should add to your regular expenses log.

Despite the costs, the importance of content is growing for online businesses. Moreover, requirements for the quality of those texts are constantly increasing.

AI content writing software was born out of the demand for affordable quality content that can be created fast. This industry is exceptionally well-suited to implementing fast-developing AI technologies. So, the results these solutions can produce today are awe-inspiring. The result of their work might not be able to replace a human content writer completely. However, they can provide small and medium online businesses with a massive part of the raw content material they need.

What AI Content Writing Software Can and Cannot Do

How AI content writing software looks like and works.

Benefits of using an AI SaaS platform for content generation

Saving time and money. These are the most important benefits of using an AI-powered platform for content generation. The most notable thing about it is that it can create an article in a few minutes max. Meanwhile, even a highly experienced and skilled content writer will need at least an hour to research and write a basic blog post of 400+ words.

To see how it works, you can look at our AI content generation platform Marquètte. You log into your account and get to see a homepage that already has some info on recent industry trends. So, even if you don’t know what to write about, you can get some ideas right away.

Then, you ask the engine a question and it provides you with an AI-generated text in a couple of minutes. Of course, the text itself is already fit to use in different types of posts for a blog or social media. But suppose you are aiming for a sizeable informative article. In that case, you can look at the Additional Info section included in the answer to help you ask further questions on the subject.

The whole process shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, you can use your precious work time to focus on other important marketing and business tasks. 

If you wonder about the quality of texts generated by AI content writing software, you’ll be happy to know that over 60% of people can’t even spot the difference between human and AI works. Therefore, AI can be a fantastic help for your content marketing strategy and not only that. And the subscription costs only $19.95 compared to the minimum of $1 per word for a content writer.

Limitations of an AI-powered platform for content writing

For all that a content writing AI SaaS platform is amazing, it cannot completely replace a human expert. For a small business using it for marketing, this means that you will need to hire a content writer from time to time. However, you can only do it for sophisticated tasks, like filling your main website pages with content or creating specialized marketing materials and presentations.

Meanwhile, you can use an AI-powered platform for the majority of your content marketing needs, including:

  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • Emails
  • Forum marketing

However, you’ll need to do some editing on those texts sometimes. But that’s a minor task that doesn’t require you to be a professional writer. For example, you might need to cut some text out of the piece generated by AI to make it small enough for a Facebook post. Or you can break it down into a series of posts.

You might also need to add some paragraphs to tie the AI-generated text to your brand. For instance, you might add specific paragraphs describing your services or products.

Bottom Line: Should You Invest in an AI-Powered Platform for Content Writing?

If you want to enjoy the benefits of content marketing without spending hundreds of dollars on a content writer every month, investing in an AI-powered platform for content generation is worth it. AI-driven software development is evolving rapidly, so the technology that is already impressive is getting better every day.

It means that a small business can get a big boost for a relatively small investment. Also, you will be able to cut down your time on creating content and focus on other things, like SEO or conversion.

Do you want to try it out? Get a free trial of Marquètte now and see for yourself!


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